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Okay, now where's the savior of the multiverse?
>toriyama cat,tenshinhan 2.0 and toriyama hitler
>tfw the r/kappa leak is becoming more and more true.
Confirmed on my team
Rosé is pure AESTHETIC
What leak
Please be Zamasu tag team
Black is SUBARASHIII but Zamasu's beautiful voice would be the icing on the cake.
In the link i posted, the leaker stated that Goku Black, Beerus and Hit were playable characters.
Beerus should never be a playable character. The entire idea of Beerus is an obstacle that Goku and Vegeta can never over-come, or at the least won't overcome without some seriously broken power (like Ultra Instinct or Fusion since SSB possibly rivals Beerus)
I realize this game already has a few potential quirky matchups like, Nappa being able to beat Kid Buu, but NO ONE should be beating Beerus
Anyone have the scan?
this, please provide OP
You're not wrong but he'll just be like Slayer where if you beat him it'll be very clear he's not knocked out, if he actually gets in.
Could Ultra Instinct Vegito defeat Beerus?
>Please be Zamasu tag team
It had better be.
It just wouldn't be the same without Zamasu's "NINGEN"
I mean, Goku and Vegeta were both approaching Beerus' level in the Fused Zamasu arc. And considering everything we've seen so far, Ultra Instinct Goku would FUCK Beerus.
Vegito Blue would be all you needed. UI Vegito would be overkill.
shit season 3 of SFV is gonna be great
>from scans of the v.jump menu
You mean that blurry image of Kid Buu and Ginyu?
Just make him like Slayer, dude.
Also who even gives a shit about how powerful the characters should be, it's a fighting game, I care about fun characters being in it.
it's a fighting game you fucking faggot
harley beats up superman in injustice
nobody cares
Ultra Instinct GOKU could probably beat Beerus at this point.
Nigga, you can play as fucking YAMCHA in a game where Cell, Frieza and Majin fucking Buu are playable characters. What a stupid thing to even think.
>He doesn't know
Fuck off.
The purple one looks worse now and we still can't see what it's supposed to be (pretty sure it's still Ginyu), not one denied Beerus (movie character) But the Pink hair looks pretty definitive. Looks like we will have to wait until next Saturday to be sure 100%.In which case if it's true, congratulations superfags, you finally got a win. I may not have wanted them in the game but I'm not going to deny something like this, though I'm still going to be cautious.
>copypasta in 2 threads at the same time
Nothing better to do with your life, my man?
I read that all in TFS Cell's voice.
>if this is true you can make a team of nothing but Goku's