tfw this image made you feel on top of the world and then neo-Nintendo tricked you again
Odyssey Hate Thread
sorry, this image
why is every world so god damn small. and how can they get away with calling Cloud and Ruined "Kingdoms"? they're nothing but one time boss fight stages. WHAT THE HELL
This is a work in progress, but it still shares my sentiments:
1) Things you could do in SM64 and Sunshine that cannot be done in Odyssey:
-long jump to ledge grab (64)
-long jump to wall jump (64)
-get stuck in sand/snow (Both)
-wall jump distance determined by how long A is pressed (Both)
-sliding down hills on your butt or gut (Both)
-can climb from any angle instead of just four (Both)
-only the dive jump crashes you into a wall (Both)
2) Suggestions to improve the game:
-take out the extra hop on the dive
-spin jump and side somersault need to be faster to perform
-bring back fall damage
-falling speed is much too slow
-take out the ability to turn 360 degrees in mid-air
-being able to toggle the Assist Mode fall bubble in Regular would be nice for practicing
--Assist Mode would be better without the Assist Mode stamp on the bottom right, blocking a good portion of the screen
-Cloud and Ruined Kingdom are total let downs and not real Kingdoms, how can they legally get away with such half-assery?
-a "No Hat" option (or hat)
-quick swim should not be a two button process
-quick swim should be spammable instead of having to wait for the animation to complete
-long jump needs to be a bit higher
3) The Good:
-rolling/getting yellow "perfect" rolls for extra speed
-shaking to climb faster
-ground pound from a spin jump gives you a drill attack
-painting warps and flag warps
-snapshot mode
>tfw odyssey is immediately in my top 3 games after over a decade of no game penetrating my top 10
it's my dream game and I cried tears just playing it, I hope you stay miserable. :^) Destroys Sunshine and outdoes SM64 overall.
Odyssey won jack at the awards. It's okay to love it now.
the game was clearly meant to be 3D Land: 3, but then the Wii U died so they had to make the game "bigger"
sure, there's a lot of moons to collect, but the staying power is in the movement and HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, this game is flawed in that department. go ahead, tell me how I'm mean for wanting to have good gameplay and not wanting to walk around solving puzzles.
>but the staying power is in the movement
lmao, stopped reading there.
Also, completely wrong btw.
time for beddy bye, sweetie
>Odyssey hasn't even been out for two months and it's already hated on by contrarian Sup Forums
I also hate that Sunshine is still seen as anything more than a mediocre mess. It's easily the one of the worst major games for sure.
to discourage you from expecting quality from games made past '07 by AAA devs
why else? obviously you don't need to crash into a wall from every jump, but this way it's less fun
t. Galaxy and 3D World die hard
>contrarian Sup Forums
>hates sunshine
wew laddy
>Galaxy and 3D World are bad games in any right
Thanks for proving me right, faggot.
And liking Sunshine IS a contrarian opinion. A lot of people think the game is flawed as hell
Dunkey said it best. If you don't feel some kind of pisitive emotion pouring over you while playing this game, then wipe yourself off, man, cause you are fucking dead and gone for good.
Maybe in the 1999 use of the term, but certainly not now.
>a lot of people
so you need people to confirm your opinions for you? I guess not only are you a "non-contrarian", you're also a faggot. Sunshine is the fastest and tightest controlling 3D platformer ever made.
yeah I like it, but fuck me am I disappointed to hell. once I get 883 (730 now), I guarantee I will never replay the game, like how I haven't touched Galaxy - 3D World again.
idk I thought it was pretty tight
inb4 "calm down"
fucking retard
theres more stuff after you go back to those kingdoms but yeah you're right. cloud kingdom especially they could have gone all out with some crazy stuff instead of just another ice or water level.
>Sunshine controls well do its the best!
Doesn't mean jack shit when everything else is ass like blue coins, plinko, watermelon rolling, blooper surfing, the horrid voice acting, the OP FLUUD, and much more.
It is the only Mario game I didn't 100% complete because the stuff it makes you deal with is bullshit
>theres more stuff after you go back
I realize you're trying to help me out here, but I'm waaaaay past that and well aware. The fact that they don't "open up" once you revisit was one of the most disappointing and confusing let-downs they've ever done.
They made 2 blank levels and called it a finished product. Holy hell. Mind boggling.
Sunshine is pretty great and wound up having speedrun tech nobody thought it ever had. It's not a perfect game, but it's pretty good. I almost wish Isle Delfino had made an appearance in Odyssey. Hopefully sunshine gets a remake and/or shows up again, because they definitely have the ability to make FLUUD 2.0 one of the most technically interesting platforming elements, or at least near Cappy-tier.
Hello Egoraptor. That part actually isn't too hard. Sand bird was more of a pain, really.
>so small
Shut up, the last thing we really needed was open world. The small kingdoms plus Bowser's linear kingdom were the best parts of the game.
>plinko, watermelon rolling, blooper surfing
Literally 3 missions in the entire game, and the third one isn't even bad.
>playing 3D Mario to collect Stars, Shines, Moons
>making the most tired complaint in all of Mario games, "muh blue coooooooooinsssssss!!!!" as if that makes the gameplay complete ass or something
>market a game to be Super Mario 64: 3
>excited most for the Galaxy influenced levels
kys, just fucking leave
Odyssey is probably my favourite 3D Mario.
>What? He doesn't like the totally broken plinko physics!? He must be this one youtuber I don't like!
And thanks for bringing up the sand bird, that was dumb shit too.
And yet they're easily the worst missions in any 3d Mario game. The game would've been greatly improved without them. They're wasn't one Star or Moon in Galaxy or Odyssey I disliked. 64 is close, but only the coin missions are truly bad.
Stars, and yes, even Moons, fight me, are more enjoyable to collect than Blue Coins. Blue Coins scream "we rushed this game like hell".
I loved all of the kingdoms but I would've liked if the smaller kingdoms were a little bigger and Cloud/Ruined kingdom really deserved more
get good you little fuck. what cookie cutter complaints. "waaaah youtube said bloopers and sand bird are hard"
Not him but what makes Odyssey's Levels so different from 64's aside from the fact that that they're bigger and don't block you off from certain Stars for literally no reason?
>YouTube said it so it's automatically untrue!
>using "git gud" unironically
Nice "arguments".
>And yet they're easily the worst missions in any 3d Mario game
The ball rolling missions and manta racing in galaxy weren't fun in the slightest.
Don't get me wrong I like both Galaxy games, but Sunshine is still better IMO.
I haven't played Odyssey but it looks good, a bit overblown with moons literally scattered aimlessly.
I strongly dislike 3D World.
I'm a huge sunshinefag but fuck you man 3DW is the shit
>-long jump to ledge grab (64)
>-long jump to wall jump (64)
>-get stuck in sand/snow (Both)
>-wall jump distance determined by how long A is pressed (Both)
>-sliding down hills on your butt or gut (Both)
>-can climb from any angle instead of just four (Both)
>-only the dive jump crashes you into a wall (Both)
Almost all of these were made obsolete by other movement options or were/would extraneous in odyssey anyways
Sunshine is great, Sup Forums is just autistic, almost every complaint Sup Forums has for them is moot or a non issue
>Longjump and punch/kick being gone isn't a problem because the spin jump and dive both can cover the same distance the long jump can, and fludd replaces punc/kick
>blue coins are optional and 80% of them re easy enough to collect
>not being able to collect shines out of order makes sense since sunshine uses each mission as a story progression system for each level
>the game having a single theme is the entire point and is what gives it it's atmosphere
The only valid issues Sup Forums has with itt is the low quanitity of levels and pachinko/the lillypad/the watermelon mission. The most baffling complaint to me is people insisting it doesn't have much platforming when almost all the levels are many times better then 64 for actually having meaning platforming oppunrities and pathways throughout them rather then just having all the platforming tools and options available only on a single path through the level with everything else basically being filler or padding.
It's like Sup Forums doesn't understand the difference between skill ceilings and skill floors and thinks that just because fludd is there tthat means you have to use itt to trivalize all the platforming and not bother with it, when in reality if you actually try to git gud the levels are far more conducttive to creating your own paths throughout the levels with clever platforming then 64 is by a huge margin, exploit tier bullshit aside.
See above
they're bigger and less linear.
Cap - linear
Lake - too damn small
Wooded - linear
Cloud - not even a level
Lost - linear and tiny
Metro - incredibly tiny
Snow - half linear
Luncheon - linear
Ruined - again, not even a level
Bowser's Kingdom - a preview of Galaxy 3
Dark Side - not even a level, plus linear
Darker Side - stupid
Mushroom, Cascade, Sand and Seaside are best. Metro and Snow could be contenders if they weren't unfinished.
That's wrong though, it's a stain on the mainline 3D Mario series.
It's NSMB homogenization in the same vein as Sticker Star.
I mean it's the best part about it. It's not 64 good but at least it ain't galaxy or the 3d series 8 way run bullshit.
>can't even beat the sandbird WITH FLUDD as a cushion
yeah no, get good you fucking plebeian
I'd play Ball Rolling and Manta Ray over Watermelon Rolling and that FUCKING Poison Lake any day of the week.
And I think 3D World gets a massive amount of unjustified hate because it wasn't a "traditional" 3D Mario game. It's a fantastic game, and it's soundtrack shits all over Odyssey's
>almost every level has a different theme or gimmick
>NSMB homogenization in the same vein as Sticker Star
Poison river is easy as shit pleb.
Almost all of these were made obsolete by other movement options or were/would extraneous in odyssey anyways
Whatever the hell that means. I'm running into movement problems constantly in this game. Also, the getting stuck in snow/sand complaint is just a visual gag, thank goodness they promptly got rid of it for you.
>Longjump and punch/kick being gone isn't a problem because the spin jump and dive both can cover the same distance the long jump can, and fludd replaces punc/kick
I get removing the punch and kick because they're literally useless but removing the long-jump is just retarded, no matter if they're was another move that could match it. Odyssey has the long jump while also having the hat throw into dive.
>>blue coins are optional and 80% of them re easy enough to collect
Being optional doesn't excuse it. Most people aren't playing a 3D game without 100% completing it. The only reason I didn't was because I really didn't want to.
>>not being able to collect shines out of order makes sense since sunshine uses each mission as a story progression system for each level
I partly agree, but there are definitely some shines that could be completed without progression.
>>the game having a single theme is the entire point and is what gives it it's atmosphere
I agree.
>The most baffling complaint to me is people insisting it doesn't have much platforming when almost all the levels are many times better then 64 for actually having meaning platforming opportunities and pathways throughout them rather then just having all the platforming tools and options available only on a single path through the level with everything else basically being filler or padding.
>It's like Sup Forums doesn't understand the difference between skill ceilings and skill floors and thinks that just because fludd is there that means you have to use it to trivalize all the platforming and not bother with it, when in reality if you actually try to git gud the levels are far more conductive to creating your own paths throughout the levels with clever platforming then 64 is by a huge margin, exploit tier bullshit aside.
This can be applied to cappy as hell, if not to a far greater effect.
I did, that doesn't make it fun.
The mission isn't that hard, it's having to tediously bring Yoshi along to unlock it.
My only complaint is the metro kingdom. The trailers hyped it up to basically be the primary/best kingdom but it ends up being much smaller than other kingdoms with much less to do. I expected to roam around a city, not be contained to a tiny block.
What? It's one of the more original Mario games of the past decade. And honestly people shit on NSMB WAY too much.
"muh walljump"
sprites are and always will be better. ask fans of any series, they'll tell ya.
I've never owned any nintendo systems myself, and hate all the retarded fanboyism generated.
but unlike zelda, odyssey genuinely seems like a good game.
still not worth buying the console for just that though.
Yes, exploring the map was incredibly underwhelming
>he expected them to be anything other than 64 tier floating islands
I had fun going around to find buildings to enter and jumping around the level though
Why is size indicative of quality to you? Smaller levels are better, they're more dense.
More space to move around in, dunce. Some people play Mario to run and jump, not collect bullshit.
Wow, exactly this.
How can you type all of that out and think Mushroom Kingdom is one of the best?
There is literally NOTHING on this board I hate more than Sunshinefags. I can smell them from behind my monitor, they stink of pretentiousness, of faggotry. You just know that they think they're doing their due diligence as epic Sup Forumscore "Gaymurs" by picking the obscure Mario title on their least popular system to boost their fragile Nintendobabby egos.
>64? Too ubiquitous!
>Galaxy 1 and 2? It's on the Wii, it's casual!
It's embarrassing the mental gymnastics that these retards go through to justify their edgy opinions, Sunshine is simply the worst 3D Mario.
>B-b-b-ut muh aesthetic, muh comfy!
"No". It looks like a music video directed by McG, the saturation is ugly, the camera is wonky and unresponsive. The level design? Simply abhorrent, repetitive and creatively bankrupt. The blue coins are a tedious fetch quest that have little bearing on the levels. The levels themselves, either too big or too vertical.
>B-b-b-ut muh music
Acapella is for fedora wearing retards and the tropical shit is trite. Galaxy and 3D World are far better in regards to music and if you suggest otherwise, you are being willfully ignorant or are completely aesthetically challenged.
>Whatever man, just like lay off and let me have my opinion
You FUCKING FAGGOTS have gone on too long without being challenged on your like for this piece of shit game. You revel in this title's mediocrity like a badge of honour.
Type what out, that took me less than a minute.
Delicious pasta.
Kys for Bernie though. It's what he'd want you to do
Maybe because it's comfy?
For a shitty bonus world, Mushroom is pretty big. Plus it has all dose boss rematches
t. soyboy cuck
I don't like this image, since it implies it's just 2 categories.
For me, it is more of a transition.
64 being a true 3D game, Sunshine had open worlds but was a lot more mission based with most sprites only being available after selecting.
Galaxy with a more linear world structure to compliment the mission based gameplay, Galaxy 2 which focused more on smaller worlds and a more linear world progression
3D Land: Linear the Game (hell, even the world map is a line)
3D World: Same but better
Odyssey: Linear world progression, main story line in a world is rather linear, after that 100% sandbox free to explore (excluding the moon cubes and NPC's you unlock later)
McFucking Kill Yourself
Wooded and Luncheon are about as "linear" as something like Bomb-omb Battlefield or Whomp's Fortress.
Same structure basically, they both lead you to the top vantage point of the stage, which is on top of a fortress or mountain or something, there's a lot of side objectives to do along the way