>friend recommends me Japanese game, says it's "deep"
>ends up being peudo-intellectual trash with the the depth of a puddle + random fapbait
ugh-uh-ugh-ugh b-based Japan!
Friend recommends me Japanese game, says it's "deep"
you and your friend sound retarded
>b-based Japan!
Should probably kill yourself for taking video games too seriously.
What the fuck does 2B stand for anyways?
There's some decent stuff in there, but most of it isn't just thrown in your face, like the Sartre quest.
"Muh fapbait" is the single greatest signifier for people not actually playing the game. The second someone starts to say it you know they didn't beat the game. It's wonderful.
thanks for the info
Or not 2B.
Because her purpose is 2E(xecute).
Thruth is that you have no friends and you feel the need to spam the same threads over and over and over like an obsessed permabutthurt ragetard.
Too deep for you I guess.
It's actually hilarious how true this is.
Another good indicator is people saying 2B is the protagonist.
Hows the PC port of this game, I want to buy it, but I see a lot of negative reviews on steam regarding how the game runs, I just want a second opinion.
I would pirate it just to find out if it runs on your machine first.
There are some fixes but you mostly have to pray that your set-up doesn't have any problems with it. Not the best port but certainly playable.
Its not the same for everyone really
Just buy it and test the performance
If it runs like shit,try the FAR Mod
If it still runs like shit refund it
Well I have completed the game and still say so. You're fucking morons if you don't understand that the character designs are another gaping plothole in the game because they weren't designed for any other reason than selling the game and its' fan merchandise, aka fap/shotabait.
If you wanted an example of a country's intellectualism why would you play a video game? Just read Yukio Mishima or Osamu Dazai or something.
Crap shoot whether it works or not. Some hardware doesn't play nice, but no one has really pinned down what works and what doesn't.
The main non-hardware issue is that fullscreen runs at upscaled 900p. You need to run in borderless window to get hgher native resolutions.
Literally true
I'm pretty surprised how idiotic the weeb/gamer audience really is. The game sucks from every perspective possible other than soundtrack. Storytelling/characters/narrative or whatever is hack-tier pseudo-intellectual garbage.
It's an overhyped mediocre game which sold on 2B's ass and thighs alone. Which are great, but pretending the game's good is a sign of a pretentious brainlet.
Nothing has done Nier:A more of a disservice than DEEPfags.
So many intellectuals and posers struggling to explain why they liked the game so much when the goal of Nier:A was to be a game for which your feelings don't have words, like that girl you liked in middle school even though she wasn't the prettiest or the funniest or the most popular.
When you try to focus too much on the small details, then you can't see the forest for the few ugly trees that stand before you.
The beauty of the game can only be found by those who don't seek it.
YoRHa Unit No.2 Type E(xecutioner)
B = Battle
S = Scanner
O = Operator
E = Executioner
Stop lying faggot
It's literally a major plot point.
Just admit you didn't finish the game.
>lying this hard for a shitpost
That's a lot of words to say "The game's ideas are implicit, not explicit."
Yeah, totally, just like Quiet being half naked in mgs V
It's deep, he just doesn't get it
Yes, the 9S is somehow sexually attracted to her even though he himself says during a side quest of the game that androids cannot reproduce. Makes perfect sense. Right?
You seriously can't be this fucking stupid that you take sloppy internet fan speculation (that doesn't even make sense) as real lore and use it as a "dude u didn't play the game!!" argument.
I've yet to talk with a sensible Yoko Taro echochamber circlejerker
>don't play a game
>make up some story that didn't happen in order to give yourself an excuse to bash the game
>another "muh offensive, muh blatant fanservice" screaming autist
Yes, she's offensive and the fanservice is shitty and the worst thing since the holocaust. You win, now fuck off back to you SJW infested hole, maybe your cuck-queen will peg you 5 minutes longer than usual when she sees your gallant posts about this problematic matter.
Lmao what the fuck. Are you seeing things?
I never said that it's offensive nor that I dislike fan service. Do you always sperg out like that when your fan theories don't end up making sense? Does it feel that bad that your game is puddle-deep pseudo intellectual garbage and the character designs are fapbaits & marketing?
This is legitimately embarrassing that you are that defensive about a sexy character that doesn't make sense in the slightest in the context of the narrative, although you claim it does. I don't even have to guess that you are a virgin.
Not even the same guy you're arguing with autismo. Everyone's already left due to your and OP's faggotry. You want arguments and sense? Play the game like other already suggested instead of trying to be threatened by TnA you humongous homo.
Alright so if you cannot accept that someone might have played the game and found it steaming turd, then so be it.
It's probably the most showing sign of stupidity that you can only see the world through your own eyes, and i'm neither surprised to see that the idiot weebs who think this game is something special are like that.
A = Attacker
>I didn't do the Jackass side quests please spoon feed me daddy
If you tried to offer arguments about anything other than TnA I'd accept it glady even though I wouldn't have to agree with it. Since your whole argument is based on it though you are already on shitposter level, not to mention a flaming faggot.
What arguments am I supposed to offer? For what? What the fuck are you talking about? Are you psychotic?
Noooo muh pseudoludonarrative can't take this aragsgsfragahahruh
You're a big homo boy, you think about it yourself. I'm sure you'll find it eventually.
maybe you could pick an argument that isn't inane and on surface level, faggot
also easily picked apart
why are government agents and bodyguards always depicted as wearing formal suits even though it would be restrictive for movement
>being this assblasted to find out that the puddle deep speculation for the fan-service merchandise protagonist's looks they believed in didn't make sense
Yoko Taro fans are the gifts of stupidity that keep on giving. Aww you little puppies!
(you) seem to be thirsty
i tried the soundtrack. samples from the xenoblade 2 soundtrack are better than this. Fucking overrated piece of shit.
Stop embarrassing yourself.
still not buying your tablet ninty
you can download off the internet
get some taste you fucking faggots
nier is better
What kind of game even is this? Literally every webm I've seen of it is 2B's ass. Is it an action game? What? Compare the combat to another game.
if you mean the original nier yes that game has a nice soundtrack
its problematic
>Compare the combat to another game
Nier Gestalt
nah, automata is better too
>people recommend me game
>I'm a brainlet so I don't get a pretty simple plot with a pretty simple message
t-this stupid weebshit is so shit! s-so overrated!
Pseudo open world ARPG with bullet hell elements with flashy Platinum combat.
>Makes perfect sense. Right?
Considering castrated humans still feel lust, yeah.
>I didn't play the game
I love how this game makes it so east to spot shills and shitposters.
Are people really still talking about this game? Wew.
well yeah it's just run-of-the-mill dweeb shit.
the people who considers games like these "deep", just have very bad frames of reference to what a "deep" story is.
>a side quest of the game that androids cannot reproduce
So, you didn't play the game, I see.
what's a game with a plot you think is deep
Fuck off. It wasn't anything more than fapbait with 9S being inserted to fulfill the players mommy want milkies fetish.
Don't think I didn't play it either. The only good part of the game is when 2B is fucking corrupted by the virus and she has to walk from the sunken city, up the sewer and all the way to the tower while being unable to even jump most of the time. That was literally the only instance where the game experimented with some interesting narrative.
A honest question and it's not begging.
So how's that Lego city undercover which was fully founded by Nintendo, had ended up on other platforms....?
No one even said it was deep.
The game just points out that the little bit (and you, the player) expect nothing from a sexually attractive woman. That an agency that needs him but also needs to control him would do better by manipulating him emotionally and then forcibly than by starting with force.
It's sure as fuck better than "she needs to be naked to breathe" because it's actually about said sex appeal and how characters and players echo each other.
Not deep, not even terribly clever, but it has a purpose.
>Love humans
>Want to be like them, love them and care for them
>Androids do their best to emulate humanity and distinguish themselves from machines
>OG androids were built by humans and made as human looking as possible, even had emotions
Way to be a complete faggot and miss all that and more.
Because most weebs don't stray outside vidya and anime so they don't know any better.
Why didn't you kill her then?
Quiet is 100% optional. If you don't like her, just shoot her in the head after the boss fight.
Problem solved.
Did all humans dress like goth sluts or what?
>"Mommy milky fetish"
>His entire relationship with her is about emotional manipulation and wanting to kill her.
If it was wish fulfillment, 9S wouldn't be a terrible person who never actually gets what he wants and who the player is conditioned to hate.
>This level of autism
Nooses are cheap you know
You weebs are pathetic. Why is it impossible to comprehend that someone might play the entire game and still think it's garbage? You seem to claim that it's impossible. It's utterly selfish and echochamber-like to think that it's impossible to dislike something you like.
And why is this a thing that this game's audience does so fucking much? It seems like the Yoko Taro really nails attracting the neet audience who have standards of an average shonen anime when it comes to storytelling. Like complete tunnel visioned morons who are out of touch with the society so they think the entire world lives through their own eyes and that if someone dislikes the game, he just hasn't played it!
Oh man, it's so easy to tell who did and didn't play the game.
Honestly I've never seen any discussion in NIER threads, just people posting 2bs ass and porn
weebs were a mistake
I wouldn't be able to say, come to think of it I never think I've played a game with a really deep story. Some RPGs do a decent job, but then most of the story telling ends up being done through text so that's not really a fair comparison.
But once you compare it with books, a few TV series and even fever movies, the scales are vastly different.
The people who have played it are probably the worst at selling it to anyone else to play. You are better off shutting yourself away and just play it on your osn terms.
According to Nier G/R they dressed like Tetsuya Nomura characters and bums.
I really want to play this game.
But I refuse to pay more than 20 bucks.
And you faggots keep saying that Bayonetta 2 has no chance to end up on another platforms
It's obvious you didn't play the game, and watched the cut-scenes on YouTube, because you're making some glaring mistakes to the plot in every post you make.
It's hilarious, really.
>*doesn't prove him wrong*
h-haha yy-y-y-you didn't play it
>dude name-dropping famous novelists and entry-level philosophers lmao
>dude rote existentialism lmao
Yet another American-Capitalist assault on Hochkultur.
>tfw Platinum cursed these threads to be nothing but a few fans arguing with kids who desperately crave (You)s.
Fuck you, Kamiya.
It is what I hear when Nier Automata fans speak.
They aren't androids, you idiot.
>his entire relationship was about emotional manipulation and wanting to kill her
Did you even play the fucking game? Nigga had his memory wiped several times because he kept getting too human for developing feelings for 2B. His desire to love, turns into a lust for murder due to the corruption of the robots. He goes mad because he wanted to be the only one to control 2Bs fate so if he can't have her, no one should.
Basically 9S was /r9k/ manifested as a shitty shoto
BTW. Automata was shit compared to papa Nier
Of course, is not as deep as Andromeda or Skyrim.
t. android
Actually comparing Nier to Skyrim is fairly accurate - the only person rating it high are those who only care about masturbating to the characters in the game.
I mean that's not what I said, but sure, you can just greentext that straw man you made up if you want.
The Sartre quest is interesting because it acts as a summary of the whole game very early into it. It's basically the thesis statement and most people don't notice despite it always appearing as the first sidequest. They don't even call him Sartre in the American release, you dope.
The machines are emulating and adopting facets of human society and philosophy by drawing from human records. Why wouldn't they go for the entry-level and well-known stuff considering they're just barely beginning to grasp what it is to be human?
Platinum and the character designer are the reason Automat was successful in the first place.
>game changes genre from shooter, to hack and slash, to platform.
but still the game is repetitive and boring as fuck
"Typгop" (2008)
"Perimeter" (2004)
"Baнгepы" (1998)
Vangers are legit though. And so is Pathologic.
>android/machine semantics
Oh lmfao. You basically just re-confirmed what I said in the post that you quoted. Did you notice that? Do you even notice anymore that the only explanation that you keep coming up with for someone not liking the game or calling the story nonsensical is that "he just hasn't played it"? It's like you're in psychosis, unwilling to accept that the game can be played and still thought of as trash.
I'm not actually russian, but these are the only games that really made me think. Suppose Pathologic could have been on there too, but then we're veering into existential territory again, unlike "Tension" which touches on far more wide-ranging concepts (can be interpreted as Absolute, perennial, Diamat etc. etc.)
Also, am I correct in referring to Perimeter as Perimeter? I think it was released with the english title also in Russia, but I am not 100% on that.
You got it right.