What class will u play me ether a warrior mage or warlock

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People tie Classic WoW with their youth, where you had nothing to do unless grind this game.
Also the comunity where diferent.
Don't expect to act like you did back on times. You will ge ban for "toxicity".

You have obviously never played classic

I'm actually not ready.
I've already done this like 3 times on private servers and it just takes so long to hit 60.

Its about the journey not the destination

Warrior, mostly for PvP, or off-spec tanking.

Maybe a Holy Paladin, again for PvP.

You do realize that we can play classic right now on a private server. And we love it right now.
Stop being a fucking retard

Definitely going warlock, though I can't decide between Horde/Alliance. Horde racials are great and being a warlock there means I get to have fun with succubus pvp shenanigans, but Alliance warlocks are always underpopulated and get easy groups and being able to have a good paladin support sort of cancels out the pvp disadvantage.

I was 24 when WoW launched tho.

>not rolling rogue
>not ganking people in tarren mill, STV and tanaris

>community is different
you mean how Nostalrius was so successful and the community was great?

*overpowers crits and bleeds you for the next 10 seconds*

Shaman, healing is easier in attunements and youre pretty needed in raiding environments as a utility. I dont care that much for pvp but healing a 5 man gank squad sounds fun

Shaman for the sick heals, sick buffs, and sick world pvp. Im ready.

This just in, no older games were good or fun, it's all only nostalgia. Make sure to pick up the latest version of World of Warcraft™, as well as EA™'s new Battlefront 2™!

when is the fucking release date

I wanna go Hunter because its awesome but maybe I should try something new. I've always like mage

Nost community was good. Ludicrous amount of elitists, though. Still, miles better than current WoW

>are you ready for game with no release date

People that call picking a class "rolling"

People that call a whisper 'pst'

>please pst


Why the fuck do you come here?


Name one better place on the internet that is better for shitposting about video games.

people that use pst are fucking retarded, also rolling, wtf fucking pieces of shit

> pst from city of heroes.

Thats horse shit. We were using that at least as far back as Everquest.

>playing WoW Classic on light's hope
>literally started crying when I did this quest

Weren't elemental shamans good in PvP. Plus 2H Windfurry Ctrl+Alt+Del shammy

>play retail
>entire town of Darkshire is now evil cultists that must be killed
>Ladimore's daughter was made evil initially and this was only changed after fans complained
God what a stupid fucking clusterfuck the WoW lore has become.

Can people please stop putting this bait in every thread

People are really remembering shit wrong the two handed enhance windfury shaman wasnt good it just occassionally got lucky and one shot people before they nerfed it. If you didnt get that one shot off you died.

I know that WF shammy is gimmicky. Still, it was really fun to play when the RNG was in your favour.

I fucking love old overpower.

WoW Vanilla was unbalanced, we should ask blizzard for buffs to Ret paladins and Feral druids because there's no point in playing a figured out game where most of the specs aren't even viable.

>Getting mad when people use a term for creating an RPG character that's been in use for 40+ years

Why do you want Classic to not be changed? Why not make Classic WoW the best that it can be? We now have so many more tools at our disposal than before to make life easier for us, we got addons that we did not have back then, quest helper, mob hp, etc., Websites like OpenRaid to schedule raids and find dungeon groups... why can't all of that just be implemented in the game so that new players can enjoy wow without having to download a bunch of addons and lurking on some 3rd party website to find groups. (It will happen, path of least resistance)

If you are against adding QoL things in game that we as a playerbase fixed through addons and out of game support, I think you are just being silly. We can have QoL because it will not change your gaming experience one bit, because be honest, would you really play classic with 0 addons?

kill yourselves

oh look, it's the exact same shitty baitposts that are in every single classic WoW thread.

Theres a feral build that uses lvl 45~ armor that gives them certain buffs on energy when they transform

It's the most complex rotation of any DPS spec but it performs well in raids

and Ret pallies are decent in PVP, even though holy is often more desired

No if your a hybrid you gotta pay the toll

How long would it take a guild to fully clear naxx if it was released at the start?

Going either mage or warlock for my main. I'll use it to pimp out a rogue or warrior alt. I'll probably go warlock for free mount and mauradon farming(although I know mages are better for ally)

Pretty long considering you need top gear and to get top gear you first need 40 people with fire resistance gear.

Switch the roll. Pay the toll.

It's not like you need to kill rag to enter bwl though.

>but it performs well in raids

still only 50% of what maximum damage warrior or rogue does. You have dedicated feral dps cat in your guild you know something is wrong.

>Not playing vanilla wow right now

Levelling one on Lights Hope now to get used to things. First time playing Alliance too
Around level 25, is that ok to tank Stockades?
Also i think i fucked up from going from Redridge to Duskwood - it was quite a dramatic increase in difficulty

I can't stand the subhumans that play on private servers.

>dps warrior

delete this

eh if you have 20~ actually good players and need to fill the 39th spot you don't really care
as long as they aren't causing wipes

Why do soyboys pretend to actually want to play Vanilla again? How pathetic must you be if you think Classic WoW is anything but shit?

She (he) is pretty cute

I'm so fucking excited for it to finally kill retail WoW. Blizzard was in desperate need of something to really bring people back and so they made reskins of existing races in another filler expansion. Fucking lol.

>kill retail WoW
>Retards has been saying this for 11+ years now

It's been dying for 11+ years, classic will just be the final nail in the coffin.

Classic is going to kill itself. Too many dumbfucks in the "community."

>No worries over aggro
>No point in stats or character building
>Calls classic full of dumbfucks.

I'm going to return us to the glorious days when healers weren't worthless tagalongs.
Or go shadow and melt faces.
Either works.

Don't you? Isn't killing ragnaros part of the quest to get the key for BWL?

>Reaching this hard
You're going to hurt yourself.

>Several spell ranks for no reason when only one or maybe two ranks are viable
>Manually having to loot every corpse
>Slow and tedious leveling, not to be confused with challenge
>Gear stats even more simple than retail
>Stats on gear is a clusterfuck, spirit on all gear and int/agi on plate gear
>Only viable tank is warrior, even with druid and paladins around, but this wasn't a design choice, it was decided by Tigole that nobody but his warrior class is allowed to have good dps or tank
>Hybrid tax because Tigole hated them, even if warriors are technically hybrid
>Gaps in leveling where you have to grind mobs to level (inb4 some vague "n-no")
>Going back to the capitol every 2 levels just to waste gold on skill rank upgrades
>Stack x3 sunder armors before you attack, wow, so hard aggro mechanics
>Raid bosses with 1 ability or even 0
>Calls Retail easy

No, you kill a mob in Blackrock Mountain then do UBRS.

Every QoL change added up to slowly kill the game. A lot of things that make sense to do. Hey people sit in cities in trade chat and LFG sending messages to find people for groups, why not make a tool that makes it easy to automatically put people into a pool and into groups together. It's way more convenient, but ultimately hurt the game in the long run.

Drinking and eating between mobs is boring, why not just make out of combat Regen a lot faster? Which in turn made it so grouping up for quests was fucking pointless, you could clear and Regen just as fast as they could so why bother.

I know this post is bait, but seriously a lot of QoL changes harmed the game long term. I think the only changes vanilla wow needs is to make off specs more viable in raid content. In PvP off specs were viable but in PvE, for the most part if you had a healing spec then you were a healer no questions. I also think it would be really cool if they started on an early early patch of the game and just slowly added in content drip fed like the original game instead of starting at the last patch of Vanilla. Perhaps just keep the balance separate of the content updates , but otherwise it would be fun to have hype build up for new content. The mass lead up to AQ was legendary.

>Gear stats even more simple than retail
yeah plug into pawn and do whatever it says so fun

>dual weld miss rate
>weapon skill rating
>spells elements can be immune
>going back to stormwind/orgrimmar every few levels
>loot one mob at a time
>no open world mob tag sharing
>bosses uses fear every 15seconds
>molten bore
>depression room
>aq40 trash
>no playable female goblins
>mounts at lvl40
>only 2 items drops from a 40man raid boss
all the shit i can remember

Different spell ranks gives a sense of progression while leveling and makes you make choices if you are poor.
The leveling is fun and challenging.
There is nothing wrong with spirit on all gear, and int/agi on plate is also fine, paladins can use both.
Druids are viable tanks.

>Pawn tells me to wear new item with a lot of crit and mastery
>Equip something with heavy crit and mastery
>Do pawn again
>Pawn tells me the previous piece of gear I wore is better because it has vers and haste that I need now
Clearly, you never tried the addon

Your arguments are basically
>I hate videogames, why isn't this more like a movie
oh and the eternal
>why can't I heal and tank and dps with one class???

Your arguments are basically :

How come warriors can tank and DPS very well? Shouldn't they be shit at doing damage?

>going back to stormwind/orgrimmar every few levels

God forbid you have to go to your capital city! God forbid you get a sense of enjoyment out of being in a massive city filled with people, in an MMORPG no less!

>dual weld miss rate
>weapon skill rating
>spells elements can be immune

Oh no RPG mechanics, in my RPG!

>loot one mob at a time

This isn't diablo you lazy fuck, wtf is wrong with you

They will find a way to fuck up the difficulty or the core gameplay. Gonna give it a hard pass.

I don't need an argument. I like the game and want to play it. You're the one trying to arguing it is bad without providing any good reason.

The game isn't difficult, just tedious.

It's because you have no argument, and you saying you like the game because it's fun is also not an argument

Nobody even wants to raid in Vanilla, it's all World PvP Hype, we'll save raiding for BC.

I have nothing to argue though. You're the one that took on the burden of proof when you wanted to prove the game is bad. I simply told you your arguments are total bullshit.

Go watch a twitch streamer you homo

clearly you didn't sim your stat weights after, 0.5% RNG item upgrades are fun!

It is very difficult. I was doing quest with another person today, and we died multiple times. When you get attacked by many enemies at the same time, it's difficult to survive.

Clearly, you're talking out of your ass

Well you and your friend are retards who can't cc or pull safely

Mythic is the ONLY difficult thing in WoW and not even half of the community does it. Retail is for fucking piss babies.

I got kids now, i aint got the time to spend hours finding a group, prep, traveling to dungeon/raid then replacing the guy who has to leave/quits.

Mythic is the only thing I bother with

And don't kid yourself that more than half the playerbase in vanilla did raiding or a decent rank in pvp

but i can only play 15 minutes a week, just mail my epics to me

We were level 9 and didn't have CC, and there were too many enemies and they kept respawning and so on. The bad part was that we didn't really have a tank, as a Priest and him a Druid. Both just kept being attacked and tried our best to heal ourselves.

That's not difficult, that's just retarded design by the vanilla wow team

Private servers are not vanilla. Sorry to break your heart.

Then why u on Sup Forums posting right now

The same is true in classic, only people were retards back then who didn't dare to go against the groupthink

I'm confused. Are you saying vanilla isn't vanilla?

You tell me, I think you're trying to cover your ears to truth about warriors didn't get hybrid tax because Tigole played one

Orc rogue.


They did get taxed. Could they put out good damage? On paper they could. In practice they couldn't because they had no way to reduce aggro. Unless they were attacking an add they could (reasonably) tank without having to put on a shield and/or go into defensive stance, they were doing shit damage.

As I said, private servers are not vanilla. Their tuning is no where near what vanilla had.

>prot warrior
>stance dancing
eh, unless I really wanted to charge in to a fight for some stupid reason, I'm always in Defensive.

I play classic because nostalgia. No other reason. Game was never that great, I just liked it more is all.

Played a Warlock in Vanilla but I think I'm going to roll a Mage, what should I expect?

>what is berserker rage
>what is mocking blow
>what is intercept