>tfw you make a game so good even the leader of your country congratulates you for it
Holy fuck, is there anything Chad can't do?
Tfw you make a game so good even the leader of your country congratulates you for it
>Sup Forumstard memes
Kill yourself.
>tfw you make a game so bad the leaders of several countries, domestic and foreign, begin to regulate your industry for you
it's an Sup Forums meme you absolute brainlet neofag turd
woah, A fucking leaf mind.
Kek, he's gonna get in trouble for this.
Should you just kill yourself now or later?
Make another game without calling him "the guy who made cuphead".
does he really count as a leader though? all he does is prance around at gay parades and talk about the current year n shit
Virgin devs on suicide watch.
>not one in arabsquiggle
It's the current year, Weedman.
t. Harperfag
>Play the game for 5 minutes
>He dies
>"I won! I won!!!"
nice rebutal
based Trump
i hope epic fake news memes from reddit helps you feel better about having an actual cuckold who invites foreign men to come and live off your tax money and apologize on your behalf to every piece of dirt on the planet
He thought it was Cuckhead so he rushed to congratulate them.
Based Trudeau.
There's a sequel?
fucking love President Trump so much. 7 more years.
Oh no there's a sequel?
fyi 90% of Sup Forums‘s memes are stolen from other boards
Become a wizard.
>sits like a woman
Two-spirit, third gender that exists in various Native American tribes.
whereas Sup Forums memes are 100% stolen from other boards
>he doesn't know about Sup Forums, the greatest board on Sup Forums
Kill yourself
But shakes hands like a man.
/polddit/ takes the memes and runs them to the ground.
That's retarded and also racist. What the fuck.
Not the same thing at all and I'll take your fucking scalp for trying to trick people into thinking otherwise
That's Trudeau politics, he's all looks
Nobody does this in the USA because it is normal for the USA to produce outstanding games. It's essentially provincialism.
t. Eastern European, not even American.
>Sup Forums is the same thing as Sup Forums
Stop posting
Tell us about your people's genders, Two Dogs Fucking.
Trump loves Trudeau, and Trump is based, ergo Trudeau is based.
Wait, Cuphead is Canadian? WTF returning my copy of Cuphead.
Sup Forums shamelessly steals from Sup Forums, which is why 56% was so effective
He was making fun of himself and he was pretending to be confused and dumb.
Not "retarded".
Shows me what you think of the mentally disabled.
What game was it
then why is Trudeau's hand completely twisted under Trump's after the first second?
and 100% of /v memes come from reddit or tumblr, so worse than /pol.
>all of the great people in Canada
But everybody in Canada pretty much spends all the fucking time whining about Trump, it's like San Francisco everywhere you go. The CBC "comedy" shows are basically "DRUMPF DRUMPF HAHA SO STPUID HAHA DRUMPF" at all times.
I guarantee you this is a large part of why Hillary lost.
Trump says they're great, so they're great, Hillshill.
but that's what american comedy has devolved into and let's be honest, canada is nothing more than a country of USaboos with free healthcare.
Then why didn't calling her "Crooked Hillary" and obsessing over stupid shit like coughing make Trump lose?
Quessé tu dis là mon tabarnack
Gentle reminder that TNG >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TOS.
French Canadians are the scum of earth. Begone.
The left cannot meme.
You don't count Quebec, you're still kinda cool
Shut up dumb USA spinoff
Keep wishing you had a culture
Stealing that one
A leftist literally invented memes.
Trying to recoil from Trump's herculean grip
No he wasn't you delusional retard
>you're still kinda cool
No they're not
As you should. Its very accurate about those fat disgusting retarded fucks
Trudeau is a pretty good guy, props to the Canadians for electing the right guy.
>so unpopular you try and ride off the back of some indie devs
According to modern lefitist media, isn't Dawkins considered a far-right neonazi because of his hate towards camel fucker religion?
Essayes beaucoup plus à l'est, merci pour l'image
I disagree, they're miles above the rest of Canada
>has images saved specifically for american posters
>to post on the american website he goes to
for as worthless of a culture we have other countries sure do seem to know a lot about it.
allow me to list the things people know about french canadians
>they're french
>they're canadian
Show me on the doll where Quebec touched you
Je t'ai spotté vite, mon chum
Harper was worse.
According to modern rightist media, isn't Dawkins considered a far-left commie because he doesn't love Jaysus?
Stop making stuff up about him imo.
dat image
To be fair some of the things he apologized for were horrible. Gay kids were taken away from their families and forced to undergo conversion therapy. If it didn't work they were permanently removed the household and put into foster care because homosexuality was seen as a symptom of poor parenting. Even if you don;t like gay people you have to admit that's terrible.
>WE WUZ Sup Forums
Sorry 56%er, but the majority of Sup Forums isn't from burgerland
Neither is the owner, or the servers
>were you there
A compliment from trudeau isnt anything to be valued
But you didn't behead people, so all you get is a Tweet. The millions of tax dollars go to terrorists.
>were you there
I refuse to believe this is real
what the fuck do you think that means? you're a damn boomer from reddit arent you?
didn't he pretend to be a teenage girl but forgot to change his account?
i miss it when aussie posters were the majority shitposters. they were much more funny than leafs.
>best art direction
What a fucking laugh, fucking indie games only win awards because industry have a hard-on for nobodies
And has fucked Trump's wife like an angry bull.
she fucking lost get over it already
Don't we all
jokes aside I don't know, his videos are far too long, I just like his reactions
And Harper lost, so get over it and stop bitching about Trudeau.
Canadians whine about Americans. That's just how things are, and how they've been for 200 years. Hating America is our national pastime.
It'll be her turn in 3 years, Trump is guaranteed to be an one term president
they're too busy educating themselves