She will never be real

>she will never be real
Why even live, bros?


Wrong girl

>ywn torture and beat Junko to death, while she gets more and more pleasure, the more brutal you are
why even fucking live?


>ywn hang out with Kaede
why live

>ywn be Junko's soul mate and enjoy bringing despair and chaos to the world together
Just end it all, senpai.

fucking loser

junko was shit
the only good part of her was her body

>ywn wake up to her next to your bed with a luchador mask on ready to murder you
What's the point of being alive?

why would you want her to be? she would probably kill you and your family

>implying that's not what we want

she has a nice sister

>the mage loli and the thigh assassin were the girls who survived V3
>their color schemes are red and black
What did Kodaka mean by this


>Komaeda will never make an appearance after Hopes Peak arc because of cancer

With his luck, he'll live a long life.
Though it doesn't matter because Hope's Peak is FICTIONAL.

Live to spread despair of course!

Go away Lieman, you were worse than Hopeman.

I want to impregnate Mugi-chan cosplaying as Junko-chan!

he was better because he didn't do everything out of a false sense of self-righteousness

>false sense
sub 80 IQ detected

Yeah, instead, he did it because he wanted to beat the mastermind and not rely on others because he distrusted every one of them even though he hate the killing game.
What a prideful little shit.

>liking despair