Did you enjoy the battle of midgets?

Did you enjoy the battle of midgets?

I need a Hifumi in my life.

none of those heights are short for a woman, dumb lanklet.

Yes, cute smol females only.

The footpussy of the goth one could use some cum...

Why the fuck are they all submissive

Where are my dommes at. Fucking shit taste vanilla ass japs. That goth doc would make for a hot as fuck top.

It's even below the average height of Japanese women

>barely passes 5 feet


>average is 5'2"
no they are not, and most of the characters that are shorter than the average are teenagers.

Either the girl on the left isnt standin uo straight ir shes got soke serious scolioses

subs can still go on top. have you never had sex before?

>you must be this tall to ride cowgirl
Nah my man. As hot as tall women are, there are no height requirements to be a top.

Switches are not subs.

Girls who default to the bottom are basic and dime a dozen, not worth the time it takes to get in their pants.

Short girls (5'2" and below) are my fetish.

Short girls are cute so yes.


KYS, you effeminated tool.

your sexual appetites are unhealthy. get help instead of trying to change culture to fit your abnormal desires.
I used to be like you, it is possible to change for the better.

>tfw no teacher mommy gf who likes guys younger than her and will gently stroke your hair

Why even live

Submissive soyboy detected
Have fun when she leaves for a Chad who can actually match her energy

Hey, gentle femdom is kinda nice ok

>doms have to be larger and stronger than subs
Some of the best doms are 100% mental my dude

This is brutal.
Submissive men are a mistake.

Oh fuck off. There used to be a time when people like you weren't welcome on Sup Forums. As far as I'm concerned, you're still not. It wouldn't be as bad if you cunts stayed in your containment board, but nope. Why don't you piss off back to the_donald and moan about degeneracy all day.

You don't even know what degeneracy is. You're so insecure in your desires, that because they aren't part of a hegemonic narrative you self-flagellate and repress them, despite not actually being harmful in any way.

Congrats, sheep. You're worse than sjws who claim exoticism is bad because muh colonial undertones. At least they believe what they spew.

I want to pick up futaba and carry her around.

Chads have a higher rate of submission than Brads and Virgins. The high power exec who pays a woman to step on his balls is a stereotype for a reason.

Ann is 5'6". That's pretty real especially for a Jap.


>implying anything wrong with soyboys
Get a load of this numale.

Shut up, cuck

Careful there numale hipster, dont spill coffee on your indie gamedev laptop.

But Ann isn't best girl.

Im gonna seduce your woman and make her peg me. What do you think about that, bitch?

Ann is a cute bimbo.

I thought Hifumi was at least 5'6 and Anne was '10


Well I think she's the best but we all have different tastes.

Hifumi is best waifu



most japs and weaboos like in this thread prefer submissive underaged children. the shorter and younger they appear the better. weebs are usually closet pedos, who like to fantasize about lolis (2d children) because i guess they cant handle a grown woman, much less an assertive one. also their child size would make their micropenis large in comparison.

Takemi was kind of a dom, she's always teasing Potter-kun and calls him her guinea pig.

the people that play these games are virgin manlets so it's only natural for the characters to be dwarf tier

I think its also a matter of psychological insecurity. A mind that engages in extreme escapism isnt a happy mind. They likely have very little control in their lives, and thus fetishize having that control. The thought of giving it up destroys the fantasy and thus is repulsive to the self as it forces them back to their miserable reality.

Hmm. Maybe ill have to play this game.

you do realise that submissive women are the norm in reality right? it's not "escapism".

Sadayo is the best girl

>there are people in this solar system shorter than 6'0"

Because she's white.

It's not a girl's stature that matters, but the size of hear heart.

kys grannyfag

Beep Boop.

Nah, the vast majority of women really don't actually care either way. Being a top however takes more effort and thus they aren't going to do it without being asked because they dont have that expectation. Ask your girlfriend to be a top and she'll likely do it, maybe she'll be a little hesitant because its not what she's used to.

Dommes are rare and exotic. Thats why they are appealing. I don't understand why mainstream society has such a difficult time understanding this is the backbone of the appeal, instead falling back on freudian theories and soyboy excuses.

>tfw 6'5"
>tfw would fucking tower over all these babes like the grotesque lanklet I am

nice essay.
but that has nothing to do with the point of my post though - you just agreed with me and then called me a soyboy

Read it again until you understand it. I didn't call you a soyboy.

what does anything have to do with the point that submissive women isn't really an "extreme" or "escapist" fantasy fantasy?

Anything below 4'11" makes you a legal dwarf. You can't drive a car in the US without a special setup.

Because the vast majority arent submissive at all, nor are they dominant. They fall somewhere in between.


kys soccer mom

>insulting a sweet and nice woman like Sadayo


Classic Kawakami post.
Truly the worst type of waifufag imaginable.

Real talk. Are they ever barefoot?

>Good boy~

I want to fuck the feet of the girl that looks like the Splatoon kid.


Literally her entire character development is that she was merely pretending to be a good girl.

>tfw she's younger than I am

People like you are the reason the world is so shit

no u