250 bucks would have been the perfect price for it. You literally can't prove me wrong.
250 bucks would have been the perfect price for it. You literally can't prove me wrong
Post yfw you got the switch at over 50% off current market price.
I would have bought it immediately.
I thought so too but people are buying the thing like crazy compared to what happened with the 3ds and a lesser extent the wii u.
I would've settled for $300 if it came with the Pro Controller.
>post yfw face when you bought 12 switches at launch, and sold them all, making enough in profit to build a top-of-the-line PC and go on holiday to Hawaii
It would have been a lot better, sure, but the thing is selling like hotcakes at 300 bucks, so supply and demand prove you wrong.
>smartphones cost $800
>thinks the switch is overpriced at $300
wew lad
Is this a worthwhile console or will Nintendo just release a switch 2 next summer?
You can get a good smartphone that will do 95% of tasks really well for 100 bucks.
Nintendo plans for five year lifespans on each of their consoles, with at least 2 revisions.
That alone is worth ignoring them over, considering their closest rival has console with 10 year lifespans.
The Switch is selling gangbusters, and next year they're releasing Pokemon. There won't be another version nor a revision anytime soon, rest assured.
Only stupid people buy overpriced smartphones. That shit is like those prebuilt PCs.
>Nintendo plans for five year lifespans on each of their consoles
Wii U had a 4 year lifespan. 3DS had a 6 year lifespan
I'd buy it as a handheld for 250 bucks. REMOVE THE FUCKING GIMMICKS NINTENDO and sell us a base model.
My smartphone cost 300 bux, and is basically a top of the range phone. Octacore, 6gb, 256gb storage...
why would I pay 300 for something with 32gb storage.
Oh, yeah, remember all those revisions on the Gamecube? Or the Wii ones? What about the ones on the Wii U? Oh, wait, that never happened.
Because you don't buy a console to store things in it, you buy it to play games.
If it was 250 people would say they refuse to buy it until it's 200. It's what people so with Nintendo.
>plan for 5
>get 4 on one
>6 on another
The gamecube? 2002-2007
Wii? 2007-2011
...he's right.
>play games.
Like if it was 400 people would say 350 would be a good price? Right that would never happen.
The wii had at least one revision, though..
>Ps3 had a 10 year life so all their systems have a 10 year life
Uhh... No?
>Or the Wii ones?
The family edition and the wii mini.
You get +$250 if you get a Switch
Oh, so you're a modern gamer. How sad. Listen, son, Switch games do not require you to install the entire thing on the system. You get the card, you insert it in the console and you get to play the game. Suddenly those puny 32GBs will last you a whole lot more.
The switch isn't your walmart-tier smartphone, it's a high quality product from an established company
Which both removed features from the base Wii, with zero power increases.
The PS1 did. 1994-2006
Ps2? 2000-2012
ps3? 2006-2015
>established company
>as opposed to walmart
Nintendo was literally never known for pricey qualitative products.
They launched the Wii mini 6 years in, when the Wii was already dead.
>The family edition
The what?
They were revisions, though.
Ok bud. The medgadrive is getting a game in a few months too I guess it's been supported for over 20 then right?
5 and 6 years in, though.
>a modified Nvidia shield
>high quality product
>The medgadrive is getting a game in a few months too
Is it? Which one? That's awesome.
Only the processor is the same.
>now you've been proven wrong, it doesn't count
literally goalpost movement.
It was supposed to release September but PayPal thought it was some money laundering scheme and locked down all their funds. Release is now some time in 2018
I don't own a switch and never plan to, but sales figures alone are enough to prove you wrong.
>high quality product
Trash telecom "free" tablet with red and blue controllers for a e s t h e t i c soyboys
I got mine for $90 out of pocket.
It's not when you're trying to push hardware upgrades onto the Switch, which only ever happened on the 3DS, and you're comparing them to basically cheaper slim models. Apples and oranges is the saying you're looking for here.
sweet. If that's on original megadrive cart, i'm fucking getting that one.
>which only ever happened on the 3DS
This is either a lie, or you don't know what you're talking about. Happened on the DS and Wii too, didn't it?
Oh, noes, that one image of the one single guy that allegedly had his Switch bent proves you're right! Oh, wait, that's just anecdotal evidence at most and outright trolling at worst. Stop being a gullible idiot anyway.
>Apples and oranges is the saying you're looking for here.
>you can't compare a Nintendo console with another Nintendo console
>One of the 11 million sold is slightly bent
I mean...what's your reasoning here? Do you mean that based on the cost of the parts, they could have dropped the price by $50 but that the net increase in demand would have made up for it?
See, I might believe it if Nintendo wasn't in a shivving match with Apple over the microchips where scarcity is a physical reality. So Nintendo is actually keeping the price up based on where the highest point in the demand curve meets with the number of Switches they are physically able to produce
It's high because they only have X amount, so might as well sell it at the highest cost that X consumers will buy it for, but not for more consumers since that's irrelevant until they can produce many more per year.
It's why the DS and 3DS dropped in price quicker, they used older chips that Apple and Smartphone producers didnt care about as much
Show me your marketing degree first.
No, it didn't. The Wii revisions REMOVED features. They were cheaper, slim models.
>two of the 11 million sold is slightly bent
Wew, lad.
>The Wii revisions REMOVED features
And so will the switch. It'll be smaller, with non-removable joycons and no motion control
Yep. It's ONLY going to be on a MD cart. An 80 meg cart with their own special soundchip so they can push the soundtrack to the absolute limits.
IM hyped as fuck but we honestly know next to nothing about the game. Could be amazing. Could be shit. Fingers crossed.
>no motion control
That would make some games impossible to play. They'd never do that.
fuck you with this hsit
Eh. Even if it IS shit, it'll still be a nice experience, I bet. Looking forward to this, now...
Not only that but im sure you could return it under warranty and get a non bent one for free.
>losing all your save data because Nintendo cheaped out and overcharged for their product
Nice crystal ball.
Gamecube 2001-2007
GBA 2001-2006
Wii 2006-2012
DS 2004-2011
Wii U 2012-2017 (technically)
3DS 2011-2018
Seems like 6 years is more of the norm
If you like. It's still half the lifespan of a sony product.
All of those were first batch defective units, you imbecile. Which is to be expected with any new product ever. Why do you think you haven't seen anybody other than trolls talking about it ever again? Why do you think you sad fuck are posting the exact same handful of images from 9 months ago?
I paid 0%
friend bought one for me
It looks like whatever that round shit is is what's bent.
There are reports here from AUGUST. Why are you defending shoddy practices like this?
I think your "friend" wants to put their ponos inside you.
I got one that fell off the back of a truck
But the PS1 was 5 years old when they released the 2. And the PS2 lasted exactly 6 years. And the Vita is dead...
well 1 dollar for a PS4 would have been perfect too, but we can't have our way all the time now can we?
Oh, wow, from 4 months ago? Stop the presses!
People are apparently willing to buy it for much much more, but I'm waiting for the price to drop to about that.
I bought mine in June and it's a bit bent. But that doesn't count because it's Nintendo that did it, right?
>the PS2 lasted exactly 6 years
not him but the ps2 was getting new games well into 2010 and the ps3 even got great games into 2014 and p5 this year. But I'd argue that 7th gen was just abnormally long for everybody.
>4 months ago
Do you think that is a long time, or something? And why are you sucking corporate cock over shoddy manufacture?
You stop counting when the new system is out, not when they stop making them.
>But I'd argue that 7th gen was just abnormally long for everybody.
Except Nintendo. Because the GC lasted 6 years
I think that he/she/xe meant that the PS2 was on market for 6 years before there was next generation console (ps3) released.
>You stop counting when the new system is out
You stop counting when they discontinue, actually.
that's 6th gen user
>You stop counting when the new system is out
Only if you're some asperger monster who thinks that console explode once their successor is released.
No, you don't. That makes no sense. Even if they kept releasing shitty sports games or whatever, its active life stopped when they released the new system and the focus changed to that.
Nintendo are always a gen behind..
Post yfw you didn't buy the switch because you never wanted it in the first place
>Even if they kept releasing shitty sports games or whatever, its active life stopped when they released the new system
Dumbest shit alive. If they are releasing games for it, it's not dead, you moron.