dont pretend you dont play this
new map is LIVE right now
lets GO
dont pretend you dont play this
new map is LIVE right now
lets GO
No thanks
I don't like kids or chinamen so I don't play it.
I don't even know what this shit is
Looks like yet another standard unfinished shooter meme game like the rest of them
I'm busy playing the GOTY BotW
so nope
Most of Sup Forums can only play games on the systems their parents buy for them, and most of Sup Forums doesn't have parents who will buy them a high end PC.
I thought it was only on the test client. Do we have a date for it being on live?
People actually play PUBG unironically?
PUBG would be a good fucking game, but holy mother of god is the movement SO FUCKING ASS. I just have to get this off my chest because PUBG apologists like my friends don't believe me.
The first person mode on PUBG is the best mode and should be the only mode. The third person mode basically has you not play the fucking game. You just abuse the third person camera to look around corners and not play the game. It's gay as hell.
The First Person mode is the best mode, but despite this, the first person mode is still just the third person mode but with the camera locked to the world models head.
You move WAY TOO FUCKING FAST in first person mode and it takes WAY TOO FUCKING LONG to "accelerate" to full speed. This is so fucking annoying and makes your character slidey and unresponsive. Just try to turn a quick 180 in First Person and you'll notice your character loses all momentum and stops in their tracks. You have no control over your character. The jump is floaty as well and to do anything with it, you need to have momentum but it's unsatisfying. You have no control over your character in the air. No other good first person shooter has problems like this. Counter Strike even operates with a similar "accelerate and decelerate" kind of thing, but in that game it doesn't take 9 years to ramp up to speed and you don't slide 9 meters when you want to stop.
PUBG is made on the Unreal Engine, but controls like ass and plays shittier than Rust, a game literally made on the same engine as "Soda Drinker Pro" and the Donald Trump game. Unfortunately however, PUBG Corp doesn't see ANY of this as a fucking problem and doesn't fucking give a shit if the movement in their game is slidey, unresponsive and generally unsatisfying and fucking frustrating for a competitive game. Sorry for my blog.
oh shut the fuck up, movement is 100 percent fine. This is the most nit picky rant I've ever seen
Didn't realize there's was one
Will play it later
I do not play this
Go into the fucking game and start sprinting, then quickly turn 180 degrees and notice how you literally stop in place before accelerating again. Then tell me it's "100 percent fine" for a first person game to operate this way.
>B-But it's not a first person game!! I-It's a third person game!!!
Then why is there a fucking first person mode?
>I-It's just supposed to be a side mode!!
Then why is there leaderboards for it? Why is it in the game at all? It wouldn't be hard for them to adjust the movement mechanics of the game to be more in line with a first person mode, but they won't because EL OH EL EFFORT. THE CHINKS DONT COMPLAIN.
>still haven't purchased, played, or watched an eceleb play PUBG
who else here /notunderageorchinese/
im loving it
Most of Sup Forums is scared of competition or interacting with anyone online for that matter.
>actually good fps and performance
>i'm looking for acceptance on a cambodgian fury imageboard
Game requires an expensive rig most parents won't buy their kids. You're underage if you aren't playing.
I got to play one match before the servers went down for maintenance.
no, not him but the movement is fucking awful and is the most clunky movement ive ever felt.
>"Game of the decade"
>Wins absolutely fucking nothing
but the movement is fucking awful so you're wrong and probably also bad
Nah dude, busy playing the real GOTY, Breath of the Wild
fuck off with your normie shit, i'm currently replaying Halo CE
You just described realistic movement.
enjoy your lagfest
>loot for 1 hour
wow so much fun...
sounds like your pc
im having 0 issues and much better performace
If you're a fat amerimutt, then probably yes
>can't play the game that doesn't play itself
literally the state of Sup Forums
Im running a sollid stable 122 on ultra on the latest test server, have heard it sometimes drops when it goes out to live tho
>Go into the fucking game and start sprinting, then quickly turn 180 degrees and notice how you literally stop in place before accelerating again. Then tell me it's "100 percent fine" for a first person game to operate this way.
Are you fucking retarded? try this in real life and see how it works
Go outside, sprint in a straight line then turn 180 degrees and see how quicky you can change your momentum.
If the new map is livr, then it seems like I'm being cucked by a shitty game this weekend.
>tfw pleb gf
This game is fucking cancer. I'd rather play EFT and that is just as much a piece of shit.
The movement and controls are shit. Just attempting to aim at someone doesn't feel smooth at all and running through rooms trying to loot feels a little awkward. It's gotten better recently, but it still needs a lot of work.
>Le "PC gaming is for adults" meme
Have you not played, I dunno, any online game ever? I'd argue the majority of Steam's clientele is teenage memelords, PUBG probably moreso than anything else, because of all the E-Celebs playing it.
Feels good man. In fact, I played tales of maj'eyal all night. I love roguelikes, but god damn am I bad at them. What class/race should I do for my next run?
In your country people can go from standing still to running top speed instantly? In your country people can move around while in the air? In your country you can somehow defy the laws of physics and maintain your velocity when turning around?
It's a videogame you retard. In your country people can heal multiple gunshot wounds in 10 seconds? In your country people can run without ever getting tired? In your country people can jump from third floor without getting hurt? In your country drinking a red bull heals you slowly?
>playing shitty multiplayer FPS
Did they make the game run better with the latest patch(s)? Months ago I'd get 75+fps on average but get dips into the 40's randomly depending on location.
Yeah, no.
Pic related v10 is really close, new animation sistem, more realistic combat aproach and tons of smoke.
I dont give a shit about that casual arcade cod: all vs all.
You forgot: In your country you can drink an energy drink faster than swallowing pills?
is it live on main servers or only test servers?
Test only, live servers got delayed from the 12th to the 20th.
Squad, CoD, and PUBG are all entirely different games. PUBG has more in common with GTA online, hide and seek IRL, and Resident Evil 1 than any CoD.
Update is 11 niggabytes so I'm still downloading with my ass internet. Hope the new shit is good, I was impressed with the optimization of the latest test servers, but still needs some work. Especially on the netcode which was still just as shit as ever.
Where does RE1 come in?
>Soyboy singleplayer
No thanks. Unless devs start improving on AI I'm not interested.
Dan best lad if i must acquiesce.
Inventory management, scavenging for weapons, ammo, and health items, limited resources, manual use healing items are only HP regain, etc.
Indeed he did, but do you really think realism is required in this case? It could have been a bit tweaked so feeling would be better, therefore more fun game.
I don't play it i don't have the patience to get good at battle royale 3 minutes matchmaking and dying 2 mins in is not how I would rather spend my time and it makes improving with gameplay a hassle which explains the huge amount of viewers this game gets a day.
> shooter meme game
I don't even know what this shit is
Looks like yet another standard unfinished internet meme concept like the rest of them
Too busy playing the new Zelda DLC. Fuck your deserted map.
The paid DLC which just recycles more ingame assets? It looks like the kind of thing that should have been in there from the get go to make the world slightly less empty looking.
Are you me?
Kek but seriously i hate using guides and watching constant footage to get better if improving is not organic it sucks to me and you have no chance to build muscle memory for firefights for example. You may not like the harsh penalty for dying for the same reasons I do.
>playing the Chinese job simulator
Without the steam trading this game wouldn't even have 1k player. It's literally just a money maker for Chinese farmer
How are they making money off 3-10c items? Takes too long even when botting to get more than three crates a week, and there aren't any key selling sites listing the game for under $20, so that's a fuckload of crates needed to break even to start.
So I told Bluehole to optimize their game
They actually did it the absolute madmen
On the new map only, or old one too?
The old one can't be played in this test server. However, I was also seeing better framerates in even the last test server, but only after a full reinstall of the test server.
>implying FPS shooters are the only multiplayer games
I hear ya
>i need to git gud
>wait in lobby for 1 minute
>fly in plane and drop for 30 seconds
>chad drop at school or something
>die within 10 seconds because no weapons
>click exit and repeat
2 minutes wasted with zero accomplishment.
If you don't chad drop you will still find no equipment, walk/drive around endlessly and get sniped from somewhere.
Again, zero accomplishment.
No thank you.
What gpu do you have?
Is it time for me to join the pubgbulls?
is anyone else having a hard time seeing team nameplates during close quarters combat
GTX 970
i5 4570
You have to turn post-processing off though, that still rapes performance. I'm talking like a 15 FPS drop on low and 30 FPS drop on ultra.
Anyone playing PUBG should have all shit besides textures set to low anyways.
Ahh thanks I'm stuck on a gtx 670. Guess I'll give ti another month
Normally, but I do like some stuff on anyway. The good news is that the game can actually be tweaked to run well. In the past when I'd set everything to lowest, there were still times it ran like ass. When I disable v-sync to see what my FPS would be, lowest settings are giving me like 140 FPS or so, which is plenty of buffer for anything.
It's worth a shot with that, it might run alright now. The game always kinda looks shitty no matter what setting anyway so don't feel bad if you have to go lowest.
While you do have a point, I think you are taking it too seriously. In this game you're meant to throw caution to the wind. In my experience, I have generally done better when I do that (not in surviving to be last, but in surviving and getting kills), and have had a better time this way. My first win was in duo with a friend and we had 14 / 10 kills, we always dropped in busy areas like school and made out best that way. Never used guides, just learned on our own and enjoyed the thrill.
Look at all those Unreal store assets for $30 each
>they still haven't blocked Chinese from entering U.S. Servers
This game is dead.
Also the new map makes me sick for some reason.
It's been an hour since playing it and I still feel sick.
Good map design though
Fuck off chinko
>United States 33%
>China 28%
this is an absolute lie
china is more like 60%
It's hard to find Americans
PUBG legit deserved GOTY instead of that tranny game
How did you fuck up reading the graph that bad? China's at 33 percent, Americans are at 14 percent of players. Adding Korea bumps it almost up to 40 percent.
>It's been an hour since playing it and I still feel sick.
Maybe because you were hiding the whole game, cause you're a big pussy, only killing 2 people
There's no way in hell its only 33%
Chinese outnumber american players almost 7 to 1
Chinese players are on much more often and spend much more time in the game, so you'll obviously see them more.
2 kills win? U deserve to die, little prick
ill wait for drdisrespect to play it with shroud and probably point out all the flaws within the first game
>one element is unrealistic therefor another element being realistic is bad
Strange way of arguing you have desu lad
Are you on your period?
Never played it and never will. I looked it up on twitch and I can't understand how people can keep playing this shit. It's boring, it's buggy, it's way too random and it forces you to play like a faggot to win.
I think realism is important in this case because it aids the immersive survival aspect of the game.
Are they? Either way, it's nice to see some different scenery finally. I don't think many assets in this map are also in the last map.
It doesn't matter what you think I deserve. I won.
>Caring about SJWs awards
they added a killcam
how many hackers are they going to find?
Ok, lets everyone do the same.
Have fun.
>drop in quiet spot with guaranteed weapons because you're not an idiot and figured out the right spots after a handful of games
>finish top10 every single time
i don't play this
t. trashcans
1 kill win is the only way to play this game