ITT: We try and figure out death stranding's plot

ITT: We try and figure out death stranding's plot.

>babies are some form of life support, without them you die
>everyone has one, but because they're so valuable the floating god people want to kill everyone so they can acquire more
>the more babies you have, the stronger you become

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How about a thread where we try to figure out Death Stranding's release date?
I'm going with 2025

no, it hurts my brain

But Norman didn't have one until he picked up another guys baby.

nope, Norman didn't have one, their team leader did. It's probably a form of energy source, since the moment he picked up the baby, the device on his back went on.

>baby makes the same hand sign as the guy who comes flying down


It's clearly not just a normal baby, perhaps humans stole some kind of alien babies and they are trying to get them back

>Moment he picked it up his the device on his back turned on

Can't believe I didn't notice that

Your health is now baby. To kill other people you have to abort their babies.

Bravo kojima.


This is bullshit but I believe because I want to. Four horsemen pls kojimbo

They have health wristbands that turn from red to green as the characters get damaged (see the guy stabbing himself and the guy under the car)

Why was the guy under the car rapidly aging?

Great, nothing but DS ruse-cruise/speculation/Kojima is a hack threads for weeks to come


-enemies are invisible all if not most of the time, guns are ineffective
-enemies are detected with the light thing (reminds me of the white noise from silent hill)
-they sense you with sound, not sight, so sneaking will be more about being quiet than staying hidden
-eldritch beings use ropes to raise the sea level, so there will be swimming portions
-babies are your health meter - one baby is good, no baby is bad
-kojima is a bad guy

It's all esoteric vague nonsense that won't even make sense in the final release.

The real story will be how over budget and delayed the game will be, not even making back a fifth of its cost, embarrassing Kojima and effectively ending his career.

Baby is the sensor. It reacts to the monster while in the tank, and they somehow translate the babbys ability into that shoulder thing.

Reedus Weenus got one inside his stomach after the explosion and it's probably what will give him cool powers, and maybe he hast to return it later after it's c-sected out of him.

The baby is a clone of Mads.

I need that comic panel with the crazy guy who strapped babies all over his body.

Grateful Dead

>Muddy goop monsters drag the yellow mask thingie directly to hell

o my fuck

Mads didn't die though, Sam's friend did

Emma Stone announcement when?

Goose is also apparently in it.

He doesn't have to die. Do you know what a clone is?

>Goose is also apparently in it.
Source? Aw shit.

>Goose in it
They need to get the dream duo together.

>guns are ineffective
Why does the guy shot it though?

What we know so far
>the baby is somehow related to Norman
>babies are bateries for radar device
>Norman and his team are Corpse Disposial Team 6
>The guy under the car was aging rapidly for some reason
I'd say monsters devour life and use it as energy. They want bodies, but when they get someone alive, it produces too much energy and causes an explosion, that's why they're trying to kill themselves.
There're probably 3 different parties, Monsters,bridge and mad mikkelsens team. Mikkelsen wants to have the baby for some reason, but I don't think he's working with the monsters
Also what do you guys think, is it time travel, alternate dimensions or both?

That was the rumor an user posted a while back. He also said Mads was in it before he was announced.

They are angels or something.

Announced at E3 2016. Released from Konami at the end of 2015. A big AAA game, new IP. I'd say there's a 4 year MAX development time that Sony gave Kojima. Bloodborne was 4 years. Horizon was 5, but GG was also making Shadow Fall. So, 2020 at the earliest, so another cross-gen game like MGSV was. Maybe the PS5 version will look like the actual trailers.

All this shit won't translate to a good gameplay at all.

Don't do it.
You are writing Death Stranding's plot, Kojima is lurking these threads.

looks awful, just like everything is this overrated hack shits out

A second Big Bang that rewrote the laws of physics (first explosion - next explosion)

So, babies are protection against the black goo people?
Christ kojima, what the fuck are you smoking

There's way too much shit going on.

this is the most logical explanation

So are these demons or humans?

fear, but seeing how it did nothing im gonna guess they dont work. until you get the magic gun that does, of course

Will they dance?

>>everyone has one, but because they're so valuable

Baby clearly some sort of source power and such. After he picked up him, his devices started to work and he saw monsters.

Will they laugh?

No Kojima just liked LALALAND

>MFW we didn't predict MGS:V, we wrote it inadvertently.

Even though sony gave kojima a blank check, I still think the goose would be too expensive
I really like this analysis.
We probably critically misunderstanding Kojima's message, by trying to analyze this from in-game point of view.

>The babies are empty vessels for the people carrying them

>The Corpse disposal guy in the trailer activates his baby gets all his memories from that point, then throws the baby to Reedus and attempts to kill himself but fails

>Reedus carries the baby inside him who gives a thumbs up like earlier in the trailer that all is a go

>The black goo is a rapid aging compound and a byproduct; it's also used so the new baby with all of a person's memories and can be grown up quickly

>The guy who was crushed had his spare baby crushed and the black aging goo spilled out, that's why he aged so much

>Dying is favorable than capture, as the enemy can possess you if your body is still beating. Dying and transferring yourself to baby vessels is the ideal way of staying in the world of the living

>People who died by themselves or accident go to the world of the dead; Del Toro is in the world of the dead

>People who got killed by rapture or possession go to the world of the dead; they become skeletons for others to use

>If you are fucked and become a skeleton, you must hope for someone to give you a spare vessel with their memories

>Game stresses the community to focus on connections/helping ones other (ropes) than fighting each other (sticks)

>The only way to move the story forward is helping each other

>Everyone's copy of the game shapes into their own unique universe that plays differently

>Norman does have a name but since the player is Norman, we are all Norman helping a alternate universe Norman

I'm a game designer, this is just my interpretation.

Can you chop Revolver Ocelot's hand off?

Fiddles have strands.

Do you think this game is going to have some kind of massively multiplayer aspect or mode? I'm completely fine with single player experience but I was just wondering.

magic babby world

Rumor is built on Kojima's posts though

Kojima literally confirmed 2018, whether that ends up happening is another story

Sounds pretty reasonable given what we've seen so far. I think there might be more to the baby than that though, but I have no idea.

The baby is the same as the machines. Where the fuck are people getting the idea that every fucking person has one?

It's obvious the baby has the ability to teleport both himself and Sam.

Holy shit this is great

i really fucking hate infants jesus christ. just looking at one makes me want to bash its goddamn skull in. why the fuck would you put infants in a video games besides to irritate the living shit out of everybody

10/10 analysis user

You fucks are only being baited into the same MGSV bullshit.

Can you not understand? These trailers are ingame cutscenes, just like with MGSV. You can't start assuming cryptic shit that just won't be there because Kojima makes his shitty games at face value.

Seriously, everyone carries a baby? Rapture garbage?

So was that Del Toro leaker a few years ago disproven? Because a lot of the stuff he said seemed to be accurate to this trailer.

You have to kill yourself, if you die by the goo you can't respawn.

Best theory itt

When he's in the water, there's a sort of "out of body experience". A new handprint also appears on Sam's chest. Then his "soul" or whatever you wanna call it, goes back into his body and somehow, the baby is also there, somewhere inside his stomach (?). The artificial womb was empty after he woke up.
Also, there were little handprints inside Norman's body, right next to the baby.
Handprints might be a visual representation of how many times you died, though probably also for the baby?
Seems he gets the baby removed forcefully from inside Sam in the first trailer, most likely taken by the Luden's.

All he said is bullshit, the only parts that were reasonable were Del Toro being your boss, which is fucking obvious from the suit and the Bridges pin.

Neonate. An infant is a child with some characteristic features such as hair or developed limbs. Plus the whole Womb motif only brings him the neonate theme more.

>So was that Del Toro leaker a few years ago disproven? Because a lot of the stuff he said seemed to be accurate to this trailer.
Half of what he said was right and half not. He mentioned recently that the game takes cues from Murakami's book hard boiled egg and the never ending world which alternates between Surreal horror and sci-fi

Not like it matters, he gave his trip out and left for good yesterday. Anyone can impersonate him now

>Nobody saw the baby doll when Norman wakes up with his suit

>nobody saw the dream catchers attatched to his back

Come on now Sup Forums

ah yeah, that's very specifically the precise term. i'll have to remember that. neonates are hellspawn

Very interesting. What are your thoughts about the first trailers? Like when the baby disappear from Reedus' arms, the flesh-covered tank, the baby inside Reedus' stomach?

You should kill yourself or check yourself into an institution as soon as you read this post.

Nah. The creatures are not demons. They're obviously Lovecraftian monsters.

But who was the guy standing on the car before it was absorbed?

Dude take it easy, I'm just along for the ride. I'm not seriously speculating anything.

very newborn babies truthfully are just genuinely disgustingly ugly. it's just societal pressure that makes everybody pretend like they have to care about other peoples' babies and pretend like they're the cutest thing in the world when really nobody actually thinks this


I doubt the plot is about the rapture, the youknowwhos would get offended

no, it's some form of energy source, it's a theory based on life force and quantum physics. The babies are probably absolutely rare, since they are the last actual humans, while everbody else is a clone who ages dramatically and is easily disposable (assuming the connection to a baby halts this process). Going by the mood of the acting.. Reedus is a disposable low-tier clone, accompanying the other two high rank dogs, and serving as fodder, support, scout.

Just watch how unwillingly the supposed team leader hands over the baby to Reedus, even though he knows he's about to go down.

Remember, Kojima wants "us" to be the player, and since we're getting a unique death system, we will probably be jumping between clones of Reedus, or a character we create ourselves.

he doesn't get it in inside of him.. it's a visual metaphor..

They have health meters on their wrists - guy's who had his lower torso trapped under the track was red and the other one's changed from blue to red as he stabbed himself.

>The babies are clones of the characters and resting their memories
>the black oil causes accelerated aging
>characters are immortal as long as the baby contacts oil, they rapidly age and take over.
>that is why the babies don't act like babies and are self aware
>this will be in game excuse for infinite retries
>no one dies, hence Death Stranding
>no death is against natural order, so nature devises a method to ensure death

calling it
>there is a thid impact-like event that forces people to live in fear because siad event spawned eldritch monstrosities
>norman feetus is a scientist/engineer that works on shit
>rest of the world is dead, bridges is the only country with living people left
>Mads has been corrupted by eldritch beings and works for them to steal babies that are a key plot point
>cue stealth/action third person with base of operations from where you deploy to do missions
>but it's mostly linear, like wolfenstein 2

normies find babies cute because it's an important biological function to have to ensure the survival of the species

>Kojima literally confirmed 2018
>but I don't believe it'll happen
So, not 2018.

From another thread:

So it looks like the Mads character has found a way to control part of the alternate dimension and wants to subsume Earth with it.

What if, unlike traditional villains, he wants to give humans everlasting life, albeit at the cost of transforming them into something utterly different? Maybe humanity faces an existential crisis, and this is the only way to save it. And Reedus, in discovering how terrifying this transformation would be, decides that Mads needs to be stopped so that humanity can die a dignified death.

So a protagonist who wants to destroy humanity, and a villain who wants to save it. Could be an interesting shakeup.

He did the same shush gesture as Mikkelson so I'm guessing he might be a part of their team? He also levitated and shit. Maybe Mikkelson's team posses weird abilities other people don't have.

that doesnt make sense, by the looks of the trailer they already know something about the creatures

nah they just lie and act like they love the "idea" of babies then realize the first year of having is child is the worst year of ones' life


i think this trailer makes clear that we were wrong, the imagerie, even the naration in the introduction points out to some kind of Cosmic terror, i think that would explain the "dog tags" in the first trailer and also the strange "horror" nature of the game.

Thats why this trailer is pretty fucking interesting, it opens up alot of speculation.

if people start taking speculations as actual fact it's their own damn fault. Speculating is just fun and much better than shitpost thread #3598

Didnt he want to destroy it?


this seems incredibly convoluted and arbitrary so knowing kojibro it's probably spot on


where n= cyberpunk release date

Norman is some kind of scientist or engineer, that much is clear

Trying to figure out the relevance to real life events
>belugas live in the arctic region
>black goop looks like oil spill
>marine life would rather be left stranded on land, killing themselves, rather than deal with the spill
Humans in this game basically are to belugas, as the oilmaos are to us humans irl

Not sure if lefties upset at any mention of religion, or righties upset at any vaguely negative mention of religion.

reminds me of all the awesome posts in mgsv threads from anons what COULD be in the game, in the end it will be only be a fifth cool as this because Kojima can't deadline

I thought he said Christmas 2018 one time, am I wrong?