Who was in the wrong?

Who was in the wrong?

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Leatherman was totally out of line

Worst cutscene ever. Noctis is just sitting there and then all of a sudden Gladiolus has a problem with it. How can sitting quietly, minding your own business erupt into drama? Through the power of supremely shitty writing, that's how.

I forget the context for this point in the story because the game was so boring, but I think something dramatic happened before that cutscene that made everyone on edge.

Context is that it's a couple weeks after Luna died and Ignis went blind. Don't know if there's more as I can't remember either.

>holy shit this guy looks like an edgelord emofaggot
>better steer up some shit right now before I miss the opportunity

I get it but it was a few weeks after he found out Luna died and considering they still had stuff to do, him being emo wouldn't help with that. I will say that he did a terrible job of trying to get him out of his funk though.

What funk? He was just sitting there. Is that a problem? He's on the train, on his way to their destination, quietly doing what he's there to do and bothering no one.

That's the problem, though. When you jump forward a couple of weeks and the main characters are suddenly at each other's throats, the player has no context for what's going on. As far as the player knows, Gladio's just being an asshole for literally no reason.

It may have been a couple weeks in the game, but the last thing the player remembers is Luna dying, so it causes this huge emotional disconnect when the game is already implying that we should get over it, and doing it in the least convincing, most abrasive way possible.

I already didn't give a shit about Luna because she was so underwritten, but that only made it worse, because the game is trying to generate tension over something the player's not invested in in the first place. This scene rubbed me wrong in all the right ways and took what was previously a totally passable character and dropped him to the bottom of the barrel as one of the worst characters ever.

All the wrong ways, rather. That scene rubbed me wrong in all the wrong ways.

Really considering the circumstances I'd say Noctis was taking her death pretty damn well. Noctis is continuing the journey, so Gladion insisting Noctis should get over it doesn't really make any sense at all considering his feelings evidently aren't getting in the way.

It's implied that he's been mopey for weeks.

I wish it was Gladion instead...

Who cares? He's still doing what he's supposed to be doing, so it doesn't make a difference if he's mopey or not. Does Gladio not think that Noctis is entitled to his emotions?

Shit, I didn't even realize I typed that. Guess Pokemon Ultra Sun's really wormed it's way into my subconscious.

>Meanwhile Ignis took one to the eye and is keeping it together, while also going through the death of Luna
I think you're missing the point. Just because Noctis wanted to put his peepee in her, doesn't mean no one else in the group was hurt by her death. Ignis physically took it worse, and he isn't being a depressed fuck 24/7

I don't think he's missing the point at all. I think you're the one missing the point. If Noctis' depression isn't stopping him or anyone from doing what they need to do, what does it matter? So what if other were hurt by her death? Noctis isn't mistreating anyone so what relevance does that have?


So you're implying that Ignis had it worse, just like what Gladio was doing? Do you not see how inappropriate that is? Who's to say who suffers more? Who's to say what another person's feeling? It's different when you're in love. I'm not saying that Gladio's wrong in judging who's suffered more, I'm saying that he's wrong for even making that judgement in the first place.

Furthermore, Ignis is not innocent in this scenario. Recall that, following this scene, Ignis brazenly walks into a dangerous swamp and selfishly expects his friends to cover for his complete lack of humility, even if Noctis orders him to stay behind. While I commend Ignis for not allowing his handicap to affect him emotionally, he is still being completely unrealistic, putting his own pride before the completion of a difficult and important task. Does Ignis not understand that Noctis doesn't have time to worry about a blind man tripping face-first into an alligator's mouth when he's trying to save the world?

According to Versus 13 story leak, Gradio father is the one who kill Regis but he doesn't know this until end game when his father trying to kill Noctis. Gladio use himself block the attack and he die for protecting Noctis, his death turn Noctis in to dark side.

You should be banned from posting if English isn't your first language.

I wish that had happened. Gladio gets more character development, has more to do with the story, dies, people actually care about him, and Noctis finally goes full edgelord as he was always meant to do. Brilliant. What were they thinking, fixing what ain't broke?

There is no true leak lad
There's at least 3-4 individual leaks about versus's story and they're all different
Just attention seeking fags looking for (You)'s