Way to kill a franchise guys.
Way to fucking go.
I know lets make a METRO as in underground game OPEN WORLD ACTION GAME with underground "elements".
Way to kill a franchise guys
So....stalker with snow? I'm ok with this
I'm not particularly interested in this game, but it's not open world. It's bigger levels but still linear.
Anyways, Metro should have been done with Last Light. They should have went with the sci-fi space shooter they were teasing.
no idea what you're crying about, im hype as fuck
Good. They're already better than From Soft
>BLUE [ R E D ]
>implying it will have the depth of stalker
Maybe not open world but above ground elements prevail at least from the things we know now.
The surface was the scariest place in METRO and now its like a everyday activity for our hero,he just goes and searches for other survivors.
Thats fucking stupid
no its not
Even though Metro 2035 book didnt have great reception the game looks like its something completely different.
Why the fuck would anyone do that.
What fucking depth. It's a big world and anything that you shoot or shoots at you dies instantly, just like ranger mode metro.
Last Light was already shit, what are you whining about? Even the book was awful because it decided not to focus on Artyom, but instead on a bunch of boring shits.
>What fucking depth.
The fucking RPG elements for one.
we've seen all there is to see from the tunnels (they are camped, they have tracks, there are skeletons; thats it)
if they did even more tunnels people would accuse them of rehashing, having no original idea's, having bad level design, and lazyness
besides, maybe this means metro can become the new STALKER
>we've seen all there is to see from the tunnels
There was speculation for undiscovered tunels that were blocked off from the start.
How about excursion in those?
>besides, maybe this means metro can become the new STALKER
We can only hope but this game will not be it.
If they sell well maybe there is some hope for it in the future.
>There was speculation for undiscovered tunels that were blocked off from the start.
>How about excursion in those?
You mean the tunnels they go into? The military tunnels in the game and the snake-worshipping cannibals in the book?
>make game on surface, wah wah it's called "metro"
>make game in metro, wah wah it's the same game again
Can't win
>previous games constantly hyping up all of the mysteries of the surface
>finally get to go there
Not every tunnel was discovered though.
They could have worked in the same underground setting with new gameplay improvements but no lets have the same gameplay but on the surface.
But they found THE secret metro, which was for the military and government and they also found the closed tunnels with the cultists in them. Those were specifically the secret, hidden tunnels people talked about.
>implying it will have the depth of stalker
Who says it won't? A4 is a bunch of GSC devs who fled after the mafia went after their STALKER money. So literally the same people.
Yes "THE" secret meto line,but there are blocked off tunnels for other various reasons that deserve a visit.
Grow up.
>They should have went with the sci-fi space shooter they were teasing.
They're making that, it's a shitty VR game.
It's not open world. It's sandbox levels, which is good. Enough to explore, but linear and you can progress quickly. No bullshit fetch quests. Sandbox levels are really good for majority of games they're in.
Plus, they said half the game is still scripted linear sequence that we know.
But no there aren't.
Nothing at the trailer hinted at that.
This will be pure action game with gameplay like the first two.
There aren't though?
Yeah, I don't care about VR. I want a single player space game with no VR bullshit other than an optional mode.
but in the end they ARE still just tunnels, this is the problem
being set in the metro exclusively limits you so hard from a level and art design standpoint, you HAVE to make everything into a tunnel, and you HAVE to have the tunnels make sense for trains to go through; ergo you end up with long corridors with no verticality
Ok, but it was announced as a VR game from the start.
It's easier to sell franchises than new IPs, especially for smaller studios. Metro is gaining traction fast and if this game is a hit, it will allow them to branch out a bit more.
Yes there are,books specifically mention lines that were blocked off because fraction wars,monsters or other things showing up.
I fucking called this shit from the start. What fucking retard would think this is a good idea?
That train battle XDDD SO EPIC
fucking kill me
It's a trailer presented to a big spectacle awards audience, so it'll obviously play up the action. The first Metro played up the rail tank sequence, and even CS played up the faction shootouts. Slow and quiet was already shown in the reveal trailer.
Then why were Half Life 1/2 so great? Why is dark souls so critically acclaimed? go back to playing your starwars battlefront EA 2 now.
Honestly, I fucking hate how most games feel the need to go open world these days, but Metro was way too fucking linear and restrictive for the most part. I love both of them, but mostly just for the atmosphere, which hopefully they can replicate in this larger game world.
They had material to work with,yes they are just tunnels for you and me.
There are writers that could have made something tie up to the universe but no we get this adventure game.
Not open world, but open hub areas, something that STALKER already did.
It wasn't announced as anything from the start. They just said they were thinking about making a space game and then they revealed it was VR shit.
>it will allow them to branch out a bit more
Yeah, into Metro 4: Now an actual open world game. Fuck that. Do something new.
>Why is dark souls so critically acclaimed?
Forza Motorsport and CoD get raving reviews every time too
They could have made the Metro entirely explorable and let you wander in that underground sandbox. It would have worked great, but it would have been too complicated, so here we are, in the open, in a fucking Metro game.
Good, two games in the tunnels was enough and its only following the progression of the final book. There is way more focus on the surface and outside world than there is on the metro after artyom learns the rest of the world is still alive and the shadow government that runs the metro is deliberately blocking communication to keep the people subdued and in control
...............That's the secret metro with the snake people.
Thats so fucking stupid holy shit
> let you wander in that underground sandbox
Fucking this
>half the second book is just Homér going somewhere and then back because Hunter dun goofd
>the second half is Sasha lusting for Hunter's dick
Last Light is Citizen Kane compared to 34.
There's a difference between paid reviewers and reviewers who are genuine and plus Dark Souls wasn't even popular until the second installment.
Yeah the second book really was unmitigated ass
Did you just say
>reviewers for my game are real ones and not fake ones
Wtf mate
>i prefer to play the same shit over and over again
Fuck off.
Stop being a bitch. The game will be great just like metro 2033 and last light