>Gamers deserve crossplay!

This was the most powerful moment at The Game Awards last night. They called out Sony on their anti-consumer and anti-progress practices. And they called YOU to action.

Xbone this buttpained about having no games...


>allow crossplay
>get destroyed by hacking pcbros
no thanks


They weren't wrong. There is no reason not to have it and gamers should push for it to be standard.

>be Dreamcast bro
>get destroyed by PC bros in Quake 3
>fucking buy a mouse and keyboard
>start pwning n00bz
>get called a hacker by fellow Dreamcasters when I happen to join a Dreamcast only lobby

Oh please casuals, please have the tenacity to shit on Sony hard for banning crossplay.
It would literally save fighting games.

That "hack" is called a mouse.

yeah PC should be excluded from this for multiple reasons. hacking and keyboard+mouse controls would make it unfair.

anyway, crossplay between consoles would bring problems with it too, like patch schedules and social features not working properly. I see why sony doesn't want to invest in this while being king of the hill. no doubt M$ would behave the same way in their position. let's not forget they wanted to make all games acc bound and online only for this gen.

yeah or it's called an aimbot or wallhack.

if the game doesn't have ranked, who gives a shit

Did they find out the cross play was enabled because all the 12 year Olds from the xbone were annoying the adults trying to enjoy themselves by screaming about how they fucked their mothers?

>Microsoft has the largest community
>No crossplay lmao who cares

>Microsoft doesn't have the largest community
Really makes my brain think.

sony is protecting its consumers from the shit fest that is the xbox fanbase you cucking retard. no fucking body wants to plaay with M$hills and their trash heap garbage fire of a console.

>be sony
>be buttmad at xbox
>willing to cut off own arm to spite enemy
>disable cross console play with threads of lawyer army

why is sony so retarded? Cross platform play would benefit them both

Reminder that Sony tried for years to get crossplay going and Microsoft told them to fuck off.
I remember playing portal, ff11 and many others with PS3 gamers.

I still have my dc keyboard. Lost the mouse though.

no one cares faggot, we are living in the present.

Remember to breathe user.

what your brain thinks? microsoft and sony sometimes allows it and sometimes doesn't. end of story really.


Crossplay hurts the top dog. Microsoft was pulling this shit last gen.

>PS4 fags already call fellow SFV PC fags lag switchers and hackers
I wonder what PS4 and X1 fags would call each other because someone wanted to play on a different platform.

Whats the problem? Why not let the consoles play with each other? Its not like PC players get segregated by hardware.

Its fucking annoying not letting multiplats be crossplay between consoles. It wouldn't impact sales negatively and would actually encourage sales

most of my vidya accessories were stolen when my family went to vegas

sony is blocking it for anti-competitive reasons, but saying its for the children

Fucking consoles man. Every move seems like an attack on video games by these companies.

Geoff really is trying to come off as a cool guy who cares about le gamers by throwing people under the bus. Its a very two faced thing to do. Remember when he made a big deal about konami two years ago, then made a big deal about kojima being free last year.

We're in the now user, and Sony did the same shit with Japanese 2D games.
Are we gonna have Nintendo own up to the Playstation breakdown even when Sony hypes up 4k native when it's only being re-rendered like how any potato can process PPSSPP games at 2k?

PC/Console crossplay is a horrible idea. You KNOW which side would have an enormous and unfair advantage.


When you trade, generally you try get a deal where two things of roughly equal value are traded. Sony allowing crossplay with the Xbone is not an equal trade, Microsoft get much more out of it than Sony do.

Purely from a business standpoint, allowing crossplay provides little benefit but helps the competition much more. Of course Sony wont allow it, just like Microsoft didn't allow it when things were in reverse (I seem to remember Microsoft were much more strongly against it).

just give the option to choose with what platforms to cross play, example in sf5 i can choose if i want only pc or pc and ps4 in mi matches.

>yeah or it's called an aimbot
Consoles already get that

i don't play online on consoles, but microsoft did the same stuff if i remember right. rather just bring back couch multiplayer, but i guess controllers don't make as much money as monthly subscription fees.

Controllers get auto aim. Fuck off.

that had nothing to do with Geoff, that guy and the other crazy guy were clearly just saying whatever they wanted

Whoever is in front isn't going to allow it because it just weakens their lead. MS did it last gen, PS are doing it now, Nintendo wouldn't allow it if they were leading
Sell your consoles and just play on PC

why are you explaining the business logic behind it as if anyone gives a fuck? we are consumers, it is our job to demand it because it benefits us, even though its not the smartest business move for them. their reputation being damaged has a value too, and therefore they will allow it if disallowing it hurts their reputation enough. youre not enlightening anyone.

refer to this youre not enlightening anyone. fuck off.

Because Sony are the major player here and they give a fuck.

Yeah but I'm not Sony, I just own their console. Fuck them for not allowing cross-platform

what do you expect from slants


Most horrible business practices today exist because of Microsoft. Beyond video games, Microsoft is just a genuinely evil company.

SONY refuses because it is top dog right now. And it still has crossplay. With PC. You can play any MMO, SFV and several other games together.

PS3 had tosd of cross llay and wanted it with Microsoft, but Microsoft refused, because they were top dogs.

We know both companies are assholes when they are ahead.

But while SONY is an incompetent asshole when ahead, Microsoft is the devil in corporate form.

I want this company out video games. I wish SEGA never became retarded.

>reddit spacing

They tried it with the weird fps Shadowrun game on 360 last gen. The results were what you'd expect.

thats a lot of text for a bunch of faggot apologetics that no one cares about.

I agree with you mostly but there are tons of genres where having access to M+KB doesn't give you an advantage, so those don't nee d to be restricted. Really the only one that makes a difference is twitch shooters.

It's not necessarily because of whoever's in front. Once true crossplay is available, choosing a console is based solely on controller and stronger hardware. XB1X is stronger than the PS4 pro by a long shot so Sony would lose if the focus was on hardware. It's trying to distract users with classics like Horizon Zero Dawn and The Order 1886. Who could resist that killer lineup?

that would only be true of shooters. now is banning crossplay a good solution is allowing any pc peripheral through usb the better solution?

Weak bait.

Gamers don't deserve shit. Crossplay was never advertised or promised.

t. homosexual who is loyal to a brand from a corporation

I feel like every bad thread is a Sony false-flagger. Who even owns an Xbox?

idk, crossplay with FFXIV and Rocket League is really good
the only problem with crossplay is just shooters. otherwise everything else is fine.

0.01 USD has been deposited into your account.

I shitposted in the last sentence or so, but I genuinely believe the hardware thing. Nintendo tries to focus on software over hardware because the hardware doesn't hold up as well. AFAIK PS3 was more capable graphically but was harder to code for. Xbox are talking more about hardware and wanting crossplay because their software isn't as strong and they know if the same game is playable identically many players will choose the stronger hardware.

crossplay, more like crossdress lol

what does the OP have to do with xbox? are you low functioning autistic? it has to do with all consoles and pc be able to crossplay with each other.

Wow a gamer who knows how business works. That's pretty rare round these parts.

Well no. If all your friends have a PS4 guess what you're going to buy? Having the largest gaming community is a feature worth lots of money for Sony.

I'm a Europoor and nobody has an Xbox here so it doesn't matter to me either way.

Yep the kind of argument I come to expect from this community.

"you dont deserve it!" is not an argument, its an opinion. learn the difference, underaged brand loyalist homo.


all this tells me is that Epic has the ability to enable it, but doesn't
if they can and aren't, whose fault is that?

>rocket league
with all these re releases it like skyrim but with cars

the entire point of this thread is that its Sony's fault

sony, they disallow them. theyve basically said crossplay is so easy to implement that they can even activate it by mistake or flip a switch to do it. but sony is blocking it legally.

PS4 is so successful because people brought it to play FIFA on it, then their friends buy a PS4 to play FIFA with them

If Crossplay comes into the picture, Sony will lose a ton of ground to Xbox, especially since Xbox X is more powerful & believe it or not, normies do care about graphics, one of the other reasons PS4 did so well was because normies heard it could do "1080p" & Xbone couldn't

Look as a PS4 owner I approve this. Xbox is the nigger favorite console and if isolation means less niggers on my games so be it.

>it's okay to cheat as long as it isn't ranked

thank you for explaining a bunch of shit no one gives a fuck about

literally who gives a shit

Are you really missing out by not being able to play Rocket League with Xbox or Switch users? How many people even own those versions of the game?

Sony gave away Rocket League with PS+, so it's highly likely that fucking 50 million people own it on PS4. Out of that pool, I bet there's still a shitload of people still playing it. Do you really gain anything by having a handful more to play with?



Did keighly ask that obviously loaded question on purpose? That guy was 100% not prepared to answer that. pretty funny.

>Rocket League is the ONLY multiplayer game in existence

Only game where crossplay would be needed are fighting games and party games

I would not want to play Dark Souls or any game in that series with people who were also on PC. That shit is fraught with hacking. Likewise with games like Division and many others.

Games like Battlefield could benefit from the larger playerbase, but you'd be at such a disadvantage to anyone playing with Mouse and Keyboard. And in games like OVerwatch, PC players tend to take the game way to seriously, and it's filled with a bunch of shitheads on mic, whereas on PS4, it's mostly people playing the game for what it is, which is a pretty casual shooter, so it's just people being chill.

But as has been stated, tons of other games do have crossplay with PC and PS4, such as SFV, and some MMOs, etc. I don't think it adds too much benefit in all cases, and shouldn't be a universal thing.

>the only possible crossplay is between PC and PS4