Soul Calibur 6 thread

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where the fuck is mitsurugis beard

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Post those mains


I hope he returns

No Hilde, no buy
Who am I kidding, I'm not some autist that throws a fit when some characters are missing, even though I main them
I just hope it will be a great game

It's a younger Mitsurugi

He's young. I assume we've went back in a time a bit after the massive backlash from SCV going too far forward and taking out everyone favourite characters

no beard no buy

I really hope this is the case. I'd happily welcome a retcon to V.

I am lucky i was never really tied to the visuals of a specific character, i do prefer certain playstyles though.

But ill always find a "function" that feels good to play.

Get ready for either dark souls characters or dark souls custom character pieces.....the legend never dies


1. Xianghua
2. Seong Mina
3. Good music
4. Good online lobbies/queueing system
5. 3+ single player modes

I love hildes look, weapons, how she fight, and she is allaround awesome, but I don't live to play her, which is a damn shame.


Which Soul would you Calibur?

Soul Calibur 5 Yoshi is his best design ever, including Tekken designs

prove me wrong

All of them.

Amee with rapier
No pat, fuck him
Guest character: pyrrha

I want ivy to tie me up

I can't pick.

Yoshimitsu always made more sense in SC than Tekken.

Interesting that the trailer has a few snippets of Soulcal5 cutscenes, it could just be flavoring but I'm getting a MK9 "future events loop back to the past" vibe out of it.

I'm all for that, I just hope they don't forget about all the newcomers from 5 FOREVER or anything though. Possible DLC characters at least?

Results of the popularity vote. Being a Talimfag feels good.
Li Long
Pyrrha Omega
Alpha Patroklos
Soul Edge
Edge Master

Solaire would be an awesome guest character. People keep saying Artorias but I don't think he has enough personality for a Soul Calibur game

Yeah, he looks great with that costume, t3 tier

was the last time I cared
was the last time anyone should have cared

They looped back all the way to Soul Calibur 1 and she's fucking 8 years old, she won't be playable again

>even Tira is a D
Jesus, give me Hilde or Natsu all day.

I got that vibe as well. I wouldn't be surprised if Sophitia is the Raiden of the game.


>was the last time anyone should have cared
why's that?

Maybe the story is about some time travel paradox as a convenient excuse to hamfist literally all of the popular characters in

dont forget the other sister Namco!

Ashlotte best lotte

Ah yes back in time to SE and SC because clearly people hated all other games after and Talim wasn't the most requested character. Going back in time too much means that she won't be in the game since she's still a toddler.

That would be Cassandra. She was the one who was trapped in the astral chaos during SCV.

Surprised Siegfried is before Nightmare tbqh

What if instead of a reboot/time travel shit, it's just a game that retraces the history of multiple game? Like the trailer shows Sophitia and Mitsurugi from SC1, but they have other costumes that represent their older self from SC2/3/4, and for arcade mode they can do what SSFV is doing where you have a "SC1 arcade mode" with only the SC1 characters and the story of SC1, then a "SC2 arcade mode" with the SC2 characters and that story, etc.

he doesn't.... we'd be more likely to get onion bro

Ashlotte is a overweight!

So is the "Astral Chaos" similar to the Warp from Warhammer 40k?

In both Lost Swords and the mobile game, Cassandra finds Sophitia in the Astral Chaos. It'd be both of them.

Post guest characters you desperately want.

tfw my main won't even be a fetus yet.

My guess is that we're getting the MK9 treatment. Which is good because MK9 is the best game in the series.

I'd rather have another SC character take the slot a guest would.

>Get to retell the first three games again
Would be nice.

you'll get close with all the souls shit being added

Can't wait for current gen jiggle

Are those games even canon?

Is this the list of characters or something?
I want my gameplay-fu Amy in there

maybe Mitsurugi is just clean shaven, don't read too far into it

in SC4 he just had a bit of chin fluff

I miss setsuka :(

>no switch

Oh well PC it is then. Looks like guard impacts are back to not being tied to meter too? That's a nice change to go back on.


>Results of the popularity vote

>why's that?


Will Xbone have Jago or Fulgore?

He has clearer non-wrinkled skin. He's young as fuck.

please have ivy. no ivy no buy.

>24 minutes

Give the TLDR version.


It is a tale of souls and swords.... ETERNALLY retold.

I miss my boy Hwang.

Anyone else think they will make Ivy's breasts bigger again? (And yes, they didn't get bigger with every game for some reason)



looking forward to seeing how they make yoshi in this. and hopefully we dont get a retarded guest character

tldr I'm not listening to that washed up stoner rambling for half an hour

What if they surprise everyone and the Souls character is Sif.

WTF is doing Talim in first place? I never played against anyone maining her or people waifuing. Is this some SJW facebook hijacked poll?

olcadan that low

no love for the based owlman?

Are you autistic? She is a tiny asian girl. Of course she gets a following.

Yes and no. They're not canon because tons of other shit happen in them, some of which makes no sense, but that one plot point seems to be canon, and it fits with her SCIV and SCV story

pedos being pedos

shitch can't handle current gen games sonny.

What if they did a good thing and didn't include a Souls character at all?

But that's what Xianghua is for

Nice to see Leixia down at the bottom where she belongs.

meme character with massive vote stuffing, she's to SC what Bridget is to GG, bad character for pedos to beat off to that are bad at the game and don't play it.

Xianghua isn't pure. She's had three kids by two different men by the time of SCV. She's washed up used goods now.

She's the Juri of Soul Calibur, no one plays her but everyone wants her in the game

I'm honestly confused as well.

This is a Korean character thread.
Everyone else a shit.

No, I remember that poll and the comment sections of it. All the Talim votes were from hispanics and south-eastern asians and like at least 1/3 of them were females.

t. Korean

Talim is very popular among flips. Flips on facebook were mass voting for her.

you seem to be operating under the assumption that women cannot be pedophiles.

so people who are bad at and don't play the game then?

>You know who's comin for the PC version right GOYIMS

I've been playing since Soul Blade on PS1 and have only known 1 person to use her...and even then I'm 90% convinced they were blindly mashing.

Alot of stuff about the popularity poll just doesn't make sense, hopefully they're not using it as gospel.



His point after 8 minutes seems to be that SCV discourages making use of it's accessible movement system and that they nerfed jab canceling and forced you to build meter for guard impacts. Not the guy you replied to by the way, just summarizing so the thread doesn't die from people watching a video.

That image is freaking me out

ivy= pleb

A shame Soul Calibur's music is so generic.

Fightan typically has some unique music but this is meh.

It's not pedophilia when the little girl is your self-insert
