Breath Of The Wild Comfy Thread - Game Of The Year Edition.
What a game eh?
Breath Of The Wild Comfy Thread - Game Of The Year Edition.
What a game eh?
Call me when the sequel adds dungeons, unique items, and weapons that don't break as soon as you have them
From the looks of it though, there's a reason they've kept quiet about the DLC since E3, because after looking through some stuff it looks like it sucks and was rushed for the holiday season, same thing with Xenoblade considering handheld mode is completely fucked.
It's only $20, poorfag
Master trials are the best part of the expansion anyway
How's the new DLC?
Yeah, I absolutely loved it ever since I saw it at E3 2016, I knew it would be a fantastic game but I didn't know just how much.
After 400 hours with the game it's in my top 5, easily.
Why the fuck was there an award for best direction? Why not best director and then list the games they directed?
Genuinely magical game, Finished it after about 180 hours. I still dip back in occasionally because the world is so comfy and even just randomly running around feels great. Every time I play I find something new. EVERY SINGLE TIME.
Mediocre as fuck, honestly. I mean, it doesn't look terrible, but in reality what it boils down to is ~12 new more challenging shrines, the hardest divine beast, some new clothing options ala the master trials, the horse armor, and the master cycle which is rather underwhelming once you actually see it at max speed. Overall the whole pack is pretty disappointing coming from the MK8 DLC which gave you 16 new tracks to play around with and a handful of new characters for the same price.
Fuck you
Fuck this stupid fucking thread
Fuck this """"""comfy""""" game
Fuck this Reddit board
Fuck you too br0
Are there new bosses? Do you have a video of the new divine beast? I haven't seen it yet.
Sup Forums absolutely ass blasted
Need some burn creme for that ass, Sonykid?
I'll admit I made fun of this game and nintendofanbois earlier this year. Finally got a Switch on Black Friday. And I have to admit BotW is an amazing gaming experience. Don't be salty like me. It really is great. And the switch is cool as fuck too. Call me a shill and get fucked.
It'll truly stand amongst the other goty greats like Fallout 3
It really wasn't that great.
Sony? More like Soyny
man you have to admit those look like zelda tits
The irony of posts like these is most of Sup Forums came from reddit and Sup Forums runs this site now. Its all reddit, baby.
really? I thought this dlc will add a new story, but from the trailer it adds 4 dungeons?
Good god, your ass is blasted into oblivion
you can't carry every armor in the game!
107 pieces of armor and 100 slots.
what are the most boring, ugly and usless suits?
The masks from monster guy
No, not at all. It's just another Divine Beast dungeon and somewhere around 12 new shrines.
The function is pretty useless but cute. I wish the whole outfit had been available.
Why is the game so good and the dlc so bad?
Wait, does this DLC seriously have no new story?
What the fuck, they lied to us.
Seems like it was rushed for Christmas.
It """""has""""", in the 5 cutscenes.
Even then it's not even worth $10. All you get is more forgettable shrines, redoing blight bosses with preset equipment, and 1-2min cutscenes per champion. It's fucking terrible.
The irony is that what we all thought would be the bad dlc - pack 1 - ended up being the least terrible one.
Nintendo must have decided to do a shadow drop of dlc pack 2 because they knew everyone would be hyped for it without all the info about its content, if they had said in a press release exactly what it added before it arrived, people would have been pissed off.
I've just finished those 4 shrines where you have a quarter heart, and I made it to the first pillar thing.
Is this whole DLC really just figuring out where the maps on the pillars are pointing you to and then doing some shitty side quest? Please tell me there's more to it...
There's one dungeon at the end, that's it. Congratulations, buddy
I haven't gotten through Trial of the Sword yet. Is the new DLC postgame stuff or does it add more to the world?
miniature looks like she has cow tits
>It's only $20 for $5 worth of content bros
Is it the same aesthetics as the divine beast dungeons? Is there more depth than them?
no, same thing
Will Nintendo ever release a definitive version of the game with all dlc and amiibo extras included?
Fucking hell why is this allowed?