I still can't believe Nier Automata actually won best soundtrack of the year, maybe normies are alright after all.
I still can't believe Nier Automata actually won best soundtrack of the year, maybe normies are alright after all
They just like bland orchestral shit,nothing to be happy about.
It's a beautiful soundtrack
I haven't played any of the Nier games but I've listened to both of their entire OSTs multiple times. Wretched automatons is my favorite.
Honestly a little baffled this game and Persona 5 were even mentioned at all. Whenever they were brought up though the crowd went kind of nuts so maybe there's hope.
>best song in Automata is a song ripped directly out of Nier
>It wasn't even the best version of the song in Nier
It should've won best narrative too.
I heard some tracks to it and it was awesome
Which version should I buy, PC with that FAR patch or the PS4 version to play hassle-free?
Why's that? Same reason I mentioned?
this chick is a cunt
Yeah because it works while I heard the PC version is still unstable even with the patch, it's also 60fps.
If it didn't there would be an outrage. While it had decent competition with legitimately good soundtracks, nothing can compare to it still, its just too good.
>Worst soundtrack ever wins soundtrack of the year
>Worst game ever wins game of the year
And then Sup Forums was the normies.
I've voted for Persona 5
I didn't know that Weight of the World was in Nier 1.
How so?
same here senpai
1 song in the whole game
just gonna have to buy it through ebay then, fuck paying $50 for a game that's several months old already
Maybe but the only word that crosses my mind while I'm fapping to that cosplay is mommy
>Look at me Sup Forums, I have contrariam opinions! Do I fit in yet???
NeoFag and Reddit immigrants should lurk for at least 2 years before posting, it is a common practice.
But Posessed by Disease is original to Auto, you idiot
It was honestly a tough call. These two games both have one of the best soundtracks of the decade. I think that P5's is better as a standalone piece, but Nier's fits better as a game soundtrack.
that's a beautiful song
you mean Kaine Salvation? that's absolutely the best version
sorry, but a beautiful song is the best song so you can go ahead and fuck off.
this guy gets it
You're beautiful user
Persona 5 should of won.
>abloo bloo bloo why didnt wolfenstein new colossus win! I hate japanese games!
she wont even undress properly for me >:(
and i asked so nicely >>:(
>I heard
you heard wrong, PC version with FAR is absolutely fine
the only reason it is uninstalled is because I needed space on my SSD
Can it run on my old ass 900p monitor with a 960 4gb?
>Reddit spacing
nice post
Oh, they are aware of it, user, didn't you see the producer say he was confident on the music of Automata because everyone praised NieR?
of the decade
who the fuck uses terms like this in seriousness
Wasn't reddit spacing two rows of nothing (aka 3 \n) between paragraphs? This user's post has only one row. Or am I wrong about this?
Complaining about reddit spacing is just empty shitposting. Just ignore it
>Complaining about reddit spacing is just empty shitposting. Just ignore it
To me, bitching about Reddit Spacing translates into "I have no argument"