BASED Canada

BASED Canada

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but if they defeated the other ones it means they lost doesn it?

What games does he play?


none, its a PR move, like always.

But they didn't kill anyone.

Is he, dare I say it, /ourguy/ ?

um where are drumpfs gaming tweets

I hate Trudeau but I feel kinda happy for Geoff, must be amazing to have your event recognized by a world leader.

Especially since pope is canadian himself

>world leader

Am Canadian. We're a joke.

oh god Canada is Batman, thats why i hate that place so much

A world leader doing a shitty job is still a world leader

>PM recognizing an industry that brings money into his country is a "PR move"

he cried for sure 100%


Kill yourself. The leafboys stand tall

my mistake

I'm sure he actually did as a kid. He talked about old mac games before.

our options for the upcoming elections this year are a sikh, a jew or a sjw faggot who wants to turn our country into sweden 2.0. I am concerned fellow leafs.

G7. Larger economy than Russia.

>WAHHH avoiding violence unless it's necessary is bad

Weedman isn't world leader, he is just a fop.

Not Canadians but sikhs usually want to remove muslims, that's a good thing

Everything a politician does in public is a PR move.


Yep, it sucks.

aren't most Canadian video game companies incompetent french cunts?

July 1st, 2018

Yeah Sikhs are ok. Our defence minister is one and he's one of those highly decorated 300-confirmed-kills motherfuckers.

We were Deadshot in Afghanistan but now we've become the black version of him.

wtf i love mass immigration now

Theres just a lot in Montreal because of massive tax breaks. Theres still a lot in Vancouver, some in Toronto and Bioware in Edmonton.

If you win the award by beating others, you lose

Didn't Cuphead actually get 3 awards?

no thats just ubisoft

His popularity must be really fucking bad if he's trying to scalp off some of the popularity of indie devs who happened to make a good game from his country.

>country literally has "Social Justice Tribunals"
>calling someone by the wrong pronouns is now *illegal*

Canada - not even once.

And EA Motive, Eidos Montreal, WB Montreal and a lot others.

lmao he personally flew to Serbia to kill serbs to save the local muslims, he's a canuck through and through

I don't like the guy any more than you do, but it's not like he held a press conference so he could suck them off while giving them a gold medal. It's just a tweet.


You’re thinking about Ubisoft an EA Montreal. they’re not incompetent just the people they work for are.

He's more hardcore than 90% of Sup Forums

>year of our lord 2017
>still caring about what country games come from, rather than just enjoying games based on their content alone
I'm disappointed in this world.

Countries should be abolished desu, we already have the UN.

stop believing what you read on pol

he's a stolen valor fuckwit.

Wait, is that wizardry 4 he's talking about?

>He's Sup Forums's guy
Makes sense to why he's such a bleeding cakeboy.
>Social Justice Tribunals Ontario (SJTO) is a group of eight adjudicative tribunals that play an important role in the administration of justice in Ontario.

You're not helping anyone, but yourself, when you lie on the internet, user.

Nope, the first one on Apple II/Macintosh.

>Eidos Montreal

Hey now they've made some great stuff but are bottom bitch to the corporate fuckery shenanigans of Squeenix. You leave them alone

>World leader

>Being proud of being the leech of the Northern Hemisphere.
The only good Canadian, is an American immigrant.

No he likes niggers

Kingdom Hearts 2.