Why didn't Vaan go for best girl?

Why didn't Vaan go for best girl?

Because Balthier already claimed Fran.

At first, developer want Basch to be MC of the game but they rewrite the story. Vaan and Ashe are supposed to be couple but it's seem developer don't want FF12 to be generic shonen like FF9 so they change Vaan role and only focus on Ash.


Where the FUCK is my waterga. This game is a fucking decade old, just let me cast waterga.

This game should have had a blue mage class so you could have casted all this enemy exclusive bs.

Balthier is gayer than a 30-man gay orgy. Fran is his beard.

post the no way fag version

Because Gabranth killed her.

How... old is she again?

Who did he choose?

>thicc childhood friend
>not best

Try to grow up, please.

well this was unexpected

But he did?



>tfw people hate FFXII because of Vaan and the political plot

i hated 12 because of the slow ass gameplay that didnt get fixed until the zodiac ver came out and even then that was in JP and we didnt get a US version till a while ago
>mad because a FF game is slow
is it turn based or not because i dont mind the battles being turn based
this game though had fucking attacks take priority over spells because the shit had to load
and it fucked me over more than once
everything else was fine
the music
the setting
the girls
it was the dumb bullshit that was at every button press that made me slowly hate the US ps2 version

It was slow but I liked it over the traditional random encouter and fading out things the previous games had.

Ashe is best girl

the random encounters in earlier games worked better imo because of the turnbased (or ATB) which meant that your characters turns will happen on that turn (except in cases of turn altering effects such as haste/slow/stop etc)
ff12 has those spells and effects but slow loading times for the vfx of the spells and even quickenings made combat come to a halt sometimes and since enemies can still attack during those segments it really made my experience unpleasant
it could have just been my disc but it left a sour taste that i dont think will go away until i play the new version

>that one XII doujin about jobs leading to mass NTR