Real talk: BR and CQ aren't as bad as Sup Forums says. BR is by far the best Gaiden game and CQ has some of the best and most intricate gameplay in the series.
Sup Forums loves Conquest though, only the story and lack of restore staves ever get criticised.
It sounds like from most threads people hate it and only a few appreciate it.
Conquest has literally the best gameplay in the entire series.
It's among the hardest games in the whole franchise and, along with Echoes, a great reason to laugh at the people who claim that the 3DS games is casualising... Especially after the shitfest that was PoR/SS difficulty.
Look at the other actually challenging games, 2, 4, 5, 6. They all have either some absolutely bullshit mechanics, a bunch of tedious nonsense to push through, or a cast with stupidly bad growths. Is 6 hard? Or is it just a chore to play?
That's why Conquest is better, it's got the single best gameplay around, many of the best maps around and real difficulty with solid balance.
The only problem is that the story is hot fucking garbage and many of the characters (Xander and Peri particularly) are worse. But if you're playing FE games for the story you're starting on the wrong foot to begin with.
Probably because lots of FE players are storyfags.
/feg/ is the place that hate Fates though. I'd argue SS is the best Gaiden game. Conquest is not perfect but damn it is close. Anywhere on the net, real gameplayfags acknowledge Conquest as the best in the series so far.
>Not Thracia 776
>Not Genealogy of the Holy War
If Lief's not in sight, the game's not right
I don't care for any of the gameplay changes made in Fates, so yeah, I don't like those games. You can like them though, it's up to you.
>one of the newest games is the best in the series! Honest! Not shitposting! Take that, oldfags!
This is exactly why I never take Conquestfags seriously.
>Zero counter arguments
Cool story bro. I'll be right there with everyone else laughing at you when you try complain about the newer games dumbing things down, while talking about how PoR is your favourite game.
Thracia 776 and Genealogy of the Holy War definitely don't have some of the best mechanics or maps
He didn't say anything like that. What's your problem.
Thracia and Geneology have good stories and some fun characters, but holy fuck are they a goddamn chore to play.
You didn't argue anything yourself though.
Why is this the only fanbase that absolutely hates any of their older games? People literally only care about the new ones but relentlessly trash anything before 7.
>when someone posts everything you wanted to
I stopped taking Conquestfags seriously the moment they defended this. Conquest's maps are great but anyone praising the mechanics don't know shit.
I don't hate any of the older games. But 6 onward and the remakes of 11/12/15 fixed the majority of design flaws from Kaga's mess of games. It's when FE got git. This fanbase likes 7-10 and hates everything else though
Probably backlash for all the years people considered 4 to be the best in the series and kept bringing up the Kaga games. Since the series "advanced" into a new era things moved along. 6 really isn't that good though, or at least I don't remember much of anything about it from when I played a few years ago. It's okay though, not awful.
>mess of games
So you hate anything before 6 then?
What's wrong with it? The only thing bad is tomes being apart of the it because they target res. That and rank scaling is great.
I played Conquest entirely in japanese, so I didn't mind the story mostly cause I couldn't understand it.
If I do end up replaying these days it would probably be that version.
>best gameplay in the series
It's good with a solid core but pretty much the entire endgame outside of maybe Hinoka's chapter is an absolute slog, the final 2 chapters in particular are fucking retarded.
That's the problem. Tomes used to have their own weapons triangle back in the days with each type of magic being effective against another. Now they're lumped together in the normal weapons triangle and get even more fucked whenever a lancer should attack them considering how shitty their defense stat tends to be.
Thracia had great maps, fuck yourself
>axes are mostly bad, with terrible accuracy
>barely get archers in conquest
>let's make hidden weapons be beaten by these, while whooping the ass out of fucking tomes (of which you got a bunch in CQ) and swords
>also magic is effective against bows, let's have one of the worst magic strengths ever, and put the enemy bow users on fucking pegasus to raise their res
>also they got hella dodge and dodge skills so not even arrows are a good counter
the tome-bow-HW triangle is retarded if you ask me. also just to clarify not the user you quoted.
also interesting to note that i haven't finished the game, not because it was hard (which was neat and welcome) but because the plot got so shit i couldn't even continue. tried it again with a female corrin and i couldn't even get halfway through what i had already beaten before i ragequit.
and supposedly revelation's even worse, god.
Thats only true on Lunatic because of stacked debuffs. Endgame on hard is fantastic.
Yes I know about the useless MT. Mages always have good res and only got the advantage of 1+ damage and +10 hit.
I hope they are going to bury pair up as a 3DS-era gimmick and think of something else for the next game
I laid out exactly what my stance is and why I think it. If you disagree, go ahead and say so, but just screaming in meme arrows doesn't make a case.
Magic Triangle was nothing but pointless fluff that only served to raise up some characters at the expense of others.
Fates was, especially compared to the other games, incredibly well balanced. It even took concepts from Awakening that seemed completely broken like Pair Up and Reclassing and made them balanced.
Pair Up was fine in Fates and for Awakening/Fates it's also the single best way the series has ever done support building.
It's a fuck of a lot better than the nightmare that was the GBA Supports at least.
The only good thing about Fates is the dank memes to make up for all the shit.
post them fellas
The best way the series did support building was in PoR. Or Thracia 776
You know the triangle is a bit fucked when a horde of bowmen chasing you through the map is legitimately scary
PoR was just using them in maps wasn't it? It wasn't anything special, but it's servicable I guess. Awakening/Fates has the whole "Fighting at each other's side" aspect which I like.
>axes are mostly bad, with terrible accuracy
Axes are actually great and can used all the time because of rank scaling. Attack stance makes up for a would be bad hit.
>barely get archers in conquest
True, but that doesn't mean Archers aren't fantastic. Being apart of the triangle and their class stats and skills made them better then ever before. They are basically long range axes with good hit rates.
>let's make hidden weapons be beaten by these, while whooping the ass out of fucking tomes (of which you got a bunch in CQ) and swords
Hidden weapons themselves aren't strong, Ninjas are. You also only get two tome users in CQ not counting Ophelia, one is okay and and other is great but dies to a slight breeze.
>also magic is effective against bows, let's have one of the worst magic strengths ever, and put the enemy bow users on fucking pegasus to raise their res
True tomes being apart of the triangle was dumb. And also no wind tomes.
>also they got hella dodge and dodge skills so not even arrows are a good counter
Actually they are, Archers like Mozu, Niles, Nina, and anyone who can reclass to bows won't have shaky hit rates. This is why breaker skills are so important in Conquest.
I'm a little glad there's no wind tomes, because if there was then every single mage in conquest would have an aircalibur in their back pocket to shut your fliers down
Because of infinite durability they could have at leastjust one like Excalibur that isn't S locked. Most of the weapons are rare anyway.
Opinions aren't arguments.
I didn't say they were bad.
Luckily I backed up everything I said with arguments. Seriously, if you can't defend your beliefs, they're worthless. Jog on.
It'd be cool, I just know it'd also suck because then the enemies will get them
True, but you could always have the weapon that reverses the WT on hand.
You don't need that because pegs use lances. And it doesn't help against effective damage, just like how the dual club doesn't help against bows. Effective damage>weapons triangle
yeah I'm sure that's why you quit:^) you know you can just skip All the story bits at the press of a button and be no worse off for it right?
I meant you use if for a quick kill unless there's an army of wind fuckers or something everywhere.
A large amount of the Fire Emblem fanbase are massive casuals that call fucking PoR and RD difficult, they probably couldn't beat Conquest on Normal.
Not to mention the droves of retarded storyfags.
Conquest isn't that deep my dude
>along with Echoes
But Echoes is not only the most barebones game in the series excluding Gaiden itself, but also the easiest.
>2, 4, 5
Nigger what? Have you even played them? Gaiden has equipment that allow a single unit to solo maps and Genealogy has SS levels of OP units, and FE5 enemies are mostly fodder for stealing weapons from.
>omes used to have their own weapons triangle back in the days with each type of magic being effective against another
And it was fucking useless, one of the worst and most pointless mechanics implemented since using a mage to take out another mage is tedious and a waste of tome durability when you can have a cav run up to a mage and one-shot them with a 1-range weapon.
You'd be surprised, a few weeks back we had a PoR fag that was whining about the gameplay difficulty, it turns out in the end he bumped the difficulty down to phoenix. And then he continued whining about the story.
>if you just ignore 90% of the game, it's good!
And people wonder why this series is never taken seriously lmao
>absolutely bullshit mechanics
What does this mean?
>bunch of tedious nonsense
What does this mean?
>stupidly bad growths
...that are balanced out with the rest of the game. Thracia even caps stats at 20. I thought people loved 0% growth runs?
>Is 6 hard? Or is it a chore to play?
Well how am I supposed to know? You didn't actually say anything about the game.
>it's got the single best gameplay around,
Okay, how?
>many of the best maps around
Okay, how?
>and real difficulty with solid balance.
Okay, how?
Where are the ARGUMENTS? The only thing you SAID was that the growths are shit.
Only because of how picky the fans are, FE has FF levels of infighting.
>people refuse to buy the crossover game because it doesn't have Ike and Roy in it
i'm not gonna say i play fire emblem for the story, but the whole package has to be enjoyable you know, my MC being retarded just killed the game for me. and my autism doesn't let me just skip it.
for the record, i haven't even played birthright just because of how much i dislike the characters, not gonna imply that birthright is also hard are you? :^)
>people refuse to buy musoutrash because it doesn't have the characters they like
If you mean story, then that's 30% - 40% Most of the time will be spent in my castle and chapters.
I agree, Ikefags should boycott Fire Emblem. That way we can be rid of Tellius shit forever and move on without their hypocrisy.
>hurr Awakening and Fates are waifu games
>every Musou list of complaints demands Micaiah, Nephanee and Mia in the game
At least Awakeningfags admit being waifufags and not hide behind their game.
It's not about time. A game consists of many things. Music, story, characters, art, gameplay, there are a lot of things to judge a game based on. Why does only the gameplay matter? This isn't even an attempt at dismissing Conquest, only an idiot disagrees that its gameplay is good. But what if someone doesn't like everything else? Why not go play a different game that's good in every aspect and gives the whole package?
>Music, characters, art
All these are good.
>Why not go play a different game that's good in every aspect and gives the whole package?
Because I rather a game absolutely excel at one aspect then try to do mutiple and be weak in all. Of course this doesn't just relate to FE, but even if Conquest has a mediocre story, I can still enjoy it when all the other elements are good, and that one major element is very great.
not an argument, dipshit
>hurrp Thracia easy because low enemy stats
How to spot a wikidiver who hasnt played the game
If you want to talk FE difficulty, you should try this game first. Conquest has nothing on the bullshit RNG this game has.
>decide to build a deck of fliers
>enemy just so happens to have a shitload of archers because Eleonora
does it use 1 or 2 RN
i see those things as a multiplication rather than an addition, a game with a 3 in gameplay and a 3 in story is better than a game with a 5 in story and 1 in gameplay (and viceversa) i'd rather have a simple plot than a retarded one.
I didn't know FE had its own Hyperscan game
I have it another way. For example, with Nier, I can forgive the clunkness and feel of its gameplay because the narrative and music is godly. I can play a game with great gameplay and a terrible story or vice versa because that one element overshadows the other. I never stopped playing a game because the story was bad like Star Ocean 4, since the game was still fun to play.
>building a deck of fliers in Cipher
Hardly any better than horsefags in Heroes.
yea, it's not as cut and dry, but i'm sure if nier reached a certain clunkyness point you wouldn't have played it.
i love nier automata to death, but was really put off by the combat system because i expected DMC/Bayo tier combat system, but this was a case of me overhyping.
True, but if I wanted to too, I could always turn it down to easy so I can essentially skip it.
Sup Forums seems to love Fates in general, did you really think that the entire board would unanimously hate one of the most popular and talked about games in the series? There's a reason why there's still huge amounts of discussion for it despite the game being not exactly recent. The majority of the board seems to strongly dislike Echoes though, and despite the complaints from many people, if you make an Awakening thread (e.g. who'd you pair up?) it'll get a large amount of happy replies.
I don't like how non healing staves were only sold in limited supplies.
Just seems from general FE threads not directly related to Fates you get people hating everything about it.
Consider that a good 60% or so of non-mobage FE threads are about Fates (usually Conquest in particular). You don't have anything to worry about lad, they're ridiculously popular games compared to most TRPGs that receive constant fan media, discussion, and attention.
/feg/ is the one that hates Fates with a passion, Sup Forums is more of a mixed bag, which is a good thing because you can at least talk about Fates without getting shitposted to death.
That's because /feg/ is also obsessed with tripfags for some reason and some of the worst tripfags are fans of FE13/14. This is also a huge reason why /vg/ is shit and you should never touch it.
>I think I should stay and I think we should have sex
porn plots are a treasure
>Tomes used to have their own weapons triangle back in the days with each type of magic being effective against another
It was bad implemented desu on the ones I played at least. Barely made a difference, dark magic was shit in 6, luna was good in 7 and there's only one playable light/dark mage at base (lucius/canas)
Luna tome alone shits all over the magic triangle.
I fucking hate Luna so much.
Best Fates song
Ophelia is the only good thing to come out of the Nohr side of the game
I respect your opinion but disagree
don't know about best song but this is by far the best preparation music I've heard on a FE
I'm going to have to one up you on that
>fates has good characters
I'm also not a fan of Kozaki's sameface, Hidari's art is much better.
I completely agree desu
Revelations is the only Fates game I really dislike.
As insultingly retarded as Fates' plot was, they really used the music to great effect in some scenes. This one and Thorn in You were used wonderfully.
If Fates had an even decent story for FE standards then it would be universally loved, even Birthright is basically Awakening but more balanced in terms of mechanics thanks to the nerfs to Pair Up. It's not even a high standard, but Fates' story manages to be just that putrid.
You can also say that you can just ignore the story, but the game bases its whole existence on you caring about the story because of the whole "choose your side" thing. Gameplay is important but the whole package should be enjoyable, and if you're going to put your story at the forefront then you should at least make it serviceable.
The flute and bagpipes in this song make it so catchy.
Fire emblem fans are the most obnoxious of them all.
I cannot believe you. enjoy such a shallow, bland, childish story supported by the most mediocre srpg gameplay.
>PvP TCG has random matchups and not set maps
wOAH....holy almons....
I liked a lot of Kozaki's characters in Fates but that's just me. I'm fine with sexualized characters or Kozaki's more seinen style.
So how retarded does someone have to be to side with Nohr after everything Corrin saw and had happen? Can we measure Corrin's utter retardedness?
It's not really a measure of intelligence, but rather how much one values a logical sense of justice over emotional sentiments. Conquest Corrin knows they're making the wrong choice on moral grounds, that's why they constantly second-guess themselves.
Simplistic =/= bad. Fates adds and balances elements making it more inline with other SRPG's anyway.
Nohr has hope for change since you can just kill garon
Ryoma flat out lies to you in a desperate attempt to get you to join him
>btw we're not actually siblings
Everyone in Nohr actually likes you for who you are not your blood