It's actually a good game.
It's actually a good game
*early access beta testing software
Its accualy the only game worth talking about in 2017 but you know memes win awards.
No, we will see when it's released if it's good or not. Right now it's fun but it needs mass improvement
Youre right
The mobile version is going to be better though. Muh naval warfare and other side modes.
Fortnite is better and it is free.
if you don't go zharki every game you are a low testosterone beta male and should rethink your life
Can't go to zharki on the test servers tho
>buy and install
>frame drops in the fucking MENU
>try to start a match
>it doesn't even fucking load, 15 minutes on a loading screen and literally nothing
>get a refund
>have a shit computer
>cries like a little pissbaby bitch
Takes about 2 seconds to join a game with ~100 players at any time
>Play on the test servers
>122 fps stable
This game is so fucking chill and fun, stop regurgitating memes when you haven't even played the game
The issue with the game stems from three things
>Over-inflated population due to Chinese Steambux Slaves
>Early Access game that might be going the DayZ route
>Playerunknown himself is a complete and total cockbag
I played Fortnite for free just to see what the Battle Royale hubbub was all about, and I can see the draw to the genre, but man PUBG is shite when it comes to a lot of things.
Am I seriously the only one looking forward to the two mobile versions more than the xbonex version or PC updates?
PS4 port fucking when?!?!?!
Is vaulting finally in
>Game officially releases in 12 days
>Menu is still HTML
>Game still runs at an abysmal tick rate
>No word on the China version launch
>Performance is still unstable
>New Map has some of the worst fucking mapping possible, stairs literally ending 5 feet off the ground for absolutely no reason with some stairs clipping into the ground.
Its still fun, but holy shit is the launch going to be a mess. I know they're trying to push it out so they can be free of the "early access" brand but its nowhere near at a "complete" state.
Not as much as a mess as Fortnite though, cant wait for Dying Light Battle Royale to be free to play and people say its better than PUBG.
next year
never fucking ever
Seriously? I thought MS paid for exclusivity
how is fortnite a mess? I had to switch from pubg to fortnite because I couldnt take the bugs/clunkiness of the game
China's getting the two mobile versions first, betas go up soon. Europa beta this month as well for pc competition, along with all the other mobile battle royale games.
>download test server
>it actually runs at a smooth framerate
>it actually feels like a videogame and not a broken piece of shit
The new map is amazing. It's so much more interesting than Russian wilderness.
is there a lot less cover between cities? are there more vehicles to compensate?
I drop on the school for schoolhouse BRAWLS literally every time. Entirely too much fun.
There's less artificial cover, but there's more cliffs and ridges to create natural cover and vantage points. I haven't noticed a significantly more amount of vehicles, but I haven't played too much.