>the game must restart for changes to take effect
The game must restart for changes to take effect
>Unskippable intro logos
>exit game
>game title shows up
>click something
>exit game
>Press any button on title screen
>Exiting returns to title screen
>PC game
what good are the title screens for in any platform anyways. It's just a time waster and the menu looks the same as the title anyways in most cases. you can slap the logo in a corner. It makes sense in arcade games only
>Alt-tabbing causes the game to crash
>unfuckingskippable ANYTHING
>skippable gameplay
>Unskippable combat
>alt tab during loading screen
>loading doesn't progress until you tab back in
>starting menu uses 8 gb ram
>change volume/sensitivity in the options
>restart to apply changes
>alttabbing crashes game
>shit like FXAA can only be changed from .ini files
>you have to edit .ini files for game to recognize your videocard because it isnt a memecard
>exit game
>game.exe has stopped working
I know a lot of devs use canned tools and engines these days, but seriously, why are you trying to make software for a living if you're so bad at programming that this ever occurs?
name 50 games that do this
Any of them that are released on PC and different levels of graphics settings
every time
I fucking despise Ubisoft games for this shit. I measured with a stopwatch how long all that crap took in Far Cry 4 and no joke it took around ONE minute before I could even click on continue game.
And you can't even remove the intros from most Ubishit games because they put all the data in container files.
>Alt-tabbing fucks up the graphics
Red Orchestra 41-45: Ostfront
Killing Floor
Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad
Rising Storm
Killing Floor 2
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam
Unreal Engine games in general
>Have to go back to the main menu to load saved game
>alt+f4 doesn't work at any given time
>nor closing it from the tab
>have to wait all the loading screens to exit or ctrl+shift+esc
>is not even multiplayer nor would the player benefit from prematurely closing the game
fuck bethesda
John Wick 2 sucked
>Civilization 5
>Want to change from windowed to fullscreen