Jesus christ, is there a bigger numale game out there

jesus christ, is there a bigger numale game out there

Your favorite game.


Fuck off phoneposter

Persona 4

I know this is bait, but.

It's A ME, Mario

Persona 5 fags, this is your mentality.

Please tell me this isn't real

>becomes some type of inter dimensional thief
>takes down gangs to political figures with powers
>girls want his dick constantly
>fucks his teacher
>gets away with it all

Yep what a cuck


top fucking kek.
only the biggest autists go to anime conventions though.

all my no-life weeb friends love the shit out of this and talk about how much they adore makoto so perhaps
and yes I realise the irony of calling others no-life and browsing Sup Forums

We must have vastly different interpretations of what "numale" means seeing as in this game you get to fuck your teacher.

And the numales come out of the woodworks.

Sounds like a nu-male fantasy to me

Why does Joker always shits on him?

all me

Whatever you say, phoneposter.

Ah, so you are hunting for (you’s)

Well you aren’t getting this one ;)

all me

It's called OP simulator

what's an old-male fantasy?
>be an average joe
>listen to everything authority figures tell you
>be a lonely virgin
>get fucked over anyway

Honestly though, Persona really is for those creepy socially awkward autists who didn't have friends growing. A real well adjusted man's game is like Death Stranding.

Nu-male game or not, people over praise the fuck out of this game. It's good, but P3 was better. It's embarrassing watching people try to argue that it had the best soundtrack of the year.

Real well adjusted men don't play videogames at all, especially obscure "deep" kojima games.

But i know you are baiting.

This but unironically.

>heh, my cool masculine witcher 3 game is so cool, I play as a cool guy who kills baddies and gets the ladies


>calls people numales
>thinks he isn't a numale


>Persona really is for those creepy socially awkward autists who didn't have friends growing

These friendship sims are legit fucking creepy.


*everything up to P4
P5 leaked out into the normalfag crowd and has a respectable amount of normalfags playing it.

dead game for dead consoles, nice

>so butthurt he made a webm
Report and ignore, newfig.

>uses the word "creepy"
NeoFAGs should leave.

Imagine being this mad.

>not playing PES/FIFA/MADDEN with the niggas
It's almost like you don't even know what is being a normie

>friendship sims
>80% of the game is spent fighting demons

KYS my man

>persona is for reddit numale ironic weeb normalfags
>persona is for friendless losers who never have sex and have zero social skills

>getting upset that your shitposts are being filtered
You gotta work harder for those (You)s, user.

so epig i get to kill god with satan lol with my autitic robot waifu

You just proved his point.

>yet you still respond
jesus christ it's like you faggots want to be mad

If you don't understand then you ARE Mishima.

For both.

Numales really like to expose themselves, don't they. I wonder if they like the attention.

>Can fuck your teacher
>Can fuck the sexy punk doctor
>Can fuck the alcoholic reporter

God bless Persona 5


not as creep as The Sims 4 though

thanks my nigga

What's the point of your shitpost, OP? are you so bored that you needed to make one from your phone while being at your aunt's dinner?

It was when I realized
That life has no meaning
No purpose, no quarry answeres...

And all the dreary night
That had befallen across
The land
I slipped into a revery
A web of human hand

You longed to soar up high
To caress the silky winds
To embrace and kiss as lovers
...the ether...

But fate with cursed hand
Has struck wretch apon your head
This wretch has been the day
You were born (human)

I live my life alone
And all it's misery
Until the day I turn to stone
I shall die alone
Among the wilderness

It was when I realized
Apon my waking eyes
No nightmare of mankind
Can harm me...

I live my life alone
Among the wilderness
Until the day i turn to stone
Life is but a dream
Among the wilderness

...I spread my golden wings
Set sail my weightless form
And soar into the cosmos

Can I get a quick rundown on this guy?

I can't fucking wait for Trump to leave so everyone can quit shoving fucking politics in everything holy shit man it's like you can't take two steps without "DUDE LET'S SHOEHORN TRUMP IN THIS THING THAT HAS NO CORRELATION TO IT LMAO"

all me

His name?

Tommy Wiseau.

He loved to soar up high.

You`re the soyboy fag

Embrace my love you thick bitch. I only want to dig out your ass every night.

You forgot the meaning of that word soyboy.

It was when I realized
That life has no meaning
No purpose, no quarry answeres...

And all the dreary night
That had befallen across
The land
I slipped into a revery
A web of human hand

You longed to soar up high
To caress the silky winds
To embrace and kiss as lovers
...the ether...

But fate with cursed hand
Has struck wretch apon your head
This wretch has been the day
You were born (human)

I live my life alone
And all it's misery
Until the day I turn to stone
I shall die alone
Among the wilderness

It was when I realized
Apon my waking eyes
No nightmare of mankind
Can harm me...

I live my life alone
Among the wilderness
Until the day i turn to stone
Life is but a dream
Among the wilderness

...I spread my golden wings
Set sail my weightless form
And soar into the cosmos
Anonymous 12/08/17(Fri)11:52:08 No.399407943▶Can I get a quick rundown on this guy?
Anonymous 12/08/17(Fri)11:52:12 No.399407950▶
I can't fucking wait for Trump to leave so everyone can quit shoving fucking politics in everything holy shit man it's like you can't take two steps without "DUDE LET'S SHOEHORN TRUMP IN THIS THING THAT HAS NO CORRELATION TO IT LMAO"
Anonymous 12/08/17(Fri)11:52:15 No.399407953▶
all me
Anonymous 12/08/17(Fri)11:56:26 No.399408349▶His name?

Tommy Wiseau.
Anonymous 12/08/17(Fri)11:58:28 No.399408516▶
He loved to soar up high.
Anonymous 12/08/17(Fri)12:00:37 No.399408751▶File: 1512517584314.png (349 KB, 567x522)
349 KB
You`re the soyboy fag
Anonymous 12/08/17(Fri)12:03:54 No.399409048▶
Embrace my love you thick bitch. I only want to dig out your ass every night.
Anonymous 12/08/17(Fri)12:03:57 No.399409056▶
You forgot the meaning of that word soyboy.

>Persona really is for those creepy socially awkward autists who didn't have friends growing

These friendship sims are legit fucking creepy.
Anonymous 12/08/17(Fri)11:32:35 No.399406219▶ File: Filtered.webm (706 KB, 1280x720)
706 KB
Anonymous 12/08/17(Fri)11:34:19 No.399406373▶
*everything up to P4
P5 leaked out into the normalfag crowd and has a respectable amount of normalfags playing it.
Anonymous 12/08/17(Fri)11:34:25 No.399406381▶
dead game for dead consoles, nice
Anonymous 12/08/17(Fri)11:34:45 No.399406414▶>so butthurt he made a webm
Report and ignore, newfig.
Anonymous 12/08/17(Fri)11:34:49 No.399406423▶
>uses the word "creepy"
NeoFAGs should leave.
Anonymous 12/08/17(Fri)11:36:43 No.399406570▶File: 1505989058046.jpg (151 KB, 700x702)
151 KB
Imagine being this mad.
Anonymous 12/08/17(Fri)11:36:57 No.399406601▶
>not playing PES/FIFA/MADDEN with the niggas
It's almost like you don't even know what is being a normie
Anonymous 12/08/17(Fri)11:37:24 No.399406635▶
>friendship sims
>80% of the game is spent fighting demons

KYS my man
Anonymous 12/08/17(Fri)11:37:50 No.399406673▶File: 124.png (388 KB, 707x385)
388 KB
>persona is for reddit numale ironic weeb normalfags
>persona is for friendless losers who never have sex and have zero social skills
Anonymous 12/08/17(Fri)11:38:08 No.399406703▶File: 7385694708.jpg (49 KB, 750x878)
49 KB
>getting upset that your shitposts are being filtered
You gotta work harder for those (You)s, user.
Anonymous 12/08/17(Fri)11:38:58 No.399406779▶
so epig i get to kill god with satan lol with my autitic robot waifu
Anonymous 12/08/17(Fri)11:40:10



Anonymous 12/08/17(Fri)11:10:29 No.399404281▶Persona 4
Anonymous 12/08/17(Fri)11:10:42 No.399404294▶ File: Shujin President Copypasta.png (1.14 MB, 512x1682)
1.14 MB
I know this is bait, but.
Anonymous 12/08/17(Fri)11:12:07 No.399404396▶ (OP)
It's A ME, Mario
Anonymous 12/08/17(Fri)11:13:21 No.399404507▶ File: actual autism.jpg (112 KB, 598x1024)
112 KB
Persona 5 fags, this is your mentality.
Anonymous 12/08/17(Fri)11:15:55 No.399404728▶ (You)
Please tell me this isn't real
Anonymous 12/08/17(Fri)11:16:06 No.399404742▶ (OP)

>becomes some type of inter dimensional thief
>takes down gangs to political figures with powers
>girls want his dick constantly
>fucks his teacher
>gets away with it all

Yep what a cuck
Anonymous 12/08/17(Fri)11:17:33 No.399404871▶ File: 1495075496520.png (93 KB, 378x432)
93 KB
Anonymous 12/08/17(Fri)11:18:15 No.399404931▶ File: 1494577574973.jpg (69 KB, 651x599)
69 KB
top fucking kek.
only the biggest autists go to anime conventions though.
Anonymous 12/08/17(Fri)11:19:13 No.399405029▶File: 1512547821042.jpg (40 KB, 560x483)
40 KB
all my no-life weeb friends love the shit out of this and talk about how much they adore makoto so perhaps
and yes I realise the irony of calling others no-life and browsing Sup Forums
Anonymous 12/08/17(Fri)11:19:52 No.399405079▶ File: Kawakami_Cut-in.png (117 KB, 872x632)
117 KB
We must have vastly different interpretations of what "numaleher.
Anonymous 12/08/17(Fri)11:21:06 No.399405182▶

It was when I realized
That life has no meaning
No purpose, no quarry answeres...

And all the dreary night
That had befallen across
The land
I slipped into a revery
A web of human hand

You longed to soar up high
To caress the silky winds
To embrace and kiss as lovers
...the ether...

But fate with cursed hand
Has struck wretch apon your head
This wretch has been the day
You were born (human)

I live my life alone
And all it's misery
Until the day I turn to stone
I shall die alone
Among the wilderness

It was when I realized
Apon my waking eyes
No nightmare of mankind
Can harm me...

I live my life alone
Among the wilderness
Until the day i turn to stone
Life is but a dream
Among the wilderness

...I spread my golden wings
Set sail my weightless form
And soar into the cosmos
Anonymous 12/08/17(Fri)11:52:08 No.399407943▶ (You)
Can I get a quick rundown on this guy?
Anonymous 12/08/17(Fri)11:52:12 No.399407950▶
(You) (You)
I can't fucking wait for Trump to leave so everyone can quit shoving fucking politics in everything holy shit man it's like you can't take two steps without "DUDE LET'S SHOEHORN TRUMP IN THIS THING THAT HAS NO CORRELATION TO IT LMAO"
Anonymous 12/08/17(Fri)11:52:15 No.399407953▶
all me
Anonymous 12/08/17(Fri)11:56:26 No.399408349▶His name?

Tommy Wiseau.
Anonymous 12/08/17(Fri)11:58:28 No.399408516▶
(You) (You)
He loved to soar up high.
Anonymous 12/08/17(Fri)12:00:37 No.399408751▶ (You)
File: 1512517584314.png (349 KB, 567x522)
349 KB
(OP) (OP)
You`re the soyboy fag
Anonymous 12/08/17(Fri)12:03:54 No.399409048▶
Embrace my love you thick bitch. I only want to dig out your ass every night.
Anonymous 12/08/17(Fri)12:03:57 No.399409056▶
(OP) (OP)
You forgot the meaning of that word soyboyyy


It's going to get worse. American is going to be swinging violently left and right from here on out. Expect a huge transgender open boarders socialist to run as the Dem answer to Trump in 2020. You are going to be one extreme or the other.

Welcome to democracy.


This six ends a life on Earth.


Check em, clean 3

Ya'll need to sit down, be humble. Check this 4.

check this 6

Wow. I don't think I was ever THAT angry for some internet shitposting.



I'll be on my way home then


makoto best girl

Your dad sucked me off, faggot.

Awards mean nothing anyway, we all know Final Fantasy is still the best JRPG series out there, Persona-fags still on suicide watch because their weeby game sucks LOL

I love this "ironic weeb" meme.
Is this your way of coping by the fact that Anime is super mainstream and popular?

This is pretty much on the nose. Words like 'ironic', 'epic', and 'literally' are the most abused words on the internet.

>this thread
>weebs are this triggered by being called a numale

i wasn't using any of those buzzwords in any legitimate way, don't get your panties in a twist.

Before I leave let me tell you, the greatest plot twist of all is that I'm OP and I've written most of the replies in this thread. There are 80 replies and 40 IPs for a reason. Tarnishing the weeb name and weeb games is all I set out to do, and now I am finished.

Nioh was technically a ARPG and better then FF15 or P5 despite its flaws. P5 has nothing but looks and is the same 99% faggy interactions with shallow characters and 1% watered down SMT gameplay. FF15 has QTE boss battles in a JRPG there isn't much more to say there.

Jrpgs/rpgs this year have been weak as fucking shit.



go back to co pseudobrony

I want to go home

damn dude, god damn