Accidentally leave game running over night

>Accidentally leave game running over night
>Ingame clock no longer accurately represents hours played

ya totally

>playing twilight princess on gamecube
>leave gamecube running the whole playthrough
>struggling to get through some of the boring parts so put it down
>already in the hundreds of hours

I have a guy I play PUBG with. He would always debate something in game, but then stop short and say "Well, you do have a lot more hours than me in the game". Then he started just leaving his game on even when he wasn't playing, and he stopped doing that exactly when he surpassed the amount of hours I had in the game and now he doesn't even act like there's an experience difference between us.

This is the reason why I have like 160 hours in Quake 2. I left the game running for a week. I never even made it past the 2nd level

>turning off your games
>logging out of steam
>closing your browser
>turning off your PC

I shig

>played TF2 for maybe 150 hours almost ten years ago
>it's still at the top of my most played at 1200 hours because I used to idle

>Put Switch on to sleep mode and go to friend's house
>come back three days later
>Suddenly Xenoblade has over 72 hours played


>play game
>it screams about rape for seven and a half minutes
What other videogames do this?

comus is meme tier trash and youre a faggot for caring about this.

>MMO playtime
>100 hours spent actually playing the game
>900 spent AFK or waiting for queues
The absolute state of the genre.



>ingame clock still runs even when paused.

Are there any games that only accurately keep track of actual play time?

Whats your current up time

I've got a couple steam games with >1000 hours that I've barely played because of this

That was your first mistake
>steam friends
That was your second

Friend of my cousin, more specifically. I still like him, but I just get the feeling he was leaving his game on on purpose to have more leverage to "lead" the squad.

>Game has depraved guttural sounds that create a dissonant harmony with beautiful female vocals

Any other games that do this?

Stfu comus is one of the best albums of all time. There's nothing really quite like it

It left such a huge impression on me that I ended up writing a ten page story about it for a creative writing class.

Teacher was a bro though and didn't mark me down even though the content was clearly not school appropriate

How do I beat the Herald? His boss fight last like 12 minutes and I can't endure

Been on the same boot for 3-4 months. Can't say as I'm at work, but Warhammer II is running right now and has been since I stopped playing 2 days ago with 0 fucks given.

Discord/Steam friend plebs think I'm an antisocial neet as I slumber the deep slumber of a successful professional in the glow of my many blue LEDs that keep my Gentoo rig cool af at all times while impressing and arousing my multiple young female lovers as they make themselves moist and ready for the next round of ecstacy in futherance of the genetic destiny of the master race

What I like about paladins is that you can use stats sites to check your actual game time

I have 523 on steam and 245 in matches with top .98% play time 2% elo

>1,000 + hours in WoW
>Wonder how much of that time was spent just idling in a city waiting for a queue to pop