...yet so far...
So close
>ps4 has a screenshot button
>he takes a picture from his phone
One more day.
oh look ,another retard
I'd rather wait for PC
>That horrendous 2008-looking interface
Why can't they Crapcom make decent UI's?
post your favorite UI please
Sony fags own Sony Bravia's. Colored me shocked!
Yes, enjoy your time browsing the threads in the meantime user
Dust your cabinets u fucking roach infested faggot
Thanks. Waiting for a perfect version won't take a while :)
I have games to play in the meantime :)
Stop buying shit tv
Bruh I just want the version i dont have to pay 60 bones to get online for a little while
I too cannot wait for early 2019 release!
I own a KS8000
Sharing screenshots from the PS4 is pain in the ass. The browser doesn't support file sharing and the only way to do it is by uploading it to a twitter account, opening it, changing the URL address to set it on native resolution, download it and then uploading it again to Sup Forums.
I'm not a big fan of the series so fine by me, I have friends who will be getting the game on ps4 as well in the meantime but I doubt it'll take that long to come to PC, probably 6 months at most.
Nice taste, though I always liked Gold best
>tfw you have PS4 and PC friends and your PC friends are butt blasted that you are getting the PS4 version to play with your PS4 friends.
Mind telling me how to do this? Always hated how twitter converts my screenshots to shitty quality
Add :orig to the url
>not having a USB stick primed and ready for shitposting
just stick a usb in your ps4 and put the pictures on that.
This. Also the serif font is atrocius.
Wildlands and Ubi games in general have great uis.
>monhun demos
>decent uis
good one
Should make MH fans feel right at home :^)
I'm grateful for anything that isn't white blocks at this point
>paying to beta test
you'd think they try that pc then
Don't worry, I've got games to play in the meantime.
Unironically upset that the beta was not also on xbox but it probably wasn't a exclusivity thing.
They probably don't have xbox servers set up yet since no one in japan has a xbox.
Enjoy that silky smooth 868p 30 fps.
nice depression dude
Enjoy your 0p 0fps tomorrow
I will, I wouldn't buy a game running at 800p/25fps in 2011 let alone in 2018
Is there so you can pre-order the game you retard.
Bait? This is for the demo that is unavailable to play until tomorrow.
It's okay to be poor user. I'm going to play the beta on my PS4 Pro in 4k HDR and if I like it I may buy the game on PC and play it in 1440p.
I can't plug a usb in my phone.
If you are browsing on your phone, open the the picture in a new tab, go to the end of the URL, delete all the text up to the question mark (included), and write .jpg:orig
>switching between single player, multiplayer and the training ground are title screen options
I would imagine in singleplayer you're completely offline while in multiplayer you can play solo or in multiplayer. Or perhaps it just works differently for the beta.
It indeed says it's the beta and of course it would include a means to buy/pre-order the game, many betas/demos do that these days.
This is the kind of thing that really makes me hate ps+, that shit should never have existed
Is your tv enclosed in trash?
>still no pre load for USA
Fucking when boys
Fucking soon.
Is free multiplayer going to come back on console someday ?
I have so much shit I need to do before Monday but I just can't fucking do anything, help help help
But that's not what the OP was trying to have people pay attention to, it's just the fact that he can't play it.
>make a dummy account
>send screenshots to it
>open the messages app on your phone
>save the image you sent
In USA right now, Texas. I was able to preload this morning.
Az here and when I look at demos all I see is pre order option
You got it backwards. Pro is the one doing 1440p in new games. PC and 1x has true 4k.
Some games aren't even breaking 1080p on pro
Actually the worst option to play good looking games on.
I know it should be there, but for me, it's under "Games" and right next to TGA Sale and CoD.
If not, then not sure.
I've had it downloaded for hours.
>haha i'm gonna play on 30fps and there's nothing you can do to stop me
I know, I was just shitposting using buzzwords but do we know how monster hunter runs on PS4 yet? When I started it up it asked if I wanted to prioritise resolution, framerate or graphics but obviously have no idea if it makes a difference yet since we can't play.
Question I just made a new account and got the 14 day free trial for PS+, so once the beta is over I can just cancel the trial and they won't charge my CC right?
Did you check through console, try manual search. If its not there, then its not
you're just miserable now
I believe you can just cancel now and still get the 14 days.
Pretty sure, yeah.
have you ever played a monster hunter game?
>retarded mobile faggot