Are they really the trinity of cancerous fanbases?
Are they really the trinity of cancerous fanbases?
Put undertale in there somewhere and I'll agree
How the fuck is this true when it precludes two of those fanbases as well as having nothing to do with anime
Put undertale and kingdom hearts in for being tumblr infested
Replace Love Live with Blizzard
this and Rick and Morty
Sonic is the only one I think is justified. I barely ever see Idolshit, SU has not been around that long, and only Meleefags are that autistic.
Pokemon and Kingdom Hearts are much more deserving.
Blizzdrones are fucking cancer. Love Live fans aren’t nearly as bad
Rick and Morty
I think the bottom left is supposed to just be moe anime in general
Smash, Sonic, and FNAF would be the most recognizable cancer fanbases.
Television wise, SU ties with Rick and Morty.
Also, why do people like Steven Universe that much anyway? The characters are one dimensional, scene structure is horrid, 80% of the episodes are filler with Tumblr humor, and the pacing of the plot is agonizingly slow.
I dare say it's worse than Teen Titans Go since TTG is at least self aware that it's shit.
I don't see Love Live much anymore. Not sure why it would make that list even in its prime. Only place I can think of that it is inordinately spammed is the Siivagunner shit on jewtube.
remove SU and the idols, add mobas and reddit and memey
i think it would work better to change the smash pic to melee as well
Bottom left is just supposed to be weebs in general.
What happened to horses
>At the center of the cancer
>But MLP nowhere in sight.
A fandom can only be cancerous if it doesn't shut up and shows up unprompted.
You're probably a redditard who saw the whole your-name-the-hedgehog thing and tought that meant cancer, despite being just a bunch of kids doing their own thing in the middle of nowhere.
Then why is it not an image of smug anime girls?
The person who made the image had an abysmal power level.
Anonymous, I don't think you understand what trinity means
The MLP fandom is dead.
As a Sonicfag, the Sonic fandom is really cancer. It's been around for much longer, and hasn't died out like Bronies have. MLP only got really bad during the early years. Sonic will always have the worst fandom.
>SU has not been around that long
You should do a quick google search. Also gemfaggotry is the strongest in that whole picture. The fuckers will attack each other for barely any reason, and then go and shit up other Sup Forums related stuff.
>TFW LoveLive and SU fanbases were calm before the storm of 2013
Was a calm and collected fanbase, it was all about the future. The future happened to be SiivaJewner and Twitter arthog cancer.
Steven Universe fanbase was good for a few months.
This guy is right. Sonic fans may be laughable, but they're harmless. When's the last time sonic fans came and trolled the shit out a thread unrelated to their interest? Now, what fanbases do this? Playstation fans do it like crazy. Switch fans occasionally. Horsefuckers don't do it so often any more but holy shit they were bad. I want to say rick and morty fans, but I'm sure all the shitposting is done by people who have watched like two episodes of the show. Trump fans are pretty cancerous right now but it's starting to die down.
the porn on the other hoof...
SU can't shit up Sup Forums because they're mods are retarded and banned their general.
And SU has not been around for 26 years. It's got a horrid fanbase for sure but it's not deserving of the Unholy Trinity.
Nintendo fans as a whole are just awful.
I think we all know the true worst fanbase is [fanbase of thing you like]
dumb masresdefaultposter
I'm curious here. I have yet to see explained what makes Sonic cancer, and since you're a sonicfag, you could elaborate. You only said how old it is so far.
This is my take as someone who goes on sonic Sup Forums threads - Most of Sonic's true cancer is just a bunch of kids doing their shit far far away, no different that Minecraft or Five Nights at Freddies. And yet, people don't look at those two communities beyond that, just kids doing shit that doesn't matter.
Shit, even the absolute most cancerous part of sonic, the furrybait comic, is now dead.
I hear there's some legit infighting shit among some hack communities, and gaming in general as well (Classic, Modern and Boostfags are terms), but, beyond shitting on the latest game (which non Sonicfags do anyways) and jokes like Blue Arms way too far (which non Sonicfags do as well) they're just chill.
I could go on a similar essay about speedrunning and fighting game communities. I see people give both too much shit and they never explain what's their
Who are those sluts on the left?
My wives, so you better watch your tone mister!
Why isn't Sup Forums in the middle?
why does people enjoying stuff bother you?
the first reply should have been telling you to fuck off or lurk more, you little misfit
I'd replace Smashfags with pokefags.
The Sonic fanbase is just super toxic, if you don't like one gameplay style, you're a shill of the opposing gameplay style. Sonicfags hang around a series that hasn't been truly good since SA2, and even that's debatable. They have no sense of fact and opinion. Sonic attracts literal autists, I mean do I really need to mention Chris-chan? There's the furries too.
The sonic fandom is the embodiment of a bad fandom, it checks every mark, elitist fans, shippers, canon debaters, shitty drawfags, and much more.
The fact that I'm actually having to try and explain to you why my fanbase is so bad like an elitist asshole should be evidence enough.
I've seen every one of your wive's slut it up with big fat gross old men!
Came here to post this. UTfags are pony tier.
Love Live
Honestly from watching the show once they’re pure as fuck. cute and bubbly show, good for fun and simple encouragement when you’re in a bad mood. like OP pic says stay away from the fan base, they’re modern Sonicfags. Like they literally have CWC-tier faggots and “modern vs adventure vs classic” types too.
Why is Sailor Moon there?
lmao IDK and that faggot put Gumball in too. Not sure if Bubsy has fans
Sup Forums already forgor what cancer looks like
It's just a bunch of furry loving autists that can't go two seconds without fighting each other over the most stupid shit. The only thing Sonic fans hate more than anything is other Sonic fans because they know the moment it gets brought up they're in for an 8 hour argument about how their opinion is objectively correct.
hi butthurt cancer, which terrible fanbase are you a part of?
Wait, which one's Gumball? The blue cat in the middle or Genericart McPotatohead on the right.
Fuck off, not only the general is banned every time the show isn't airing and the board is constantly filled with threads about how SU is the worst thing ever. Say what you want about the tumblr fanbase or whatever but to suggest people are even allowed to claim enjoyment of the show on Sup Forums is preposterous. It'd be like saying that Sup Forums doesn't constantly shitpost about BotW
its been ten years dude, there are no lucky star fans anymore
>Rick and Morty
>Undertale/ Homestuck
and minor mentions go to
>Kingdom Hearts
>Five Nights At Freddys
how new r u
Twitch viewers
Those are the 3 most cancerous fanbases
there is no holy trinity its far more vast than that. soulsfags, meleefags pcbros. off the top of my head. probably many more that are equally cancerous.
What about Minecraft?
nice save, this too
The Sonic fanbase is like the tamest of all of the cancerous fanbases these days. It's like entry level internet culture tier now.
Where's Overwatch?
tr4sh remains at the top
Overwatch replaces anime girls since there's nothing autistic about qts and waifus
Trade Sonic and the to bottom right and then the center is speedrunning.
I remember just a week ago i was in a thread with people swearing up and down that Platinum was never ever going to work with Nintendo again
Did someone say Lucky Star?!
Replace everything with more moeshit. Moefags are ruining everything. Both anime and games. Fuck you moefags
>Fuck off, not only the general is banned every time the show isn't airing
For a good reason.
Fate is also terrible
Kancolle thankfully is finally dead
I know, generals are crap. Just saying, SU fans have no power in Sup Forums
if you kill all of f/go fans, fate fanbase isn't that bad
>Timotei micspam
Replace bottom left with FOTM. No matter what it is autism seeps from it.
If you kill the f/go fans, the fate fanbase is pretty much gone
>Rick and Morty
There, that's your definitive triforce.
Souls fanbase is worse than any of them IMO
That's because ponies are hot.
>try to show my friends one piece treasure cruise
>they pass
>they all pick up fgo
>half of them didnt even care about the series
>friends try to get me to play
>have 300 days in other game and not about to pick up 2nd gacha
>Saturday night hangouts are now 50% them talking about fgo
I dont see Souls fans sperging out at conventions, scaring children and parents alike in Walmart or McDonalds, making the cringiest youtube videos, or harassing fanartists to the verge of attempted suicide.
That is just Sup Forums
Put a transparent image of kojima as the background to this picture. Sup Forums seriously made me hate kojima over the years.
Remember when MGSV came out and if you didn't like Metal Gear Sup Forums was useless for like three weeks because there were 40+ kojima threads at once around the clock? People are still making fucking threads about that joosten bitch. And now we have to deal with regular threads about nothing but pictures of kojima somewhere in the world doing something, threads about his tweets, threads about what kojima had for lunch, etc. Now theres going to be a ton of thread about Death Stranding which looks to be one of the most pretentious AAA games I have ever seen, but faggots will eat it up because it's Kojima.
The sonic fanbase isn't very invasive. It's mostly autists jerking off in their deviantart bubbles, or retarded arguments about classic vs. modern contained to Sonic threads. Sure it has produced lots of autistic shit but if you don't go looking for it you won't see it. At least in 2017.
The same can't be said about ponyfags, SUfags, barafags, moefags, jojofags and other groups that try to shove their shit in everyone's faces.
Sonic fanbase is fine. They are autistic, but they keep to themselves and can take a joke. Steven Universe is cancerous because they harass people, animeshit of the month is cancerous because they harass people and are completely ignorant to everything that hasn't been covered in anime, and the worst video game fanbase is Overwatch because they're all shills that spread out through every outlet and shit on other games.
I don't even see those much these days. They were absolutely everywhere back in 2011 and 2012, but now they've basically disappeared these days.
Most of them realized it was a shitty fad or grew out of they're bad sexual taste in fictional characters.
Ps fanboys as a whole
One of those is a tv show, one I've never heard of, one of them is dead and the other is a legitimately good franchise with an eager fan base.
Also, that's four franchises so it can't be a trinity
to those of you who aren't refugees from reddit
if you didn't make such a big stink about cartoon horses 7 years ago just to satisfy the furfag hate meme the show wouldn't go beyond one season
>2010 7 years ago
>That was the year that I started going on Sup Forums
I don't actually remember much from back then though. I think I remember being here for PUDDI PUDDI, but that's about all I remember.
List of most cancerous canvases:
Fire Emblem
Dark Souls
Every fighting game ever made
2010 was 7 years ago*
Sonic fanbase has like multiple aspie aspects though. There's the furfags/OC fags, and then there's the people that are hardcore fans of the dogshit games in the series.
I fucking love Genesis Sonic, but there's no denying that a noteworthy portion of the fanbase is just full on horrid. Granted, Mania's amazing sales seem to show that a good chunk of the fanbase seems to have some taste.
Also I'd argue the Zelda fanbase is highly cancerous and usually slept on. So many morons act like OoT is the top 3 best games ever made when it's a step backwards in multiple areas compared to LttP. A LOT of them also like to pretend that Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, and Skyward Sword are three 10.10 games when they're two good but flawed games and one bad one.
Nintendo fans in general seem to be smug, but Zelda fans truly take that shit to the next level. I remember some guy on here saying that there aren't many Zelda clone games because Zelda games are just too complex and master crafted to be replicated. Delusion like that is something special.
Mario fans are generally pretty cool outside of Mario Kart fans getting pissy when someone likes a different kart series more and Metroid fans did nothing wrong.
I think op means Nintendo fags.
Clearly because he is a Sonyqueer
>tfw I've been here since 2008
>first started going to Sup Forums in 2009
>the earliest memory I have is japan time and the reveal of Duke Nukem Forever, where Sup Forums fucking blew up
>Duke Nukem Forever
Even with my shitty memory, I still remember how the whole Internet used to joke about how DNF was vaporware that was never going to come out. I don't actually remember Sup Forums's reaction to DNF, though. All I really remember from 2011-ish is Ace of Spades, Synchtube and Human Revolution.
Wheres Megaman
>No Megaman
>No metroid
Sonic. Megaman. Metroid are worst fanbase. Followed by MGS and devout Sony fanboys.
But furfags deserve to be hated.