Well, whats your Sup Forumseredict?
Did you like it? Highlights?
Well, whats your Sup Forumseredict?
Did you like it? Highlights?
shut the fuck up
Fuck the Oscars desu
I was laughing my ass looking at twitch chat when the death stranding trailer played
What was so funny about it?
Better memes than E3. Would get drunk at watch again.
I thought it was ok.
It was a long drawn out mess, only good things were Bayo 3 and the From Software teaser.
Death Stranding trailer was dumb, I'm so sick of Geoff jerking off Kojima at this stage, he hasn't done anything great since MGS3.
I was happy to see Botw win though, the game does so much right from a game design standpoint without relying on modern trends as a crutch.
>Death Stranding trailer was dumb, I'm so sick of Geoff jerking off Kojima at this stage, he hasn't done anything great since MGS3.
Yeah, where's the fucking gameplay. It looks to be cinematic trash but Kojima is free to prove me wrong.
This was a highlight. End my suffering was a highlight. Fuck the oscars. Shadow tower. Soul calibur vi. Grandma atari. Pretty good show. Orchestra doing P5 songs. Boobs on cellist.
>Sony Exec gets his own promo reel
>Overwatch gets fellated because most of their studio is in the audience
>ads ads ads
>Kojimbo with a new season of Stranger Things
>walking sims galore
Just fuck my industry up. At least Cuphead and Nier Automata got something.
the greasy spaniard was the best part
Everyone got a Nice game to get hyped in 2018(SC6 and Bayo3) seriously that was better than this year E3
Anyone think the orchestra was a bit shite? Also I found it funny how Nier got best music, but they didn't even cover any of it (I think?). It just sounded incomplete.
Also ALL ad-related content should be done during breaks + pre-recorded. It was really awkwardly done when Geoff started reading a FF14 ad while Kojima was still onstage after showing 8min trailer of one of the most anticipated games.
Also, paced horribly.
Witchfyre looked good.
the guy behind her is smelling her farts
They said it was a medley, but it was just songs jarred together.
Highlight was Witchfire
Metro trailer sucked compared to the E3 trailer and I'm neither a Sonyfag nor a Nintendomanchild so everything else was irrelevant to me
Only highlight being Soul Calibur 6.
I knew in my heart of hearts BotW would win GOTY, even back when it was released and everyone except this shithole was sucking its dick. Nier and Persona are amazing games but they're too weeb for a normie award, PUBG is literally unfinished, Mario came out too soon to be GOTY. I don't remember what else was nominated. Horizon? Bahahaah oh wow, that piece of shit gladly didn't win anything
Cuphead won best art direction, Persona won best RPG and Nier won best OST and they all deserved it.
The highlight was me founding out that there are people that actually think that Kojimbo is not a hack.
>ads ads ads
I dont like an either but they gotta pay for the show somehow.
Honestly I thought it was better than E3
Conan, Bayo 3 and SC6 were all pretty damn good
6/10 s'alright
I didnt watched it, someone got a list of the winners or nominees to awards?
How the fuck a dating sim with 90% of the game being dialogues won best RPG of the year? Game awards are for fucking buffoons with no standards.
Nier should've won best narrative too, I guess this award just automatically goes to who can make the most yawn inducing walking simulator now.
How isn't Persona an RPG you autistic fuck
>Nier should've won best narrative too
Still annoyed about Bayo3 but I'm actually more pissed at Platinum now. I can't really blame Nintendo they're just trying the same thing they did last time which is corner a market that doesn't buy their consoles. I'll be getting a Switch but I've decided that I'm buying a used one so Nintendo wont make a sale off me and I'll do the same with every Switch game I buy.
Conan and Wiseau were the best parts. Still don't know if Death Stranding is a game. Possibly Bloodborne 2 or Tenchu game got teased by FROM. Witchfire might be cool. Overall expected the picks and don't really have issue with them although it was shitty to not actually have an announcement for Best RPG which should have been Divinity 2 and Best Multiplayer never got announced, not even on the site. Too many commercials and way too long.
7/10 could have been way worse
Making me laugh right now. Salty tarocucks think switching up the gameplay a little makes this super epic kino masterpiece.
t. has only finished Ending A
>spent so much times on e-celebs and literally whos
>announced category winners before the show and some as just "x winner is y..." for 10 seconds between commericals
Only thing that made me happy was Cuphead winning some awards and Horizon Zero Awards. Divinity deserved to win RPG of the Year but I'll take Persona 5 as well.
Nier should have won best Narrative
P5 should have win best music
Nah I finished it all. Fought Emil, actually solo'd the credits. Everything.
Yeah it sounded like whoever did the orchestration only knew how to write music for his shitty computer instruments. Problem is that translating that into live instruments sounds like fucking shit (also boring and awkward to play from the musician's standpoint. I would kill myself if I were in that cello section). Also the lip singing was cringy.
Spoiled, entitled little shitstain
>twitch chat
JRPGs are not proper RPGS. Divinity should've won.
Nicer is more of a videoGAME than Persona 5. Fight me Personafags.
>persona won over divinity
Thats actually really fucking maddening
Yeah man it's nintendo's fault
>wOrLd FiRsT lOoKs At NeW gAmEs!
Literally nothing interesting.
>DuDe, OnE gAmE yOu WoN't SeE cOmInG! nOt lEaKeD ;))))))))
What fucking game was he talking about?
Nintendo isn't entitled to my money. I can purchase products however I wish that's how a free market works. I figured this was the best way for me to play a game I want to play without giving money to a company I have sadly grown to hate.
P5 has way more gameplay.
Nier is a shitty masher, barely above Dynasty Warriors.
>There is passional people, there is crazy people and then me.
Fucking genius.
>I only laugh at SOPHISTICATED humor
>*tips fedora*
Talking with your in game crush is not gameplay, idiot.
Oh, a second would be FROM's teaser, mainly because I'm hoping it's Tenchu related.
Good thing 70% of the game is spent fighting shadows in dungeons.
>Nintendo isn't entitled to my money
Yet you're entitled to their games?
>Spamming emojis and one word phrases ad nauseum
Can you blame him? Has anyone found out who she is. I would read her game reviews if she was a journalist. Watch her youtube gameplay vids, donate to her patreon etc.
Good thing that the fights are all the same and you can just exploits weaknesses with the press of a button so that the difficulty becomes 0
I enjoyed both but Divinity was a joy to play all the way through even through some of the bugs on launch. I rarely replay games so soon after completing them but I'm doing a 6 party member mod with harder Tactican and having a blast.
Have you only played like the first three dungeons
No, i’m Actually at the okumura dungeon, nice try faggot.
Yeah the game was really good and one of the best rpgs to come out along with Pillars of Eternity, people have no fucking taste in vidya
A good way to run out of SP and waste time instead of completing a Palace in 1 or 2 days.
Plus you have to learn the weaknesses first.
Then you gotta fuse a good mix of personas to have all your base covered and manage your party to also have a good mix.
Try not playing on safety.
>Nier: Automata wins OST of the year
>that crap orchestra wasn't talented enough to play anything from Nier - just Overwatch garbage
Seriously though, they were terrible, especially when there was guitar.
They also kinda butchered the P5 songs.
>horizon zero awards
oh my christ the guitar riff was so simple and they managed to fuck it up
>Post YFW Horizon got ZERO rewards
BOTW is just Skyrim lite, it did not deserve it.
I think you meant Skyrim Plus.
Show was ok but did anyone notice all that shilling towards Destiny 2? Almost every time they were a nominee. Also fuck Destiny 2. Tommy was absolute highlight.
Automata is videogamey as fuck, and for me I consider that praise.
No, Skyrim has more quests, dungeons, enemies, weapon variety.
He's Swedish. And that's a true swedish chad, DICE and Paradox and those indie cucks from swedish villages should learn something from him.
Yeah but Zelda is actually good.
I watched a little bit of it and it was cringe inducing and corporate as shit. It felt like watching the damn super bowl with shittier ads.
P5 should have won: best art style, best soundtrack and best RPG
Nier should have won: Best narrative
I just don't get the irrational hate for this game. Not even Sonyfags were championing it to get any awards besides the obvious falseflags, yet people like you take it upon yourselves to celebrate it getting zero awards. Good on all the games that were even nominated and the winners.
No, the combat is awful and completely broken by the same in menu instant heals Skyrim has
Skyrim wins by simply having more content.
The soundtrack to this game is so fucking bad how the fuck did it win? what was it up against?
I don't hate it because of it being a bad game per se. I hate it because it is by Ninja Theory and I'd rather see them get fucked.
P5 music blew Nier's out of the water
Trying too hard.
>Ninja Theory
You ok?
It wasn't cringe, it was funny as fuck. Hype reveals, great trailers. And the awards themselves weren't half bad (HZD and PUBG won nothing, lol)
I wouldn't say it's bad, but it's nothing compared to the first game's OST. Original Nier deserved to win it's year. Automata's is just okay.
Also that guy didn't even post a good track.
P5's OST is great, but it just seriously sounds like Jamiroquai B-sides.
It went from hype to a stream of what the fucks. Idk man I found it funny
>Hype reveals
Like what outside of Soul Calibur and arguably From's teaser?
yeah i didn't mean bad, its just as mediocre as they come which really bugs me.
Cuphead also had a better soundtrack.
bayo 3
>nintendo "wins"
>"It's all corporate shills and bullshit! Fuck the awards!"
>Sony "wins"
>fuck yeah, great show! sony always wins! 4thagamers!"
>try open I ng winner card
>Requires microtransaction to know who won
Lost my shit with that jokr
>Bayo3 on switch
Not gonna get hyped, it will just end in dissapointment.
>being a platformwarrior
Dumb fuck kids.
I hope neither of them "wins" they're both killing the industry along with MS and they're the reason this award show like all others is a shillfest
Explain yourself.
Jesus, listen to yourself dude.
This already happened but Sony wasn't involved. Overwatch won last and people were pissed because an online only game won and that the awards were just a popularity contest. Fast forward to current year, Nintendo wins and now everyone thinks the award show isn't just a popularity contest and that goty matters. I for one just accept the game awards as more of a recap of the year.
>Sony came on stage
>Flood of posts calling it the shill awards
It's a meme to hate on it, just as it's a meme to hate on BOTW. Lurk moar