Will it be a new Shadow Tower or a new Bloodborne? Will it be Souls like or a Horror game?


Other urls found in this thread: Hunter Yamamura

Its gonna be a soulsborne but I doubt it'll be bloodborne.

Tenchu as other threads have said.

could also be a horror game you know from has done many horror games before Souls or AC. But it does look like a weapon/trick weapon.

Epic new hardcore game for hardcore gamers woah no pausing woah epic flips and somersaults woah epic dark themes...creepy...horror.....epic goty soulsborne,bloodborne,epicborne,woah.....gothic gaming experience...............................

...spooky Tenchu.

>From shows a new trailer
>Braindeads immediately think its another souls-like game

Shadows Die Twice is obviously just a subtitle

Its Armored Core.

i think its a new IP, there really is no reason for them to not drop the name yet, unless Shadows Die Twice is it


Sup Forums loved Dark Souls until it became popular. There's literally nothing that deserves to die more than a contrarian.

could be anything even an entire new IP.

Don't forget the token waifu.

>the only image we see in the teaser trailer is a bloody quicksand glass thing

possibly a new prince of persia, sands of time?

I think it's Shadow Tower

>New game from the studio that has focused on Souls style game for years
>The trailer looks nothing like AC
Its a safe bet its going to be a Souls like game, faggot.

SHADOW TOWER (with souls combat)


looks more like a bloody torch or some shit.

Is tenchu..listen to the beginning again, that samurai esque Japanese sound gives it away

Im game.

Its a machine dumb dumb.
Armored CORE

>From shows new game
>trailer with nothing
reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee even BB teaser trailer had more.

There's nothing stopping Bloodborne 2 being in an eastern setting.

That's a trick weapon. Screencap this.

>mechfags still going after btfo

Visually I'd say the *thing* is compatible with Bloodborne but the parchment in the background and the music not so much. Unless it's a different setting I don't think this is BB 2.

One can dream user, one can dream....

Why are so many people saying this? From didn't even make Tenchu, they made the PSP ports of some of the Tenchu games and then published most of the others in Japan.

Its real

>muh tenchu
its not tenchu you fucking retarded mongoloids. since when did tenchu have creepy bone tools?!
>muh caligraphy its muh tenchu
its not even jap moonrunes could be anything fucking kys yourselves nuh fans.

so i read all the replies in this topic. NO ONE knows what its going to be. guess i'll avoid these topics until something actually concrete info is released

Bloodborne in Meiji period Japan.

Won't be as comfy, but still good.

>eastern setting

Shadow Tower is first person
FROM software wants to make a VR game confirmed

>someone weapon
>work bench maybe you can build your own weapons this time?
>file sticking in the table

What are the moonsrunes?




KINGS FIELD V: Shadows Die Twice

People who say tenchu are delusional

no one remembers tenchu

One can only hope.
I can accept anything spooky 2bh.

>not mecha
Shit indeed.

They made the 360 game since they own the ip now.

It's Bloodborne 2 and it will have an Eastern setting. They've already toyed with the idea via Yamamura in the DLC, and there's a fuckton of Bloodborne merch already coming out. Both The Evil Within and Wolfenstein got Titan comics before their sequels were released, just as Bloodborne is getting a Titan comic now. Hunter Yamamura

>Driven to madness by the revelations of Impurity from his Oath, Eastern warrior Yamamura slowly wastes away in a cell, staining the walls with his blood

It's a Shadow Tower game for sure. Can we hope for more information this weekend at PSX?

could be echo night but it looks more like Bloodborne related stuff.

I'm actually leaning on this being a direct Bloodborne sequel but set in an eastern land. It definitely has that vibe about it, and the font used is even very much the same as Bloodborne's lower case font used.

>Will it be a new Shadow Tower
God I fucking hope not.

>hurr durr it's not Bloodborne
All dumb contrarians must go.

whatever it is it'll probably be a fucking Sony exclusive

why shadow tower is fucking great.

It's like 250 bucks, just fucking get one.


fuck that shit, i wanna play games from the comfort of my PC.
>May 26, 2015

Was this guy psychic or something?

If this is the Sony exclusive they're making, than this is 100% a Bloodborne related thing, clearly.

I'm expecting a game as to Bloodborne as Dark Souls was to Demon's Souls. Thematically similar, but at the same time very very different in both setting and general plot.

Instead of Cthulu shit, we're going full blown fucking SHADOW PEOPLE teir this time set in a heavily stylized "Victorian Japan"

250 for 1 game I would not recommend buying a PS4 and I own a Pro.


Its either bloodborne 2 or a new IP. After extensively studying the trailer for 20 minutes with a friend of mine it became obvious that the apparatus is either an arm (wrist in particular) a leg (a thigh) or a trick weapon


Don't get my hopes up. Imagine the same jump up in quality from Demon's to Dark but for Bloodborne.

A) its not bloodborne
B) bloodborne 2 will not be DeS to DaS it will be DaS to DaS2.

Reminder that this is how they teased Bloodborne.

Dark Souls is noticeably worse than Demons


The visual imagery and identity is fucking a match. Even the vague music in the background of the teaser has that deep cello vibe of Bloodborne's soundtrack.

Mix that in with the blood, what looks like a trick weapon and then the font is the same lowercase typewriter style as Bloodborne and it fits.

This might literally actually be TENCHUBORNE. BOTH sides might be right.

>nobody here knows about otogi

Holy shit you niggers are retarded.

You're right

nobody knows

so it's not that


>It's Bloodborne
>But Even Faster




My girlfriend from Akiba

Why would they say 12 months if there were gonna be more details to follow in the next 2 days?

>old Japanese writing
>that music and horror vibe
It's Kuon, hopefully with good gameplay this time cause the atmosphere was top notch.


didn't they say they wouldn't make anymore souls for a while?

The fuck is that fucking thing? Looks bloody and has some kind of bone attached to it.


Tenchu pretty obvious

Didn't I tell you to stop yesterday. My heart can't take this shit.

I think Shadows Die Twice is the title. The upper cased letters combined with the fact that there really isn't a reason to hide the name if its something like Tenchu or Bloodborne.

otogi was xbox, it will never be rebooted or probably even rereleased in this day and age. if you want to act like this isnt a new IP, the only possibilities are bloodborne 2 or a new shadow tower game. People are "correct" in connecting it to tenchu because its obviously eastern in style (parts of the music, the kunai, the scroll) but its honestly probably just something completely new.

Why would they even bring Tenchu back? Most games were mediocre and not even made by from.

So, since you faggots keep saying they're moon runes, what do they say?

It's cursive style japanese, only a legit non gaijan could read that shit

>Shadow Tower: Abyss first person dungeon crawling with hundreds of weapons/guns/rifles and hundreds of enemy types with ps4 hd graphics

yeah, but we have the literal innernette at our disposal. I imagine someone can translate it.

Sucky Sucky Fucky Fucky

I would buy a Ps4 for Bloodborne if this fucking piece of shit could play it a 60fps. I don't give a shit about resolution. Give me 60 frames per seconds.

Because the games press cycle will likely last for about a year until release

Why are people saying this is Tenchu? Are there any weapons like that in Tenchu games?

It won’t be souls game. They have
New ip, reboot and souls game in production. This one is reboot.

From have had the license for the franchise since 2004.

Why is anyone assuming that Shadow Die Twice isn't the title? Why am I the only one thats not retarded?

No. Even I can’t do that. And most of japs too, so nobody on Sup Forums as wel

This quote is obviously referencing the new armored Core game coming

>Medieval Japan Mecha game

the fact it has a period at the end makes me doubt it, it's more of a sentence that way and not a title

Because "shadows die twice" is a quote from Tenchu

>Source: thin air

Its Bloodborne 2. From Software is this desperate. Enjoy B team sequel Sup Forums.

I fucking hate teasers.

dont care it'll probably be dark edgey gothic crap again with souls-like combat

From which Tenchu?

>image we got clearly shown looked like a scroll
my guess is a new IP all together or a new Tenchu title

*tips fedora*