Say hello to your Game of the Year Sup Forums

Say hello to your Game of the Year Sup Forums

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>people thought pubg would win

Kek, what a bunch of faggots.



>cinematic 22 fps
what a good game

Mario Odyssey should have won.
BotW is a meme game.

> Zelda BotW *2017 GOTY*
> Splatoon 2
> Mario + Rabbids
> Mario Kart DX
> Pokken DX
> Mario Odyssey
> Xenoblade 2
> Octopath Traveller
> Kirby: Star Allies
> Lost Sphear
> Metroid Prime 4
> Bayonetta 3
> Fire Emblem (core game)
> Pokemon Gen 8

How the fuck is Nintendo doing it?

Has there ever been a rebound for a gaming company THIS big?

>How the fuck is Nintendo doing it?
nostalgia and appeals to soyboys, children and sjws

By porting all their in development and finished WiiU games to Switch.

Considering the previous Game of All Time ran at like 10, it's pretty appropriate. You should know resolution and fps are just marketing jargon to make idiots like you waste money on crap you don't need. Wake up.

>I somehow had hopes that they'd actually play a game that wasn't heavily advertised AAA trash

Yakuza 0, Fast RMX, Super Bomberman R, and Dragon Quest VIII deserved better.

>suddenly the game awards matter

no, no other company has the balls to make a blood sacrifice with satan using their CEO as tribute.

Iwata-san's death has more power than any jew magic Sony and Microcuck could ever summon

Every nintendo thread ever

Forgot Dragon Quest XI


Iwata would be proud

Fuck me. So many full-price games that will stay full-price for years to come. Ugh.

>Dragon Quest VIII
That really shouldn't count...

hello the most fun pc game in years

I bet he's lookin' up at Nintendo and smiling right now. Yeah, he was really nice in public, but he's in hell for sure.

> the most fun pc game in years

She's hot as fuck for what it's worth

>This absolute mess that can hardly be called a finished game won goty
Slap the Zelda logo on a turd and you'll still eat it up. Mario Odyssey was so much better.

Speaking of Zelda, is anyone playing the new DLC? I'm doing Urbosa's shit first and I have no fucking clue what 'chase rings upon the land' even means. No NPC I've talked to even hints to what you have to do


Own the game, love the game/franchise, but it does not deserve GOTY. Fight me

Every game on that list is great except Breath of the Wild, seriously the worst game ever created.

Worshipping the company rather than the games.


Big Brand names with awards again!
Fuck you devs that try to make good games.
Any one who does not like zelda hates fun.

>All this GOTY shitposting
>Not a single thread up about The Champions Ballad




No one actually gives a fuck about playing that game again.

Winning console wars is where it's at

nigga you blind

Her creaming her panties to a fat pokemon geek is forever imortalized on the internet in animated form and will never vanish. I honestly don't know who has it worse.