"Monster Hunter World is casualized Western garba-"

"Monster Hunter World is casualized Western garba-"
No, you dumbass.
"In our last chat we spoke a fair bit about this being a ‘Westernized’ Monster Hunter that maybe makes certain more obtuse aspects of Monster Hunter easier and more accessible to reach a wider audience. Now the launch is so close, where did you draw the line on changing the formula?"

>Tokuda (GAME DIRECTOR): You phrased it there as how to make it easier, but we don’t really think of it as making the game easier. We don’t tend to open the game up to more people simply by simplifying. It’s more that we want to have this great core action gameplay where players observe monster behaviour and then learn how to take advantage of that and manipulate that to assist in hunting them. We want to make it so that if they make mistakes they don’t feel it’s unfair but instead think that it’s their mistake and they have to grow and learn.

In terms of core gameplay, getting you to that point is what we want to do. We’re not going to change the core gameplay, but we’re going to make it so the staircase to climb up to that is more reasonable. The way we’ve done that is in the little details – by making the animations and the transitions between different moves more seamless so there’s no more stop-start animation… even to pick up items, you just grab them on the way past.

Shut up bitch.

Other urls found in this thread:


>game was announced at E3 and not TGS

your argument is invalid


Monster Hunter World is casualized Western garbage.

All these cunts started with Tri which had the biggest casualization in the series. BUT ITS OK BECAUSE TRI WAS COMFYYYY. Fucking gaylords.

Why westernize monhan?
Most of your sales are from Japan

Wow I sure care about what the dev himself says. As if he would admit to casualizing and westernizing the game.

FACT is, YES the game is dumbed down and YES it is more casual.
Arekkz' armor skill video even confirmed that running while healing is NOT an armor skill, but something everyone can do

>Why try to expand the audience of your game, appealing to both long time fans and newcomers to maximize profits and gain fans all over the world?

>appealing to both long time fans
As a long time fan MHW looks like trash for western dudebros. Pass.
And all of Japan is passing too since it's PS4 only and PS4 is selling like turds in Japan.

Mission failed, Shitcom.

I started with MH1 and I think World looks good.

>Nintendobaby mad that MHW is back on a real console
This is hilarious. Thanks for the laughs

Yeah but that's because you also stopped with MH2 lol

>implying streamlining a niche game will maintain both hardcore and casual fans
The fallacy of casualistation is that its a double edged blade.
Zelda went more hardcore than another twilight princess.
Someone change this to capcom wojak.

>biggest casualization in the series.
You mean faster and more aggressive monsters that dealt more damage than previous games? You sure you aren't thinking about MHW where everything is slower and the monsters are braindead?

It was Nintendo who was pushing the casualization of the franchise.

Capcom getting away from them is a GOOD THING.

I've played MH1 FU p3rd 4u and gen. Aka all the games worth playing except maybe 3u.

Third gen carried the biggest casualizations in the series, but none of you played before that so you don't realize that.

Nothing in world is as casual as removing trample damage.
Removing trample damage negates all of that. I should never feel safe dickhugging a giant monster, but now I do.

>someone wrote this garbage

>monsters are brain dead
Please show me one clip where the monsters are brain dead. One clip. ONE (1)

This is pure trash.
Refer to this instead.

Why are you even making this post. Tomorrow we all get to make our own informed opinions.

Hope you’ve all preloaded

>I should never feel safe dickhugging a giant monster, but now I do.
Which you couldn't do in Tri because of the frequent charging attacks.

Trample damage is in xenoblade 2 chronicles
Whats mon han excuse?

Nah, the charges aren't that frequent and trample damage was way more significant.
Dunno, xenoblade really makes me sad though as a fan of Xenogears. How the mighty have fallen.

What, you let your latent disappointment fester all this time? Damn son, cut off the rot before it takes your whole arm.

I've beaten every mainline MH to date, and I don't even give a shit that the series is taken by the causals. It's done, I've made peace.

I really doubt that claim.

Name a quest and a game, I'll tell you how I soloed it the 1st time.

I don't care how well you can storytell. I don't believe you've beaten every monhun. And furthermore I don't believe that someone that invested would draw the line at world and not at gen or tri.

Indeed, why would an MHWfag be interested in hearing about MH?

I posted earlier what games I've played. I'm still with the franchise, but Tri and gen had some pretty lame changes. I don't know how someone who started with 1 can be totally fine with tri and gen but draw the line at world.

>biggest casualization in the series
>not P3rd
P3rd is literally the easiest game in the serie

P3rd is the easiest, but tri was the one that introduced the casual shit. Hitboxes are way too forgiving, no trample damage.

Tri was the last time online was in any way, shape or form balanced, so I'll just join the rest in assuming you have no idea what you're talking about.

Who the fuck cares about balance? Tri cut weapons, cut trample, had fuck all for monsters. It was an abortion. The only people who love it are people who started with it.

>Our game isn't casual trash
>plz buy

Xenogears is square enix not monolith soft.
Why call MH5 Monhanworld?

Everyone agrees Tri's monsters were the best in the series. I'd rather take 20 original monsters than 50 recolors.

Why call MHW MH5?

I started with it and i don't really like it.

>Tris monsters were the best
I'll fucking fight you

Third gen had some decent monsters, and 3u is fine. Tri itself is garbage though. The only time in the entire series weapons were cut. And they give us fucking disgusting swimming to compensate.
Fair enough.
It's the same director though is it not?

>They raped us

I'm in tears. You are a comedic genius user

So you agree that World will be casual fest, right?

There is literally nothing wrong with making it so you can instantly pick up items and you don't need to put away your weapon to use items (though they need to give the SnS something to compensate, I'd say much faster item usage) and damage numbers are fine too. These are not making the game overly easy, and instead are just making it more enjoyable.

>t. MH Veteran who has over 2,000 hours in the PSP games alone

LMAO you little sonybros have to make up lies pathetic

Nobody cares about this game, capcom shill

Remains to be seen if it'll be any worse. My main point is it's hypocrisy to call world casual but tri fine.

Tu quoque is not an argument try again Sony pony

>we didnt make it easier we just made it easier

>reading this thread
why are monster hunter fans some of the pissiest babbies on the planet
not even dark souls fags are this whiny about gameplay changes

>Monster Hunter finally updates ancient game mechanics that need to be gone (there is no reason there needs to be a 30 second animation between picking up items)

At what point have I said World isn't casual. The series became casual with Tri so of course it is. It remains to be seen if it's worse though. My argument is consistent.

I bought a 3ds just to play monhun, I transcend you disgusting console war petty bullshit.

Who Demo here?

Downloading it now.

PROTIP: They aren't MH fans.

It's easy baiting and people seem to think Monster Hunter was hardcore at some point.

You just conceded your point that world is casual. LMFAO sonybros

It's only starting tomorrow. Chill man.

it's not out till tomorrow, isn't it?

You can download it now, but it isn't playable until tomorrow.

ITT: retards mad because monster hunter not coming to their fucking retarded babby machine

Ok. Good chat sport. I'm disappointed it took me this long to realize you were just a shitposter. That's on me.

It's not updating ancient mechanics. It's just slapping more and more shit onto it. They're doing the same thing they did for X and it caused people to drop the game so shortly after release
They keep adding more and more shit to the player while the monsters don't get anything to compensate. And despite all of the claims, the monsters haven't changed in the slightest

Compared to most games I'd argue it is. Most action games are batman tier easy garbage. Monhun will one shot you in g rank. It's not as good as dmc or ninja gaiden or something but it's still good.

This should make me laugh, but it's just sad and embarassing.

>it’s not updating ancient mechanics
>literally the entire list of complaints about the game are updates to the ancient mechanics

Monster Hunter was shit before World you're all delusional.

As a PC onry I'm more hype for this than I have any right to be. Setting myself up for disappointment.

>being hype for videogames.
Are you twelve?

>I am a Monster Hunter fan, I would have bought both.
So why hasn't he? I bought 3DS, Wii and WiiU for Monster Hunter. As soon as it moves from Nintendo they all shit themselves instead of embracing any game we get in the franchise.

Really do wish they just called world "5", series dropping their numbering always ticks me off.

>weapons are literally recolors now

>lying about games you can't play

I asked first.
Why call MH5 MHW?
There are two reasons
Mh5 is not released
Mhw is a reboot

>for a series with no plot

or it's not a main game and capcom is planning to continue the gen/xx games or 4/4u if you consider gen/xx not part of the mainline games.

>There are two reasons
>Mh5 is not released
>Mhw is a reboot
Everyone look, we share this board with the retarded or literal children, as they apparently have never seen the dozens of franchises that drop the numbered entries after a certain point.

>only reason to drop numeral values is for accessibility.
Since when can worldfags not count to 5?

the fuck is anyone even talking about
World is MH5. This was confirmed by the devs months ago. This in not a spin-off or a "reboot", this is the next mainline game.
The reason it's not called MH5 is because with World they're aiming for a wider audience, but having a numbered title would scare off newcomers who think they would have needed to play the previous games to "get" this one. Therefore the sensible thing to do is to give it an alternate title.

It was confirmed though. Some weapons are just recolors.

And why do they drop them, oh thats right
"To appeal to a broarder audience!" Which is code for casualisation.

>The reason it's not called MH5 is because with World they're aiming for a wider audience, but having a numbered title would scare off newcomers who think they would have needed to play the previous games to "get" this one. Therefore the sensible thing to do is to give it an alternate title.
You just confirmed that world is casualized monhan

>3 threads

Shit.. game ruined. I guess you won't be playing it then?

More accessible = casualized
I'm going to miss having to do all that hardcore googling

That would imply that switch would get a portable monhan.

What does it mean to casualize something that was for casuals?

Just some dumb cunts who can't properly search for a relevant thread.

There's been weapon recolors in the series since the beginning. And no, I'm not talking about alternate species branches. Why do people like you who don't play MH pretend like they play MH just to try and and shit on a series they don't even play?

Like the xx port it's getting?

Worldfags really cant count to 5
Im enjoying this.
>meanwhile megaman 11 is announced
The absolute state of monster hunter

Why do I keep coming to these threads?

I'm buying World regardless of what anyone says, I've followed the series on every fucking console, but yet I still come to these threads thinking people want to talk about Monster Hunter.

People complain about X being casual,
Think about that...

Can you play with your friends in the beta or you are forced to play with randoms?

You can't friend invite in the beta directly, but you can create rooms and just give them the ID etc.

Already got, world came after, i mean after world

people never talk about the actual games in Sup Forums unless its an old unpopular game

People say X is casual because it doesn't have G rank and plenty of the new stuff they added was overpowered, mostly in hunter arts.

I'm sure it'll all blow over once the game actually comes out. Save some discussion for the pc release please.

oh ok cool

The Beta goes up in 12 hours so hopefully that will steer threads back into discussion about the game itself.

I wish the false flagging and the occasional autist shitposting like they are some elite would go. Rather not go to reddit just to not have shitpsoting for monster hunter.