Which game caused the most asspain?

Which game caused the most asspain?

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Literally no Sony fan ever wanted Bayo 2, nice try

this one

No one really cares about bayo
MH is the obvious answer, people are still bitching about that

you can play MH on pc

people are STILL buthurt over bayo 2

Everyone has a PC so Monster Hunter is not that bad compared to Bayo 2.

Grow up

Bloodborne since it was actually a 10/10

Reminder that Bayo2 is best on PC


Well MH actually sells games

all consoles are shitty, friend

too many audio issues and missing cutscenes to bother

>Bayo 3 announced
>when I'm just sitting here waiting for DMC5

One is and will be forever exclusive

That one

Reminder that you're a faggot who thinks his $3000 PC makes his penis big. Get a life.

Maybe 6 months ago

monster hunter world no contest

even more than bloodborne, which was the record

Bayonetta only had 2 games.

the ironing

Nintendo babies don't have any other platform. Why do you think bad ports of old games like Doom, LA Noire, Skyrim are so well recieved? It's the first time nintendies can play them.

An i5-3570k and a 970 does not cost $3000, it actually closer to $500.

But thanks for the compliment.

>Bayo3 on switch


Monster Hunter wasn't always Nintendo exclusive, so World going multi-plat shouldn't surprise anyone.

Bayonetta was never on Nintendo before Bayo 2, so I'd say that caused the most butthurt

>Bayo 3 is knock off brand DMC
>World is a knock off brand tier MH
What is there to be asspained about again?

Probably Horizon Zero Dawn. There are several threads about it because it DIDN'T win any awards.

MH was Nintendo exclusive for 6 years. Almost as long as the existence of the Bayonetta games.

Persona 5.
Remember when Nintendo fans were CONVINCED it would be Switch/3DS for some fucking reason

>Everyone has a PC

Only the Nintendo cult claims this.

Yah but do you have a girlfriend?

Why would you buy a console if you don't already have a PC?

how, look at this little negroid, how precious

MHW caused such an immense ripple of butthurt that we're still feeling it right now

and I played it 3 years ago

this thread is proof that both games did.

everybody has a pc
but not everybody has a pc that is capable of running modern games

Any fellow Sony bros here playing the MHW beta tomorrow? Can't wait desu

I was shitposting and falseflagging nonstop when BB released for like a month or so. So definetely that for me


You mean WiiU/3DS exclusive

I have a Switch and a PS4, so I could play both games.

I could, but I didn't like Bayo 1, and Monster Hunter looks like grindy shit, so I won't

MonHun world didn't cause much asspain. It was mostly Capcom marketers trying to stir up shit with console wars to drive attention to the game.
Bayo 2 made people threat dolphins with kicks in their vaginas.

my bad
forgot how long it's been since announcement


Monster Hunter was a bit more fun since people were all "i-it's not a proper MonHun game REEEEE" whereas most of what I saw from Bayo 2 seemed less fox and grapes and more just people angry that a game went exclusive to a fairly obscure system.

Both were really fun to watch though.

Nice try, but MHW has generated the single biggest out cry I've seen from a game in a long time. The threads from even from the first reveal trailer opened up the salt mines to some MASSIVE ass burns. People were back peddling, trying to discredit it, making long word walls of salt, begging for World G. The beta begins tomorrow and people are still crying over World.

monster hunter is multiplat...
how are these even comparable

You can play it on CEM U for free at 4K/60 with an i5. You have to pay $40 for it, I'm addition to getting ass blasted when the Switch emulation eventually cones out.

fake news

It's not on the switch.

roaches like to pretend MHW is exclusive

This thread proves how much Bayo 2 butthurt still exists

Monster Hunter World since it is a wakeup call to newer fans thinking mainline was always Frontier-lite(when it wasn't like this before X/XX)

>digitalfoundry is now fake news

That's wrong sweetie.

The fact that it's multiplat makes it even funnier IMO. One got ass pain because it was an exclusive, the other got an almost equal amount of ass pain even though it's on pretty much every system and can be played by more or less anyone. People got so angry just because it wasn't on the Switch, now that is some major fucking ass pain.

People will insist that Bayonetta 2 was the game that brought the most salt, I say it's Monster Hunter World, and always will be. The threads were glorious.

Yes. Curse of osiris is trashcan tier, at least I will get some monhun play this weekend.

holy shit this so much
it's funny af

This game right here

Not really; I disagree.

What game is this? Not even kidding. I see Nintendo.jpeg

personally i am one pissed of bayonetta fan. Really. thanks nintendo for being a shit console i dont want holding one of my favorite ips hostage

>only caused a small bit of asspain for the X fags
>pretty much forgotten already outside the few Nintendo threads


so you fell for the falseflagging

My back hurts just thinking about this game.


If that makes you happy. Sure.

>Sony fan
>Suddenly brings up cemu

Sup Forums is so full of false flagging shitposting these days that if MHW did get more genuine ass-pain it was drowned out by the mass of fucking retards that now dominate this site not that this place hasn't been full of idoits since the beginning

I know this is bait, but this is just pathetic.

1 week since release and I am forgotten

Hahaha fuck i remember that, it was glorious.
I know people are gonna tell me "negro" sony fag" or whatever but i don't really think bayonetta is that popular, if it was DMC5 exclusively on switch then yeah the butthurt would've been massive and legit. So i think monhun is definitely the winner there in terms of salt.

I've seen people openly admit that they don't care about MHW and they won't buy it but they still shitpost to laugh at Nintendbros, so yeah. Obviously Bayonetta was the one which cause actual non-forced non-falseflagged asshurt

honestly not even close. bayo2 salt was off the fucking charts.


Bayonetta 2 had even the normies freaking out

MH. We can't have a thread on Sup Forums about it still.
Bayo is too niche.

What is that picture supposed to prove exactly?

And it was a playstation exclusive for years before that

Bayonetta got more people genuinely angry and butthurt, but the salt and thus the amusement was stronger with World I would say.

no flexing is the biggest thing in mhw threads, nothing to do with console wars.

Not even remotely true. Why lie? Bloodborne still generates more salt than Bayonetta 2, and even 'Shadows Die Twice' is beginning to gain traction. Bayonetta is shitposting fuel.

Bayo 2, no fucking question. Anybody can play MHW because it's on multiple consoles. In order to play Bayo 2 you had to buy a fucking Wii U.

Yeah, but taking it away from the Nintendo audience is like snatching toys from a baby, that's how much it hurt them.

i see you're new here.

>ftw the MonhunWaruldo beta has more content than Destiny + it's pitiful DLC

MHW felt like a rerun of Bloodborne
>20% actually upset
>(in MHW's case 10% upset about the changes rather than the fact that it's not on Switch)
>30% happy or indifferent
>the rest is split between obvious falseflaggers an sonyg- I mean shitposters responding to the falseflaggers

Now go ahead and call me a butthurt nintenbro or PCbro or whatever, you know I'm right.

I really don't need bayo 3 or 2

tell me how good it is thank you


Considering how so few people care about Bayonetta 2, I guess the winner is MonHun

>no flexing
>sprint healing
>no negative skills
>huge tedious maps

All the complaints on MHW are pretty valid but get ignored as "hurr durr nintenbabies crying"

Breath of the Wild. Getting closer and closer to a year after release and there are still threads daily mad as fuck about the game.

I haven't seen a single Bayo thread in weeks up until last night. Whatever salt Bayonetta generates is far and few. Maybe in the beginning, but it doesn't leave a long lasting sting like Bloodborne.

the only thing keeping mhw shitposting going is the "casual" ammo
>we're making this game for global audiences
did more than any falseflagging console war shitter could crap on about.

>Anybody can play MHW because it's on multiple consoles

Except Nintendies. They don't have anything else.
You think they play 20fps 600p ports out of choice? Lmao

I bought bayo 2 at launch and was surprised at how fast discussion died. Some of you overstate how much of a shit people here give about this franchise.

Whoops, I fucked up the Acronym.

>hey don't have anything else.
Why do you keep saying this when it's not true?

I think there was a Kotaku article on it and some Facebook posts, but Bayonetta doesn't reign in the salt.

Discussion died because every thread got filled with angry shitposting