Filename thread

VGA 2017 edition

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What the fuck were they doing with those puppets
Cute as fuck lmao



Are those russian soyboys?

That kid is loving that shit, man, I lik....
>starts beating himself with the stool
what the fuck kid


Too bad he didn't fall

>can't tell why she is crying
Am I tism?

least funny micromeme, but you'll get your replies

That's adorable. I wonder what was going on with those puppets to get such a reaction.

I just wanted to get it out of the way so it doesn't clog up the thread.



i don't know why i expected jack-o'lanterns

The fuck is she crying for? Something mediocre happened.

this one got a real chuckle out of me in the last thread





>only black person has a different shirt

people like this really reaffirm for me that no matter what ill never be as fucked up as that

yeah yeah I know i'll get it started

Fucking poo in loo's.


>not "Nintendofags in a nutshell"
you stupid chink
>INB4 Sonyfag
never bought a PS4/Xboner/Switch

She's crying because she knows you have autism and feel sad for you

its been 5 minutes sempai

>the state of Nintendo

reverse death stranding



thats not how this works

>what_Sup Forums_actually_believes_unironically.jpg





Nothing, the puppets just look scary as fuck.

Can we get ones where people actually fall?

I respect his blatant shamelessness. Bless his twisted heart.


>only person with aids has a different shirt

show bob and vagene

Fucking White peop-
>That one over enthuastic black kid







I need to write this down


makes my skin sting. Ouch



Wow this is so accurate.



Neurotypicals, especially little girls, often cry when they get overwhelmed with emotions.
It doesn't make sense but it happens.





Fug I lost so hard to this


Topeka Kansas, wow this fucking webm is the abandoned plot for Dark Tower?



very cute





you're a clever cunt i'll give you that

you think THATS a soyboy? Faggot.

Good thing to see the nogaems meme used for its original console.











he could get impaled against something and none of the babbys would be hurt.

>get impaled
>fall over
>babby dies


The mom constantly correcting the little girl's hair triggers me.

>get impaled
>baby gets impaled

The girl is really cute, I'd like to put my penis inside her vagina.

You impale him, the thing that goes through his body, in and out a path without any babbies then gets stuck on some surface and keeps his body upright.

literally his head is exposed.

>inb4 that same sperg who didn't get it last time and threw a shit fit when no one would spoonfeed him asks to be spoonfed again

This can't be true. No way. This is done for the camera only.


im gonna need sauce

Mein Neger.