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Ocarina of Time 2 when?

And not Majora's Mask.

alright Sup Forums, what will the 2 announcement be?

Quick rundown? Top looks like the Prime 4 teaser, what's the thing on the bottom?

Bayonetta 3

F-Zero 2

The Wonderful 102

>Sup Forums shits on Death Stranding trailers for no gameplay
>gobbles up these literally nothing Nintendo trailers

Nintendo didn't show 3 cinematic trailers for ONE game

gameplay of at least one of them is almost guaranteed to be shown during the january direct, meanwhile death stranding has had a year and a half of trailers only. Although I do concede that all the hype over a title for prime 4 was dumb.

>its ok when Nintendo does it

everyone knows what to expect in a sequel
Death Stranding works better as a movie now and it's getting worse with every trailer

Because we know what's going to be in Bayonetta 3 you retard. There's also a difference between an initial teaser announcement and showing nothing but cinematics for over a year.

when did nintendo ever do that?

Teaser trailers aren't cinematic trailers, they're just a early confirmation that its begun development.


>4th Death Stranding Trailer
>No idea what the gameplay will be like
>1 tease for Metroid Prime 4 and Bayonetta 3
>already know they're going to be a first person action-adventure and an hack and slash

yeah I can't tell why they don't hate on MP4 and Bayo 3

Yeah because your premise was a false equivalence to begin with

sorry, when did Nintendo released 3 trailers with no gameplay again?

Someone fill me in on what happened today.

Nintendo won

idort here
stay in denial, this only hurts the industry

Kojima put out three consecutive cinematic Death Stranding trailers and we still don't have an idea of what the game plays like.

It doesn't help that Death Stranding is a completely new IP

so when can we expect these games? They way they announced them make them seem like they just started development

MP4 is confirmed 2018
Bayonetta 3 has started development

Kid Icarus Uprising 2

don't fuck with me, kid icarus with decent controls is my dream game after the first one

Because with the initial trailer, that was fine since it was just an announcement, that's forgivable, but we're 3 trailers and a couple years later and we still don't know what the fuck Death Stranding is about or what style of game it will be

>Prime 4
>Bayo 3
>Fire Emblem
>Travis Strikes Again

It's nice to know the Switch will have games eventually, but no gameplay reveals are getting old.

Source on that 2018 release for MP4?

My ass
Sorry, but I'm not bothered enough to go look for it. It was on the teaser, I believe.

What other new announcements/trailers were there other than Death Stranding?


Soul Calibur 6
New FromSoft gaem teaser

New IP from who?

retro studios

What two announcements do you refer to? Did I miss something?

nintendorks of cos

I mean "2 announcement" literally, since OP posted the "4" (prime 4) and "3" (bayo 3) ones.

Doesn't Platinum have another game yet to be announced for the Switch? Not like it natters, it appears Nintendo is the only ones that treat them well.

Zelda by Platinum written by Yoko Taro

Gee, I could ONLY wonder what gameplay SMTV will have

Starfox 2.

It's almost like people know Bayo will be a game
With Kojima you know it'll be a movie

Right, but what reason is there to believe there's two announcements coming? I'm confused

I didn't say 2 announcements, I said "2 announcement" as in an announcement with a '2' in it. It was mostly a joke on the fact...you know what, let's just say you're an autist and leave it at that.

You don't deserve a sequel if you had an issue with the first one's controls.


Also that new FROM game trailer is eaten up pretty hard

What the fuck am I supposed to get from that besides FROM is making a game? They didn't even give us the game's name unlike Nintendo.

Sorry I went full retard on this one. I'm gonna say Okami 2.

Also we should add SMT 5 as the "5" game.


Eternal Darkness 2. Best "2 announcement" possible.

Bloodborne 2 > Bayonetta 360p > Metroid Other M2

I like these kind of teasers. Just show a number, or minimum amount of detail like bayonetta getting blown the fuck out and cut in half, leave the fans wondering.
The '4' was more ominous though, holy shit.

I doubt that. Capcom won't even give Nintendo the time of day right now for some unfathomable reason.