Brainlet here. Explain the story

Brainlet here. Explain the story.

Guy who most likely cheated on and killed his terminally ill wife is put through a karmic, psychological trial by a supernatural town.

Overrated game. The only Silent Hill I do not like.

You're aware that 2 and maybe Shattered Memories are the only two good SH games, right? The rest of them are just over the top, 3spooky5me edgefests about cartoony satanic cults.

You wake up in your NEET appartment, you try to leave and buy tendies but the door's locked so you dig a hole to the wall and crawl towards the local KFC.
On your way there you meet a crackwhore who thinks is dreaming and offers you a blowie but her genital worms mutate and explode through her head. You kill her, then a bunch of rabid dogs attack you and you die so much that you never play the game agan.

I killed my wife and I go to see her in a town we used to go xDD
Oh a guy with a pyramid on his head just made me fall off the roof. Well, who cares? Let's just walk again and pretend nothing happened.

You are quite wrong, and a poor b8

You clearly didn't get any of the meaning behind the story, setting, or the characters. At all.

Except I'm not baiting. SH games outside of 2 are largely overrated. Their aesthetics and scare factor are well done, but their writing and characters are pure garbage.

It was just boring. The characters, the story, the rythm of the game. The art direction was nice but everything else was boring.

If you expected it to be pants-shittingly scary horror, then I agree, it mostly was boring. Story-wise, however, it was probably one of the best written games I've seen. You simply can't deny how maturely it portrayed very touchy, delicate topics such as rape, child abuse, and suicide. It's very easy to fuck up, but they didn't because the game was very subtle about its themes and left a lot to the player in terms of figuring it out.

You can't even identify yourself to any character. It was the only game where I did not like any of them. Everyone is just so unrealistic. Espacially James. No expressions, not even fear (we are supposed to be in a horror game). Ok, he's probably a psychopath but when you can't love anyone, you have nothing to rely on. You don't want to continue the story, you don't care about what is going to happen to James, or Laura or Maria or whoever you want.

Everyone is so unrealistic in SH2 because they're supposed to be more of a manifestation of their sinful nature rather than a human character. It's intentional. With the progression of the story, James acts more and more human, the more he realizes his guilt.

>SH games outside of 2 are largely overrated
And you wonder why people don't take you seriously? Practically everyone and their mothers know and worship SH2, but you really need to be into the genre and series to find people who mention and praise the rest.

And I'm going to pop your little bubble with some shocking news: SH1 is miles superior horror game, a game, and a story than SH2.

The fact that you try to put SH2, practically a standalone expansion pack to the SH1, on such a high pedestal, indicates that you've probably just jumped on the "SH2's so deep and mature!" bandwagon. A fad that indeed has its points and truth in its backgrounds, but which has taken a very sad and twisted turn during the "Youtube era", which spawned this mass of people who clearly have only HEARD of SH2 being 2deep and symbolic.

Result of this are the Tomm Hulettians, who thanks to general lack of similar praise and detailed documentation (+ the obvious graphical quality of the OG game working as a deterrent for some younger, more superficial people) don't even KNOW the amount of depth, symbolish and brilliance of the other SH games' plots. Or to put it bluntly: how goddamn much SH2 literally recycles ideas from SH1.

I can only explain this "lol satanic cult and witch girl :^)" meme with the absolute stupidity of The Movie, and by (yanks') generic ignorance of the topic, which they tend try to explain with THEIR most generic, Evil Dead-style plot devices and storytellling.

It is pretty damn amazing that people like (You) are literally making me almost hate SH2, one of my few 10/10 favorite games of all time, right next to timeless classics like SH1, REmake, and OoT.

How about you explain all the deep symbollism and storytelling from SH1, then? If you can convince that the game is more than meets the eye, then I'll change my mind about it. Till then, however, SH1 is going to remain in my mind as a cheesy horror game about a satanic cult and a with girl, that takes place in a town literally stolen from Kindergarten Cop.

>You simply can't deny how maturely it portrayed very touchy, delicate topics such as rape, child abuse, and suicide.
Can't deny this.

> With the progression of the story, James acts more and more human, the more he realizes his guilt.
Not that much, however I could not feel anything for him. I did not like him since the beginning and it never changed. I was just here with my controller in my hand watching something supposed to be emotional but it did not work for me.



I can tell by your use of the word "Yank" that you're an anti-American. You hold freedom in contempt.

>not including 1
Absolute shit taste. No game after it came close.

James wanted to be punished so he created the Punisher or his own to chase and torment him. It's extremely ironic the Pyramid Head- character was copied into other instances of Silent Hill, because originally he was very literally James' personal tormentor, probably created because James saw the painting "Misty day - Remains of the Judgment" while he was visiting Silent Hill earlier and the executioner garb presented in the painting stuck with him, so he imagined his own tormentor just like the one in the painting he once saw.

>hating America means you hate freedom
I'm sorry I love freedom but America is a waste of human space and the whole world would be better off if it just got nuked already

I suggest you educate yourself with the writings of the Founding Fathers. America is the greatest bastion of liberty in the history of mankind.

I think SH1 is unironically a great game, but get this fucking pedantic shit out of here. You're not smart, and you don't even sound smart. You sound like an eighth grader who just got encouraged by his teacher to indulge in purple prose.

1, 2, 3, 4, Shattered Memories and Downpour are all good