It was all me, I did all the work, I don't care what others say

It was all me, I did all the work, I don't care what others say

What was his name again?

There is passionate people, there is crazy people and then me.

Josef Motherfucker

The next star in Hideo Kojima's Death Stranding

Crazy Louey

Joey Macaroni

Was he high or somethin? Kept groping Geoff lol

Brothers was shit

High on jetlag

Does jetlag do this to you.. he was fuckin crackin

being a swede he becomes more cringeworthy he sounds like your typical ghetto turk carpet salesman

Tommy Wiseau

Take your movie game and fuck off, retard.

he's Lebanese tho, which isn't too far off from an oriental carpet seller.

He screw'd up, but I don't want to see him shredded by the publishers

I like how the Publisher on the Wikipedia article was Mark for like 5 hours after they locked it


Oh god that subtle raid.
So fucking good.

Literally proven to be more of a game than Death Stranding so far.

Did i mention Death Stranding, nigger?

>movie game
I hope you are simply confused which game is his and aren't actually this retarded.

not him
>walking simulator

whatd yu say?

Well they're not breaking out of prison in wheelchairs, but it's already clear you do more than walk.

so what is like Gta or somethin. He fuckin went mental about his game

>del taco soyboy
Death stranding is the Ps4's Talladega night

Crazy Josef

It's one of those weirdo ecclectic games we used to see on PS2 with a billion different one time mechanics.

Whether it's wonderful or awful, it's gonna be interesting.

did something happen backstage between these two

At it's core, an adventure game. He's been emphasizing constant variety. There are shooting and stealth mechanics, but they don't drive the flow of the game. Apparently there's dialogue choices too (he keeps talking about how each NPC has different reactions for the two characters).

i did not steal it, its not true, its bullshit, i did not steal the show, i did not

oh hi geoff
