The reasons behind cancelling Scalebound

So what you think, what was the reason?

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In my opinion had bringed a lot professional gaming reviewers to try the game, and nobody liked it so they considered to cancel it.

By watching some gameplay videos, the game was pretty slow and boring.
It was like the worst looking game by Kamiya.

I agree that it was looking bad, but we don't know how many of the bad ideas were from Kamiya and how many were from Microsoft. I'm not disregarding the possibility that Kamiya made shit decisions, like the stupid voice acted party chat, but I doubt he's the one who pushed multiplayer in the first place for example.

How much did it cost them to cancel it

Kamiya blocked Phil on Twitter.

In my opnion Microshit had invested about more then 30$Million in games development.
Maybe they lost about 40 million by cancelling (30-35 for development + 5 for cancellation).
The game looks pretty shitty

Much less than that probably, they surely hadn't spent all that they had budgeted already. Not to mention reusable assets like software licenses, staff and outsourcing contracts, etc. that can simply be put to work elsewhere.

He's very known for being an lazy person, who mostly doing nothing while acting like a 13-years old faggot on twitter.
He makes a 1 good game, but never makes the sequel.

>my opinion
>had bringed
Well, glad we can toss that one right out the fucking window.

Maybe less, but open world RPG games are always cost more then 30.000.000 to make.
Witcher 3 had about more then 40 millions of budget.

I was talking about Microshit

Well yeah but what I'm saying is that if you cancel a project before it's completed you can still salvage whatever hasn't been spent yet.

>He makes a 1 good game
He directed Resident Evil 2, Devil May Cry, Viewtiful Joe, Okami and Bayonetta.

Thats at least 5 good games.

Yup, this game looked like shit.


By saying 1 good game I didn't mean that only a 1 game, what I was trying to say is that he always makes a 1st game in franchise, but never makes a sequel on that title, it's always others who're continuing his works.
Devil May Cry 1
Viewtiful Joe 1
Bayonetta 1

The sequels was made by trhe other guys

The gameplay mechanics look pretty broken
Could been better if the main focus of the game was the Hack and Slash aspect, since that's the only good thing that Platinum is capacle of making.

This game started development in 2013, Don Mattrick era so it's understandable why it ended up being shit. Almost every game under Don Mattrick was infected by his cancer in some way or form.

it looked generic as fuck

>edgy protag

truly an abomination

Phil Spencer is worse, lol

Those fucking headphones

Looked pretty gay to be honest, it's like they took the inspiration from DmC Donte and Nero.

JP Kellams was so butthurt when the project got cancelled, so that he moved from Platinum to wark at EA on Madden series....
He was a game translator and later turned into a game producer, dude was fucked at his first game project.

R.I.P. Kellams, he was a good guy

That looked terrible and I hate the protagonist and the stupid pop music.

He's better in every way. I guess you wanted an always online console with that shitty spycam watching you every with gimped ass graphics and shovelware shit.

>pop music
You men the gay ass dubstep, right?


shitty product, if you saw last years e3 gameplay you understand why, also there are rumors that platinum games was taking the funds for dragon scale and using it for automata( I don't know how true that is)

MS for sure had a lot of pull in the project. It barely looked like a Platinum game could've just been some random slav game company that's how disjointed it looked.

That's why they call him Don "No Hat Trick" Mattrick. Actually they don't I just made that up and laughed about it for the past 5 minutes.

probably on the microsoft demand list:
recharging health/shield
multiplayer ( and loot box?)
open world
prefer sub par 30FPS
1st/3rd person shooting elements

Man I hate him so much, he fucked up every project Microsoft had, while Phil only cares about fun video games to Don, everything had to be a "Hollywood Blockbuster", this is the main reason Halo 4's campaign direction changed from exploration, mystery, and discovery to a Hollywood Blockbuster and why the multiplayer got turned to COD, with Halo 5 he pushed for Master Chief getting replaced. Phil never liked any of his decisions and even came out and stated that if they lost their way with Halo they lost their way with Xbox and that did happen. If you noticed under Don we got shit like Quantum Break while under Phil we got Recore, no way in hell would we get something like Recore under Don's Xbox.

is recore anygood?
it's on game pass and I wanna know if I should give it a try

>this game's on gamepass
>literally free for me to play since I'm paying them good boi points
Don't be a fucking retard, just download and play it. Yes, it's gud

Yes, especially the Definitive Edition version.


It didn't look all that great


The main character was a huge faggot. Probably the gayest protagonist ever. M$ told them to fuck off with that shit. Kamiya got mad. Tried to defend homosexuality.

M$ deleted the entire project in retaliation.

hey man no need to bust my balls, the service was like a dollar to sign up in November