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>10 hours late
did what again? led you retards on a wild goose chase while he's busy blowing the budget on shit he can post pictures of on twitter?
Looks cool. I'm hyped.
not video games
pumped for what? a movie?
No Goose? :(
> that soundtrack
Nice, kojumbo is going full horror now. Good man, im cautiously hype
A movie and a game in one? That's like double value.
Yeah, I would pay for this even if it had only cutscenes.
8 minutes of cinematic shit
we mgs4 now?
but mgs4 was good
game or movie, why the fuck do you care if it's good?
I like how people are ignoring how every single Metal Gear Solid game has had some of the best gameplay in the action stealth genre and gaming overall. But no Kojima only makes cinematic walking simulators now.
am i the only one who unironically loves this
How the fuck do you know it's good you retard?
name 1(ONE) bad kojima game
Because it's from an experienced developer that made several other great games?
Obviously no one here "knows" it's going to be good but it's a safe bet.
So is he keeping the no cuts/single shot camera style of MGSV?
MGS Peace Walker
Hopefully not.
The cutscene direction of V was awful.
even though they're not as good as the others, they're still good games
I care because it's not going to be good.
>most realistic facial animations yet
>no uncanny valley
How the fuck did they do it? If I see some nice gameplay, I might get a PS4 over it.
Literaly in the Top 10 best PSP games out there, what the fuck are you even talking about, retard?
>Sony Interactive Entertainment presents
That's not saying much about the PSP library
still no 'PS4 exclusive'
Oh I get it, you're a nintenbro
What, are you mad that your Pokemon Machine doesn't have good games?
disappointing teaser
Maybe because we're on the VIDEO GAMES board where you're supposed to post about VIDEO GAMES
No Tomozaku, no buy.
Even as a PC/Switchfag, I've gotta say that Sony would be fucking retarded to not keep this exclusive. It's a shame, MGS comes to PC, then Konami just fucks everything up. PS4 prices are reasonable anyway, I'm just gonna get one eventually.
>produced by Cerny
>using a 1st party sony engine
>Sup Forums is about video games
nice meme
only for PSV
At this point Kojima needs to quit video games and make movies or T.V. it's obvious that thats' what he wants to do
I haven't watched it yet. I'm betting there's no gameplay.
Every single game he's ever made, with the exception of MGS, MGS2, and MGS3. He hasn't made anything of quality for the last decade.
>zero gameplay
I have zero faith
They've said Decima has a PC version already
every game mark cerny has been involved with since 1996 has been playstation exclusive
>nu/v/ hates kojima
go back to where you came from
Are you having a giggle?
After MGS, the series was bottom of the barrel for Stealth Action. Not because 2 or 3 are inherently bad, but because better games in the genre started coming out.
I mean shit, Thief came out two months after MGS1, and MGS never really got any better. Kojimbo and MGS' only lure is the story focus, and the latter never even got a proper ending.
I mean holy shit, who would ever play MGS for the gameplay. Like at the time, sure, but damn.
>not rightfully disliking nu-kojima
he hasnt made anything good since MGS3
Dunkey apparently put like a hundred hours into mgsV because of all the shit you could do in it
Looks interesting, ill play it just for some sci-fi kino, gameplay be damned
At least post the official 4k version you useless faggot
THIS is what you call "A New Game," nobody has a clue about what is going on, and it's amazing.
Kojima = Master at work.
Not shitposting here, but yeah he really really should just quit video games. I think he's given up on it.
Who is Dunkey?
MGSV had great gameplay, theoretically. It just wasn't utilized well, I.E. the enemy AI was retarded and the world/level/mission designs were dogshit, or more appropriately; horseshit.
The story also sucked, so it was a double whammy.
Nah bruv.
Metal Gear Solid games have always had top tier gameplay mechanics. Sure games like Splinter Cell may have better pure stealth gameplay but MGS is famous for the whole experience being so cohesive. Dozens of different and original items and mechanics all working together with the enemy AI giving an infinite amount of different scenarios and routes.
can't spell Sup Forums without Sup Forums
So THIS is how retardation looks like
it's gonna be prometheus-tier trash
I really, really, can't understand the excitement over this.
I was ok with what they showed so far, typical Kojima mindfuckery, it's all right.
This is another trailer without gameplay though. I'm kinda start to worry. Like, I'm not gonna be the usual memer and calling it a movie but where's the fucking gameplay?
The story seems to be midly interesting, I got it, you sold me on that already. But you are developing a video game, holy fucking shit. Where the fuck is the game?
What are you supposed to do in the game? Christ.
1/3 better luck next time
> bottom of the barrel for Stealth Action
Yeah, Splinter Cell and Assassin's Creed really blow it out of the park
behold the eternal Sonybro
> I didn't like it so it was shit and I didn't understand the story
lmao, MGSV is literally one of the best shooters ever to come out
How is this a game if theres no gameplay
I still donĀ“t understand shit...
You're not supposed to, there is no symbolism. Take it at face value, just a wacky zany Kojimbo pipe dream.
Not everything is shooty shooty bang bang, people! this is going to be an EXPERIENCE more then anything.
Mulitple blunts will be rolled.
the game is literally a bad mgsv
the fucking boss fights were insane bullet sponges
one of them can't even be called a game
I don't really care, but was the leaker from yesterday right on anything ?
Western say: game is experience, is journey
East say: game is game, is complex toy
Why is west obscessed with the experience, OBSCESSED. Everything is experience and must be deep.
Maybe they lack insight and take experiences from outside, others must look inside instead of them. Quite safe but sometimes they are lied to.
This shit is 100% movie. The hell is Kojima doing?
Arnt we saying the same thing then my freind?
guise we hab to ANALYZE !!!! muh clues!!!!!
Other way around. MGSV ended up being a bad PW. PW > V
>implying I'm falling for Kojimbo's bullshit again
>MGS for the gameplay
Gameplay surely isn't the main attraction, but I've always liked how each game actually takes different approaches to the stealth action genre and none of them play fully the same.
Japan trend is to copy the western way.
Some japanese remain displeased. Kojima and others should be making games for us but we have small penises and small money all relative.
Greed is sin, i worry one day we too will lack insight.
>gameplay isn't the main attraction of MGS
Oh dear. Let me guess - MGS4 was favorite in the series. Fuckin reddit dork.
what's smarter rick and morty or this?
>>Sup Forums
It has nothing to do with greed. Kojima just dreams he was an American movie director and he's been sublimating those dreams through his games. They've all been looking less and less like games, and more and more like movies over time.
This is selfish, yes... but not greedy.
Nigga, fuck you, I wish mgsv were more a "movie" than the souless shit we got.
Actually, MGS 1 is my favorite. Also, no one will agree with this: 1>2>4>3>5
If I were to rank them purely on gameplay alone, it'd be something like, 5>2>1>3>4 or 2>1>3>4>5. Problem is, 5 is really fun, but stealth wasn't remotely necessary and it was basically just a enjoyable sandbox shooter.
So plop your ass on your couch and watch TV, you drooling twit.
t. balding cuck
stop being a kojima drone son.
So its not metal gear. Mads isnt The Sorrow after all. I dont care about this movie anymore
You can tell that even in context this will be full of unexplained random things and plotholes.
The MGS games were good but not because of Kojima. If anything Kojima is responsible for the bad parts. Now we'll likely get a game with only that.
> "Death Stranding" is the title name.
> Imagery of black strands / threads / wires propagated through all three trailers.
> They are associated with death (Dead creatures in Trailer 1), the antagonists (Mads Mikkleson's character with the wires in Trailer 2) and the eldritch beings of trailer 3.
> Title has literal strands as part as its image.
> They are literal strands of death.
Kojima u fukkin madman.
If it's a walking simulator, will you still be pumped?