So what's next?
Sonic Mania
>s-shut up Maniacucks, Forces will outsell it 10 to 1, you'll see!
a new 2d game released a few years from now that features all new levels, story and amy being included as a hammer focused playable character with super and hyper forms coming back for all 4 characters
Mania 2, if Sega's smart.
>a few years
Yearly releases until everyone hates 2D Sonic
>most popular title among new Sonic titles released in the past 15 years
>15 years
So that's what, the most popular title since Sonic Adventure 2?
should I replay mania as knuckles? I still havent got all the chaos emeralds either.
>he didn't play as Knuckles first.
>most popular Sonic title in the past 15 years
This does NOT mean it sold better than Forces. It's a $20 title, while Forces was $40.
>m-muh budget
Unless that budget difference is more than half of Mania's sales, it doesn't matter.
It's ok to admit you were wrong user.
>Revenue brought in = popularity
It probably means that Taxman and co. will be brought back again at some point to make a sequel, hopefully with all original levels. Dunno what's gonna happen with Sonic Team though. Forces doing mediocre might mean many things for the team.
>Not getting all emeralds as every character
I wish there was more UFO catching stages.
Forces wasn't even that bad. Hilarious safe and sterile but not the Rise of Lyric level disaster people were making it out to be.
Boom was literally the lowest Sonic's ever been. Yes even 2006.
Forces is just a mediocre game. The OC creation stuff is the best part IMO.
06 was a rushed out beta but still felt like a Sonic game.
Boom was a licensed cartoon platform game that felt like it came from the PS2 early days.
forces sold to the same shitty fanbase who has been eating segas shit since forever while mania managed to appeal to an entire different market
you should include marketing in there, mania made its ownn marketing because people in youtube and fans wouldnt hut up about it
mania is a low risk investment with a potential high reward
Forces is barely a game. Every level takes 1-2 minutes to beat and at least half of that time is spent on on rails set pieces
They did make the levels way too simple I agree. It barely reaches the heights of Generations' level design. But what did that one dev say about it? Like, it was made to just boost through so more people couple play it or some bullshit.
>The OC creation stuff is the best part
Just goes to tell how disappointing Forces is as a Sonic game.
It was very obvious that the OC was suppose to be the main character of the story at some point until they thought it wouldn't sell as much so they just made Sonic the main character again.
Please release a Mania expansion that puts more stages and a hopefully better final boss.
I bought mania twice and didnt even bother to pirate forces.
>inb4 adventure autist
Sonic Mania 2 obv.
Brought to you by sonic team.
>It was very obvious that the OC was suppose to be the main character of the story at some point
Maybe at some point, but it was originally meant to be a Sonic Boom crossover.
>uses a grappling hook
>gameplay focused on beating enemies
Then Boom flopped, and they repurposed the Boom levels into the Avatar levels.
Sounds about right.
It's a financial review and it wouldn't surprise me if mania moved more copies
I know it's just steam but mania is listed as having 128,000 owners compared to forces which has 22,000
Its simple. They get the new levels from mania tweak them a bit,add 2 new levels,call it mania 2 and sell it. After 2 months release the old remade levels as dlc,free or not depending on how many people catch on to what its really going on. Basically what they did this time but without the dlc idea
I dunno man, I'd genuinely put Forces on the same level as Boom as far as how uninspired and boring it felt to play (Boom eventually got patched and fixed the bugs that made it fun to watch so I'm not using the launch version as a comparison)
06 is a mess tho. And I'm still not really sure where I should put Lost World in this rank of awfulness.
Assuming that "Most popular title among Sonic titles released in the past 15 years" is correct in what it implies, that means the last Sonic game to sell more than Mania was Sonic Adventure 2, because it was released in 2001 and is the only Sonic game released in that timeframe that had notably high sales numbers. SA2 sold around 2.7 million copies between Gamecube and Dreamcast (not counting rerelease sales on modern consoles which push the total up to 3.3 million).
Interestingly, Generations total sales are estimated at 3.8 million, but the sources I bothered to look up all combined every version, including the 3DS versions which I assume would be counted separately. So it's possible that SA2 has still sold more than the console/PC version of Generations, but that means that the 3DS versions sold astronomically well.
I'm also assuming they aren't counting the Sonic & Mario at the Olympic Games series, because one of those sold 16 million goddamn copies.
Good Joke, that's asking way too much from Sega
Forces 2 - Sonic Forcier
Also, it's possible that "Most Popular" refers to its Metacritic rating rather than its sales numbers. By that metric, Mania is indeed the highest-scoring game in the franchise since SA2. Mania scores between 83 and 86 depending on version, whereas SA2 scores 89 on Dreamcast but significantly worse on every other platform.
Pls no Sonic Team
>gaijins make game that's the best sonic game released in over a decade
>few weeks later sonic team releases game and it's broken shit compared to the likes of sonic 06
The embarassment sega must feel
Iizuka said that Mania for the nostalgiafag hardcore fan while Forces was the big thing with universal appeal. Hopefully they fire him soon.
Something to keep in mind is that Sonic Adventure 2 is basically the most popular Sonic game in Japan. The Adventure games are still some of the only Sonic games to sell anything significant in Japan, and the Adventure era was the height of Sonic's popularity and relevance there. That's why Sonic X was made around that time. Even now you'll see Japanese posters bring up Sonic Adventure 2 every time Sonic is brought up, and it's commonly called a masterpiece.
In that one top 100 Famitsu poll from a couple months ago Adventure 2, Adventure 2 Battle, and Unleashed were some of the few non-JRPGs on there. Which also fits what I've saw of Sonic 2ch threads, where Unleashed's day stages were always brought up as basically the best of modern Sonic, the way Generations is always praised here on Sup Forums.
Remember all those PC users who said they were boycotting mania because of the week delay debacle?
Man that was weird.
I wish you can play them in Time Attack like in CD.
>most popular
By what metric? Sales? Metacritic score?
>that level "design"
>those "physics"
Nah, it's bad. Excusing it like you are right now is just lowering your standards.
Sonic Anemia
Hopefully this will convince them to knock off the shitty Boost gameplay and get back to making Adventure and Mega-Drive style games.
>[japs raging in the distance]
Sonic Team are definitely mad.
Sonic Mania Total War
Forces was next