Nominations Are Open!

Nominations are open for the 2017 Sup ForumsGAs.

We're hot on the heels of our rivals with a years worth of games and new awards with which to anoint them. (We love it when one or two games sweep all the awards.)

The nominations site is new, it allows you to suggest your own award titles and to provide feedback on the awards so far - albeit on the strength of the category, not the name. If you don't like the stupid bit of memeology we've chosen for the award name, you'll just have to suggest one yourself!

Only you can stop the Sup ForumsGAs from being shit!

Other urls found in this thread:

Nex Machina better win best game nobody played you shits

One award: "The Year That The Rotting Corpse of Gaming Was Finally, Mercifully Put Down Thanks To Having Zero Even Mediocre Quality Games, Let Alone Any Good Ones". Winner: 2017.

>cringe memewards 2017
I'd rather rewatch disaster that is Jeff's VGA than watch this shit ever again.

>sold so badly that Housemarque is giving up on arcade games
I'd vote for it.



>Zero good games
Nigga you high?

>But that's wrong, you fucking retard.tiff

It better not have these fuckers in the ceremony.

Name one good 2017 game. Hint: whatever bullshit you're thinking of pales in comparison to even the worst games released in the classic era (80s/early 90s), and you know it to be true.

Breath of the Wild

I could, but you'll just say it's shit
This is some pretty mediocre trolling bruh

I can neither confirm nor deny that we eat fast food during the stream.

I enjoy this category very much, although I haven't found anything to put in it.

Wow, so difficult.

I feel like 'least worst game' and 'most hated game' are gonna be the same game

that's cause "worst game" is a shit awards to give.

The worst is clearly some indie shit on steam, but no one played it. Most hated is all needed desu.

That's never been the case before.

Noice, coming to vote I guess

The problem is they're all shit. Name one game released this year that absolutely puts quality, well-done gameplay and control over absolutely everything else.

That's right. There is none.

Lurk moar kiddo, you'll fit in eventually. No need to try so hard to be a contrarian

Name your favorite game so I can say it's shit.

Just cause you don't actually enjoy video games doesn't mean that recent games were bad.

I'm probably older than your mom, kid.

And I'm noticing that you're more interested in insulting me than proving what I said wrong, which is proof that you are afraid as fuck that I'm right and you're just knee-jerk defending your broken, incorrect opinion.

For those that haven't listened to the musical of 2017:

>I'd rather watch UberEats/McDonalds market to me for 3 hours instead of fun Sup Forums shitflinging

You're on the wrong site, friendo.

>2011 - Deus Ex Human Revolution
>2012 - The Walking Dead
>2013 - Metal Gear Rising
>2014 - Bayonetta 2
>2015 - The Witcher 3
>2016 - DOOM
>2017 - ???

I don't have a "favorite game" because I'm not 12.

But if you were to play some of the top games of the 80s and early 90s, you might actually discover some games that I actually enjoy... because they are good games with quality gameplay and controls, not because they're style over substance clusterfucks like your "games".

Don't ignore my first reply, faggot. See:

This is the cringiest thing Sup Forums has ever done

This shit still happens?
Does anyone even remember how cringey the first Sup Forumsgas were?

You know your award show is bad when the best segment is a joke last minute phone in by TBG

Kinda hoping Night in the Woods wins either comfiest or contrarian

Nier Automata

The musical this year was one of the best. Not as good as 2015's, but good. Noms:
>Howard And Pete Hines
>Steam Store
>Loot Boxes!
>Crazy Noisy Bizzare Board
>Miyamoto Theme Song
>Augmented Man
>Don't Shitpost I'm Scared: Community
>If Sup Forums says so
>Ain't That a New Vegas Thread
>My Shiny DLC
>The Legend of LAMAJ and ERIOIOIRE
>Bubsy the Bobcat
>Titan In His Rig

Zelda or mario
Probably zelda

How was Breath of the Wild shit? It had it's rough moment, but it's just a fun, interestingly-done Zelda game. The same goes for Bing Bing Wahoo, and Nier, and fucking ANY game that receives praise in 2017. Chances are, they're all probably mostly good. Things are different now than in the 80's and 90's.

The medium hasn't gotten more shallow or worse, it's simply got more avenues to explore. We now have access to all sorts of game depending on our preferences. Wanna just press W and hear a story? 2017 has those. Want to be taken along for a story but also kill some bad guys? 2017 was full of those. We have games that experiment with perspective, with color, hell, even Tameem was humbled by DmC and came out with a budget-minded game with "AAA" graphics in 2017. There are shooters with deep gun mechanics, turn based battles, weebshit save-the-world-with-your-friends adventures, driving sims that are more realistic than ever, loads of hack & slash games, plenty of card games...dude...we have SO MANY games at our fingertips and you want to whine that not even ONE was good?

I hate to say it, but gaming might not be your hobby any more, bud :/

>You Know My Name
>Luigi Floating On An Egg Over The Sea
>Bing Bing

>argument is that every game from the 80's/90's was better

I mean, if you want zero player agency, muddy textures, hamfisted DO THE THING writing, and the gameplay equivalent of a ball on a string that's attached to a cup, then sure they were "better"

>le wrong generation xD

Christ cut it down to like 10-12 categories lads, this is a hassle coupled with a burden

Reminder to nominate /ourguy/ for best character.

Couple of things:
Not all categories are final, hence why we allow people to vote on them.

We usually have ~30 awards, though we have some website-only awards.

>can't decide that contrarian is clearly a good award but Hook Line and Stinker is a shit one

Why even believe in Jesus?

Don't just put them on the website or do what Geoff did and just ramble them off, at least do a highlight package showing the quick awards you're trying to push through. Otherwise there's no meaning or agency to the award.

Oh no worries, a bunch of us were watching last night and definitely taking note of all the bullshit the TGAs were pulling. Skipping awards like that to get back to an Ad package was pretty fucking grimy.

i think it's super nice of you guys to put together an award show for the children of Sup Forums and reddit and whatever.

thank you guys for doing it this year
awesome job

no specific URL that expires on time? How can you be sure that reddit wont fuck it up?

Only legit Sup Forums votes are counted, my man.

That's for actual voting. This is just nominations. Anyone can nominate anything (even if it's the wrong year) and all the "sdfsdf" and joke entries get trimmed and then you're just left with the nominees when it's time to vote (which will require the timed link)

Well if you're taking notes from the event then, I'd like to point out to not do a fake interview like they did with Geoff & Kyle Bosman at the PreShow. Even in parody, it would suck.

how do they count the legit Sup Forums votes?

genie magic


just link referrals. where the person clicked the link.

it doest matter anyway because 90% of the votes came through links posted on Sup Forums anyway. look at the spread.

>2 votes from reddit

because all the redditors are already here

If I enter through google once, and then through Sup Forums later, what do they count?

What is even the point of the "hardest game" award? Does Cuphead even have competition?

Does artificial difficulty count? OHKO is a pretty dumb idea, even for a shitty weeb game.

In the best girl and best boy awards are you supposed to nominate games or specifiic characters?



deviantart award has to go to the entire cast of lawbreakers

yeah their mentality for legit votes made no sense logically
there was no reason for them not just to come to Sup Forums and then click the link

huh, This only showed me that neogaf users that vote in the Sup ForumsGAs usually have better taste than Sup Forums...

I wonder where you're from

not the literal deviantart-tier OC that is Infinite

2017 was the best since 2007

I've literally never been to neogaf outside of links from Sup Forums to laugh at post. I assume most people on neogaf just ignore the Sup ForumsGAs, and that the ones more inclined to participate are those more inclined to have good taste.

Also, that was just for the first half of the list, hadn't gotten to the second half where it gets worse.

Persona 5
Hollow Knight
Sonic Mania
Evil Within 2

>Least Worst Award
Why? Also where is the reddit award?

P5 or Odyssey

BOTW is garbo

>best gameplay

What does "gameplay" even fucking mean. You don't say a book has good "wordread" or a meal has good "foodeat."


Hellblade for [pic related] award, nothing else comes close

>Sup Forums so butthurt over TGA that they had to make their own awards

Been doing it since 2011 dude

Add it as a suggestion, but think of some "most hated" fanbases first. You can count this one if it makes you feel better.

>best game nobody played
Name 3. Hard mode: ___you can't___

>best game under $20
Name 2. Hard mode: you could

>Dark Souls of Video Games Award
>for most difficult video game
0/10, more like most reddit game
>no eceleb award with DSP

>Butthurt of the TGAs
I think this is the one year Sup Forums isn't butthurt bout the TGAs.

>thinking I forgot all of the shill threads

>I'd rather watch the same two meme Japanese games win everything that have no substance whatsoever

>no eceleb award with DSP

I miss the eceleb award too

Nier: Automata, the game voted for BEST FUCKING SOUNDTRACK, does not even get a song played by the Orchestra

Tommy Wiseau was right: Fuck the Oscars.

Yeah, if Night in the Woods doesn't win, there's something wrong. Though it was actually a good game, for a reasonable price.

>2011 - Deus Ex Human Revolution


I just think its a bit redundant to have both at the same time

Persona 5. We all know weeb presence is strong at the Sup ForumsGAs.

Hey at least they won it, it's hard to play a song for Nier that is Iconic, the other games much much easier.

I hope so, P5 deserves it as well as best soundtrack

>Best Sup Forums the musical song
You faggots will never stop shilling this shit, will you?
That whole month is a cancer on the board full of unoriginal talentless philistines thinking they're better than they are. Kick them off to /vg/ if they ever try to do it again.

for literature, it would be how simple/difficult it is to read it. compare Neal Stephenson's "Anathem" and your kindergarten nursery rhymes: the first you only start to understand after reading like half of the book and then you still have depth to explore, while in the latter you understand everything and the stories write themselves really.

also games are an interactive medium, you cannot judge them like you can books or film or food, yadda yadda you get it.

THIS CANNOT CONTINUE or BECOME AS GODS songs is pretty iconic, instead of those more mellow generic songs that you can't even distinguish as Nier music

P5 should have won it for how catchy and amped up most of the songs are.

Not in a a year of Nier:Automata or Xenoblade 2.I can't remember a song in P5 that wasn't Life Will Change.

Actually you're right, they should have played Become as Gods. P5 doesn't have that good of a soundtrack


How about I dunno, Weight of the World with the original singer?

I just realized I only played less than a handful of video games from this year.

How about the one they played at TGA, River in the Desert?

I honestly think that song is better without the vocals. Maybe if the Violins didn't fuck up during the game awards they would actually have a great song to listen to