Hatred towards nintendo is 10x more than normal

>hatred towards nintendo is 10x more than normal
What happened?

They becoming popular and others feel threatened.

The nintendo bonus helped win GOTY

Zelda won GOTY and Bayonetta 3 was announced as a Switch exclusive.

It's successful

>nintendo bonus

Sup Forums is full of hipsters.

Sonybro's hate Nintendo being successful because they're threatened

They stole the 2017 Game of the Year award away from its rightful owner (Horizon Zero Dawn).

I really just hate how the fanbase accepts anything exclusive to it as a 10/10

>Just now realizing Sony pony gets filtered as Sonybro

wew, how did I never notice this

>forced meme



It exists sorry ;)

It became popular everywhere else so Sup Forums hates it.
contrarianism at its finest. Or at its most autistic depending on how you look at things.



Switch owner here.

Bayonetta fucking sucks, give me Mad World 2 then we'll talk. No not Anarchy Reigns.

Nintendo is winning. Most Sup Forumsedditors can't convince their parents to get them a Switch, it's that simple.



Can we get Anarchy Reigns 2 though?

Sure, after Mad World 2 though.

It's pushing double standards and the fans happily lap it up without thinking.

>complain about SJW games, but praise Link crossdressing in BOTW (no, playing it as a joke is not an excuse. It should not exist period. Stop defending degeneracy)

>paying for online was always a bad thing, but now suddenly it's okay when Nintendo does it, people even going so far as to use the "poorfag" excuse on people who complain (and yet these same people would defend net neutrality because they don't want to pay extra for internet. what hypocrites)

>cry about movie games like Uncharted, but defend even worse cinematic trash like Xenoblade (no, the gameplay is not good, otherwise the story would not exist)

>everything has to be about sex appeal. If a game doesn't have a sexy woman in it, they call it SJW shit. Shoot, look at the average Nintendo fan's reception towards Samus Returns. Because Samus doesn't immediately strip out of her suit every 5 seconds and fellate a banana, every Nintendo fan on this website calls it feminazi propaganda

>they only like multiplats when they're on the Switch. If it's a multiplat on the Pc, for example, they say it's overrated pixel shit, while praising garbage like Bomberman or Puyo Tetris

>games below 30 FPS used to be unacceptable (notice how every Nintendo fan hates Bloodborne because of this), but since BOTW did it, now it's considered "artistic license"

>Nintendo fans claim that they hate abhorrent DLC practices, which is why they defend amiibos, but now they actively defend games having amiibo content AND Day 1 DLC and season passes

Just for starters.

pretty sure its the normal amount


The Wii happened.

theyre successful, which upsets sonyroids
you didnt see this shitposting during the wiiu era

we dominated that shitty award show

Prove that it exists

>garbage like Puyo Tetris

Bitch, I will fucking kill you

Port begging

only mad ps4 niggers

this obsession though

You only like it because it has anime waifus, and that's all the threads ever talk about. You ruined Tetris by needing to shove weeb trash into it.


Prove that it doesn't

They actually made a good console for once

>frog poster is unironically stupid
Wow who would have thought?

>Prove it
You dumbfuck.

In order to empirically prove the Nintendo bias exists you would have to find identical games and have your control group play games not knowing the publisher then rate them. Then you would need a second group play the same games and tell them that they were Nintendo products and compare the scores.

Since the data pool you are pulling from only has two variables (the brand's success and people who question it's quality) its CLINICALLY RETARDED to assume there is a phenomenon called the "Nintendo Bonus" that exists outside of an echo chamber.

You're experiencing confirmation bias, sorry ;)

Nice argument nintenbro

seePoster doesn't even acknowledge the points presented all because of a reaction image. Looks like a nintendo bonus to me.

people are happy nintendo won because it’s nice to see GAMES winning. it’s not because of loyalty

Prove that it does

Nintendo ain't got no games


It's GAME. Causal Odyssey is the only exclusive on Switch with high metascore.

Folks around here get real mad when the gigantic toy corporation they've invested the most time and money into aren't perceived as winning an arbitrary race, because they have so little else going on in their lives that they base their whole identity around the fact that they only buy toys put out by a specific company.

It's kinda pathetic, but it kinda explains where all the hostility and hatred comes from.

>minutes nintenbros since last cried
Wow.... so this is the power....of sony fans...

>being so fucking stupid he doesn't even understand the memes he spouts
Just sad at this point.

Back to pol there is nothing wrong with dressing up in a feminine way.

Or you could find a inferior port on Nintendo platform with higher metscore. It's that simple, toddler.

Success breeds jealousy

What memes? I presented nothing but argument.s So it's on you to dispel them.

>What happened?

There's at least two posters in your links, and the fact that you can't refute
on strengthens my point.

Thanks for the backup, I assure you it's not needed :)

Please don't reply to ACfag, he's very transparent.

I guess this explains why some people on this board hate Sony.

Nintendo Bonus.

idort here
Nintendo finally convinced me to get a switch but does bayo 1 and 2 will come togheter?

Assblasted Sonyboys crying because their mommy won't buy them a Switch.

No shut up, sales only count if they're from japan

Xenoblade Chronicle 2

not a shill btw, just a regular 4channer

You ever think about how pathetic this place is? If some Sony game won this exact thread would be happening right now post for post with the roles switched. If you're not a shareholder to one of these companies why the fuck do you care who's "winning?"

Shuhei Yoshida himself congratulated Nintendo on their GOTY win, for fuck's sake.



So explain to me why everything I said isn't valid.

That weeb trash got about 10 points more than deserved.

Sup Forums has to invent insane conspiracy theories to explain why Nintendo games are so great.

Yeah, it's a 2-pack.

You mean like Skyrim, Doom, and and the Gamecube and Wii U versions of multiplat titles?

They are LOWER. Yet another brainlet destroying their own argument.



I don't hate Nintendo but the fanbase has got to be the most insufferable autistic fanbase. This thread proves it.


Remember sony's remote play with vita and ps4? Switch made something better that works.


Bayonetta 2 on the cartridge with the download code for Bayonetta 1 if you wish.

It's what happens when most of Sup Forums are poorfags and cannot buy more than 1 platform (outside of a PC). Coupled with the fact that console war threads still don't get deleted like they should, it makes shit posting even more common.

Personally, I feel the VGA were handled a bit poorly. Geoff ran down a list of games midway that won awards, but there wasn't any recognition and it just pissed me off. Spent more time talking about Andrew House and fucking e-celebs and eSprots than about the game games winning awards.

Sounds like just the dust hasn't settled for Mario, which is the only game you might be right about with that

Yeah, really enjoying that 360p goodness.

Because you are making a claim that is impossible to test empirically.

Just saying a game won because of a phenomenon born out of confirmation bias isn't an argument or a point. The only evidence that you can point to is that the Nintendo Bonus exisits is that it is sucessful and there are people who don't agree.

Learn how to argue, faggot.

But user, Madworld fucking sucked.

>Because you are making a claim that is impossible to test empirically.
Doesn't this logic apply to every company with metacritic scores? You can't say sony pays for scores, for example, since alot of their games score rock bottom.

Yet somehow that's perfectly valid to you.

>Nintendo game wins GOTY award.
>Instead of being happy about it and patting themselves on the back Nintenbros lash out at the competition and shoves it in everyones face.

This is what insecurity does to people. Nintendo has the worst fanbase.


Now you are putting words in my mouth.

I haven't defended or even mentioned other companies in this thread.

Learn how to reason and argue. You are just embarrassing yourself.

>Nintendo has the worst fanbase
You're seriously delusional if you believe that. BotW has won practically every GOTY already and it's fairly quiet on forums despite that.


>I haven't defended or even mentioned other companies in this thread.
Meanwhile, several posts up
>haha sonybros are seething! XD

No self-awareness, I swear.

explain how BotW isn't a game

>every post that disagrees with me comes from one person.

You are truly pathetic.


Nintendo shits the same game out every year with perfect reveiws.



>pushes progressive liberal agendas aka crossdressing (and then you try to play it off as a joke when caught, which is the equivalent of pretending to be retarded. You're still acting retarded, but now you're adding a layer of pretentiousness ontop of it)
>sub-30 FPS, specifically chosen because it's more "cinematic"
>2 hours of cutscenes littered everywhere
>gameplay is tainted with cinematic trash like the flurry rush, which is literally "mash the button to win"
>fans refuse to talk about the gameplay and will just masturbate to porn of the characters
>game journos all love it, when they've been outspoken about how they hate games with good gameplay

Sounds like a movie to me.

Why don't people just buy every console and have a good PC?

I have a $1500 PC for Steam, a PS4 for multiplats and Uncharted, an Xbox One S (Upgrading to X soon for new 4k TV) for Halo and multiplats, and a Switch for Nintendo games.

Why does everyone stick to one horse in the race when you could just make some money and have all of them?

There it is.