Did twitch (streaming) ruin video game(s) ("culture"), Sup Forums...

Did twitch (streaming) ruin video game(s) ("culture"), Sup Forums? (as in every idiot/kid follows the opinion of his favorite streamer - in game and while buying games)

Have you ever hired a person to play video games with you, Sup Forums?

*saves Twitch*

I'd like her to ruin my game culture.

Twitch streaming made my life better. At least I feel less like killing myself at work now.

Dude, what the fuck is wrong with your punctuation?

It's annoying that people think they know a game is good or bad because they watched some of it on twitch.

No, it didn't.

Streaming didn't, it was around for many years on sites like ustream and justin.tv.

I don't think Twitch ruined it per se although I'm not fond of their approach.

esports did more damage tbqh famalando

what games does she play?

her room looks messy

I don't get this. Why do people have so much free space in their rooms? Look at all that underutilised wall real estate. There could be luxury items or storage units there, but no it's all blank.

Twitch as a business, despite being run by pahjeets and painfully beta males, are not to blame. They are a business, and if I was in their position I would promote these thots if it made me a fucking millionaire and so would all of you.

The problem lies with the audience. Women will always succumb to thottery, it's their only in their nature to act like children. They do this because women operate on attention, they can't survive without it. As a woman, it is not enough for them to perform a function and be paid a fair wage for it. They want attention, and the more attention they have the higher on the male dominance hierarchy they can climb.

Men who donate to cosplayers and female streamers on Patreon need to be vilified. I honestly cannot think of something more pathetic than a male who donates to a fucking female cosplayer on Patreon.
There are so many worthwhile projects on Patreon that deserve to be funded. There are a plethora of brilliant Youtube channels that are getting fucked over by the adpocolypse have to compete with thots at every turn offering pathetic Patreon rewards like a 5 minute Facetime talk once a month for $100.

Why bother creating art, why bother inventing new things, if a thot will make more money than you simply for EXISTING

He really is the only streamer worth a damn. Funny, shits on his viewers when they meme or act all autistic, is actually a good dude and is a good influence for little fags growing up. Fucking about time we have a man as a role model again.

He represents the cancer of streaming, he's an obvious gimmick sipping on his Gfuelâ„¢ repeating his daily lines playing random fps game because thats all he can

When you finally move out of your parents house maybe you'll find out what it's like to not have to cram every single thing you own into your bedroom.

Man, I wish I was a hot girl.


>They are a business, and if I was in their position I would promote these thots if it made me a fucking millionaire and so would all of you.
I wouldn't, simply because an extra couple of ivory backscratchers is hardly worth making a mockery out of my site.

Twitch is a blatant softcore porn site these days, and if I was a girl, I'd be pretty ashamed to admit that I stream on a camwhore site.

Anyone ever ironically hire a girl to play with them? I think it'd be pretty funny.

Yeah cause sluts bending over and autists jerking off forgetting they were still live is the epitome of top tier streaming.

Why is it that the board who just claims to want to be left alone and play video games seems to be obsessed with all the periphery that can just be ignored easily?

$10 says this lofty analysis of women was written by a sweaty neckbeard who hasnt talked to a woman in years

>you will never have a qt Canadian gamer gf

you can simply buy your tits like OP did.

damn, Canadian look like THAT?

Most of them don't.

>my face when there are people who legitimately let streaming of any kind ruin an entire game for them, just on principal and not for any decent reason that makes sense

nerf this XD

>meme streamer
>role model
nu-Sup Forums fuck off

wtf I lvoe Canada now!? man I should really visit my distant relatives

No. The (original) Xbox did years before twitch. More specifically Halo 2.

I mean, people gathering around Opinion setters isn't exactly new behavior, it's just something twitch has enabled people to do

Like, there's an entire communications model that supports the theory of media filtered through big opinionated people, and then said opinionated people filter media to people who follow them. Complaining about it is like complaining about how Humans are capable of talking