is this game any good? is the combat challenging? are the mechanics deep? or is it your common everyday shallow button masher?
Tokyo Xanadu eX+
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um... is this a bootleg persona?
maybe, although it's a Nihon Falcom game, you know, the people who invented the action-rpg genre.
It's a modern reboot of a Diablo-clone hack n slash game they made in the mid 00s.
I don't think so. It has nothing to do with that game.
What the fuck, I've been waiting for this and it's just out now with absolutely no warning or fanfare?
I didn't think you could market less than Xseed but here we are.
>Game is listed as 49.49€
>It has 43€ worth of day 1 DLC
How is this allowed?
What's the issue here?
And now do borderline LN-tier games.
NISA fucked up the release of Ys 8 when the main reason they went to NISA is because they promised a simultaneous PC release, XSEED doesn't release PC versions until a few years have passed, and now Aksys has released both at the same time (at least in the west). Will Nihon Falcom be most satisfied with Aksys' handling? Even if they (personally) pulled out of the PC market, it still seems like the platform is somewhat important to them still.
I'm currently on the (probably) second to last chapter on ps4 and think it's pretty fun. Combat is challenging enough if you go for the hardest difficulty. Story is quite shallow so far. Knowing Falcom, they will turn it up to 100 during the last chapter and there have been some signs of that already. OST is fantastic as usual.
Oh, and in terms of combat, there are a few different attacks for each character, and also 2 "ultimate" attacks. Basic gameplay consists of avoiding attacks and spamming the same moves, so don't expect anything too deep. There are many characters though.
How's the voice acting?
I'm playing the japanese imported version. Japanese voices are the quality you can expect, dont know if they are included in the steam release.
Well, it's in Japan so being an English only speaker, I can't really tell.
Seems fine tho.
>English only speaker, I can't really tell.
Of course you can, you don't need to know the words to hear the performance.
Here are the graphics options for those wondering about the port.
>Is this game any good?
I think it's alright. It's a pretty simple ARPG with a lot of playable characters.
>are the mechanics deep
It's an ARPG. No, it's not deep.
>Is it your common everyday button masher
Less so than Ys: Memories of Celceta. It's slower than the former, and you don't fight as many enemies at once, so there's not as much mashing. Also, enemies typically aren't damage sponges, outside of bosses.
Aksys had the benefit of beta testing with the Vita version and its garbled shit script, now they fixed it on the enhanced PS4 and PC versions so they have the leg up there.
Oh wow, I didn't even realize this came to PC. That's interesting. I wonder if Caligula will come to PC as well.
Jesus those school uniforms on the girls is short as fuck. I can see their pantsu if they bend over even a little.
If it's third party and not published by Sega or NIS, then yes. 'When' is the question, not 'if'.
can you fug towa
They certainly took that advantage in some of the combat animations kek
No but you do get a Towa-nee
can you fug her tho
At least the framerate seems solid, during the intro anyway.
So this is basically ARPG Persona?
Are the girls any good?
Atlus, so yeah. Fug.
Yeah, i am on my laptop with a gtx 860m, constant 60 fps at 1080p with 60-70% usage, seems good.
Well yeah, Atlus/Sega may as well be one company, both are averse to PC releases for different reasons.
This looks like what a generic animu game, depicting a generic animu game, looks like.
Idk OP but MC looks like a solid self-insert so ill give it a whirl
This is the correct description. If you like animu games, this will probably be entertaining for you, otherwise don't bother.
>If you like it you will like it
Thanks for the advice.
You mean if you like weeb games and only played 1 or 2 before this, then it might be entertaining.
Does it have a proper story or is just a series of random battles/dungeons?
Well, I've played my fair share of them and think it's fun
I'm expecting most people on Sup Forums can determine if they like this genre.
Dungeons and a mildly entertaining story.
Fuck, those guys are up to no good I bet.
>connections are so laggy
>lens isn't even fun because of it
And I'm done with PvP again.
Me on the right.
>I'm expecting most people on Sup Forums can determine if they like this genre.
Sup Forums doesn't know what to think about a game unless specifically told how to think about it.
It's not like any of the info about the game on steam helps much with what the fuck it is about and how it plays.
>XSEED doesn't release PC versions until a few years have passed
That's a total misrepresentation of the facts and you know it.
Kondo you hack.
So can you play as the girl, or do you have to play as generic japanese high school aged male?
You can play the girl in dungeons.
b-but it's just a reference
generic male is the main character but during gameplay you switch between the characters
>winter 2014
she is pure
Didn't know this was on PC. Is it cracked?
Make a guess.
To be fair that wasn't XSeed's fault
Yes it was.
How are you supposed to predict one of the people you hire to translate a game having a complete mental breakdown and trying to kys himself? I guess you could fault them in hiring Carpe Fulgur but you can't really account for shit like that.
>Ys Felghana, PSP - 2010, PC - 2012
>Ys 1-2, PSP - 2011, PC - 2013
>TITS, PSP - 2011, PC - 2014
>Ys Napishtim, PS2 - 2005, PSP - 2006, PC - 2015
>Akiba Strip - PS3,4,Vita - 2014, PC - 2015
>Shinovi Vs - Vita 2014, PC - 2016
>LKS - Wii - 2009, Vita - 2012, PC - 2016
>SK Bon Apetit - Vita - 2014, PC - 2016
>Coldsteel - PS3 Vita - 2015, PC - 2017
>Ys Seven - PSP - 2010, PC - 2017
>Coldsteel 2 - PS3/Vita - 2016, PC - 2018
>one of the people you hire to translate a game having a complete mental breakdown and trying to kys himself
Never happened. Surprised how many people buy this bullshit.
You might think that but I have been to an alternative timeline where Xseed released Sky 1 alongside the PSP release in 2011 and it sold as well then as it did in 2014.
Using the funds they were able to release SC in a timely manner and maintain and grow the series popularity.
They were even able to release the Crossbell games before Cold Steel.
Easy there nightwolve don't cut yourself on that edge
>Xanadu NEXT
>Diablo clone
Full retard.
Anyway get NEXT instead, it's one of Falcom's best games.
>calling that faggot Dice a lying faggot is the same as mindlessly bashing XSEED
The N-Gage version was more like Diablo than the PC version. Which is odd since the N-Gage version came first, and wasn't even developed by Falcom.
Is it worth 60 dollary doos? Out of state and have my PS4 with me but not my PC at the moment.
You faggots just need to learn japanese, never worry again about this localization bullshit.
Judging from the jap porn I have seen, I know what will happen next.
DLC when?
You're an idiot if you believe that shit.
XSEED fucked up in hiring SpaceDrake in the first place and they also fucked up in making things difficult for him. SpaceDrake specifically talks about there not being any series bible to reference which made keeping things consistent incredibly difficult, and at the time XSEED insisted there was no need for one. After SpaceDrake's episode and pulling out we went on to see Hatsuu raving about how she made a series bible and how helpful it was.
And what's the real story, then?
Faggot acts like a drama queen to cover his incompetence. Doesn't take a genius to spot the inconsistencies in his story.
Why do we hate Hatsuu again?
It's really not as hard as people make it out to be, I started learning by going straight to playing Zero no Kiseki (after learning hiragana & katakana), and a year later I can translate normal sentences instantly and just need a dictionary handy for words I don't know.
Seriously go for it if you have the interest.
Because she's a drama queen.
It's easy to pick up the basics and just learn by reading shit that interest you, in my case most of my vocab comes from smutty comic books.
You won't ever be as fluent as your mother tongue even if you get good at it, I can see why someone would still appreciate a translation.
How did you learn the grammar?
It’s not that good of a game
Grammar comes on its own over time once you get the basics down, just keep reading stuff that you find interesting and it'll slowly begin to make sense as you see it working in context.
I'd say comics are a good place to start since you have a visual representation to help you make sense of the words.
True enough. Personally I'd rather play the original version of any game I can, to see the original script. Translations always have some missed nuances.
I went through the sentences until I figured, "hey, there's a pattern here, let's google it!". That works in the end, but it's just faster to learn them from some website. You just need more patience if you want to start with student material, I figured I would just be more motivated if I went straight to the material I actually wanted to translate.
>Personally I'd rather play the original version of any game I can
Ideally I wish more games let you use both.
Good idea.
I mean, there's literally no reason not to add it as an option.
Video games are super customizable when it comes to options.
>I started learning by going straight to playing Zero no Kiseki (after learning hiragana & katakana)
How long did that take to go through the game starting off like that?
A bit under 300 hours, by the end it was really amazing to look back and see how much was learned. After that I played Ys VIII in japanese, about 100 hours and then Ao no Kiseki, ~120 hours going through literally everything (talking to npcs).
I have to shill Ao no Kiseki here now that I have the chance. The game feels like everything in kiseki until that point was building up for that game.
you are seeing their marketing tactics right now
That is some serious patience you have to do it like that, but if it works then all the better.
Reached Chapter 2 so far. This game is so shit compared to Ys VIII though
I did a similar thing but with Pokemon, to start with I was looking up like five words in every text box and writing them down but after a while they just start to repeat and you get into it.
Is this game in any way connected to Faxanadu?
Yeah, it's pretty crazy. But I don't believe I would have reached this 'level' by going through student textbooks, wouldn't have the motivation.
Yep, I remember spending a couple of hours translating a simple conversation at the start, and still be confused as hell about what it said. By now that conversation would probably take less then five minutes. It's rewarding.
>Xanadu NEXT
I pirated it , I was expecting something like the YS games and I was left dissapointed.
In my opinion that game is boring as fuck in almost every aspect, character desing, plot, world, even the music, feels like a single player proto-MOBA where you have to navigate uninspired dungeouns to grind for golds so you can buy more items that allow you to beat the next areas with stronger enemies, the only semi-interesting thing it does is that you can play the whole game with only the mouse
>feels like a proto-MOBA
>describes something that isn't MOBA-like in any way
>grinding in Xanadu NEXT
>complaining about the world design when the world design is one of the most interesting parts of it in how connected it is and how you open shortcuts between areas
>says it has boring music when it's the same quality of any Falcom game (ie great)
It's really bad OP. Buy Sen (their other bootleg persona that I like more than Persona) or Ys VIII instead.
It appears to not be connected in any way, and hasn't been promoted as such.