Norman Reedus: Hideo Kojima is a genius. I don't understand anything but he's a genius!

>Norman Reedus: Hideo Kojima is a genius. I don't understand anything but he's a genius!

kojimbo probably didn't do anything other than voice a few opinions and give ideas for art. The rest is all the main man Del Toro

well he will say whatever helps sell their game and make him money

Ah, Hideo Kojima.

The guy who made it famous for directing and writing the MGS series despite it being mostly written by Tomokazu Fukushima.

No wonder his games started lacking in the narrative department after he left.

Art/literature world in a nutshell.

Norman sounds so cute holy shit I expected him to sound badass

Well he is an actor, all these people pretend to be Kojimas friend as long as they keep getting paid. Kinda said when you think about it, but Kojima is a Talentless hack so in the end it doesn't matter

there is stuff in mgs that isn't the writing

>Del Toro
the reason I (and millions of others) will never touch this thing

Sure, but a franchise like MGS is mostly known for the writing.

>(and millions of others)

I disagree. I played all the MGS games, and I really couldn't tell you much about the story. It's all fucktarded and convoluted. I can, however, recall thing like making guards walk in circles and boss battles.

no gameplay in the trailer, either

An to be honest, this "Cinematic" looks like a ps3 game

you are a talentless hack

I think it was just a funny quip to add to everyone's "wtf" impression.

the sad STATE of these kojimafans HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

do you think reedus actually likes kojima or he is using him for the money?

>millions of others

Just because you're too fucking retarded to read what is on screen doesn't mean the story isn't there you faggot

>despite it being mostly written by Tomokazu Fukushima
[Citation needed]


Not thus shit again, you dumb spammed. In works like that the scrip writer works under the director, not the opposite, in just put on the scripts what the director wants. No idea why you are trying to force a meme, if you really liked Fukushima you would use him to shit on his director.

Holy shit, fuck my phone.

phoneposter what a surprise

And shuyo murata

>muh drumpf ablooo ablooo

>millions of others

Can you imagine what it must be like to possess this little self-awareness?

Kojima is the Tarantino of video games

Del Toro isn't even involved in this game, all he did was getting his face scanned

>being this jealous about someone's success