Will it be an horror game?

Will it be an horror game?

>kojimble want silent hills
>del taco did some horror
>junji ito visited hideo few times

Just thinking about the possibility makes my dinglewingle tingle

Will it even be a game?

If it's horror, it's going to be an open world ACTION shooter horror game.

Stealth horror with goverment conspiracies

It'll be MGSV 2

>junji ito
so what
i mean none of his stories are actually scary

i thought junji ito being scary was just a meme

It will be like a drug induced experience, nothing more and nothing less.

It's a game about everyone wanting to fuck babies with their umbilical cords and then eat them and vomit them for later baby rape.

looks like bloodborne 2

You said "horror" and Junji Ito is the face of horror manga. I'm not really scared of print media but that doesn't mean it ain't horror.

oh, well, i guess that makes sense
what is horror then?

genuinely speaking, i wanna know the difference

It will be another movie that is sold as a """""video game"""" by mistake.

>babby's first ito manga
Your opinion is trash

Kojima is amazing at building tension. Their fucking spirit detector thing was great at helping build tension.

He's a master of trailers and generating hype, but then fails to seal the deal on releases.

>guy starts GUT STABBING himself like that's a better alternative to whatever the fuck is about to happen to him
>fed into giant monsters head and then explodes


>whole trailer about spoopy alien horror shit
>OP circles one of them, as if it's a huge secret nobody else noticed the blatant figure in the fog


Welcome to the Upside Down

Also captcha
>Select all images with Bridges

You're the only one that used this word in the entire thread.
Projecting much?

Why would you need to circle that? You could clearly see it on first viewing and another one appears on the left...

Anything made with the intent to fear, shock, unnerve or disgust.

I don't know, all I can tell you is you'll be watching more than playing

He doesn't need to ever release this game, just give us 1 or 2 music videos/short movies for the next 10 years.
Then at the end of the 10 years publish a super cut that puts the trailers in chronological order.

With the next "Most Anticipated Game" voted The Last Of Us 2 do you not realise that this is what the actual western casual audience want now?

You're the 1% or getting too old user.

How do people still fall into blatant (you) bait in the year of our Lord 2017?

No it will be a third person action game probably with some powers instead of shooting. There will be stealth elements. Hopefully though it will have a spooky atmosphere. Kojamburi is really trying, his decisions are not grounded enough though.

While we are on that topic: how can artist get grounded? How should one build surrounding ecosystem to get told that demystifying the force by connecting it to some protein and that players don't want to be a "part of the legacy" and just want a cool story? These people had the very best intentions, were they just too unapproachable to make them question stuff? But then what is a proper criteria of evaluation as just as often sticking to your guns in the face of safe decisions brings fruit.

It's a game about seeing how long people will follow this fucking thing without seeing any gameplay.

It'll be 5 hours of Inception-level, bombastic normie """profundity""" with occasional QTEs.

>Still no gameplay

Until we get anything concrete, I'm going to assume the game is about the only thing that's been consistent across all the trailers we've seen. It's about hugging babies in various dystopian environments.

Is his name Porter? Or is it a designation like Transporter, Teleporter etc.. I wonder.

No it will be a movie.

Given the guy in the trailer called out 'Sam!', it's probably a designation.

Or his name is Sam Porter? I meant Surname by the way, you wouldn't ever put a first name on uniform etc.

My theory

Kojima said in his tweets about stick and rope that this game would be a new genre and how the stick was meant to be a resource to keep us players from danger while the rope was meant to connect people worldwide (like in online games) and help us bind things important to us (like our progress in a videogame)

Now in pic related and specifically tweet #4 and #5 he says something really interesting about death in games and how he wants to change the way it works, i think this is why he compares it to accelerating or braking, in the present we as players have control at any time EXCEPT when our character dies or is about to die, this is why i think Kojima will introduce some new way to handle death in videogames, both in how we can avoid it and how the game punishes us for dying, maybe some kind of permadeath system where players are able enter other players worlds to cooperate or even betray each other by bringing the danger to them thus avoiding the death of their own character, i think thats why in the trailer we see some weird dude appear before Norman Reedus' character, i think the fear of permadeath and losing all your progress will be crucial in bringing players to interact with each other. Tho while the punishment for death may be severe, we will be given tools (the rope) to avoid it, thats why we see the old guy kill the other one and then killing himself before the phantoms take him away, maybe because your character being taken away may mean permadying and losing your progress forever, while the baby surviving AND your character dying by suicide (letting the player CHOOSE to die) can mean you can revive or go back to a certain past checkpoint in other player's "world", in this case Norman Reedus' character gets to survive with his adult character and get to the next level while saving the other's player baby preventing him (the player using the old man's character) from starting all over again and losing his progress.

Quality post

The thing is fucking around with death in games is a very tricky thing and kojima has shown that he can put down an interesting concept (the medic thing) before how the players will actually feel about the whole ordeal. Without the death whole thing becomes meaningless, if there is no punishment there is no engagement, or at least that is how things traditionally went.

Here is my theory: "no death" will mean that instead of the game stopping it will transform. You will get from the "demon" world to the dream/psychodelic world. There will be two versions of the same level, two versions of the character and how he controls. Perhaps there will be some drawback to the "dead" state, maybe it won't be as engaging or will have story consequences. Maybe like soul reaver just more extreme.

Or maybe you will be some kind of ghost that helps other players for a time.


He said stress-free driving, don't think permadeath goes well with that.

horrorbly bad maybe

I hope the lord wont let me die before i play this


A porter can also be a gatekeeper of sorts

Holy shit is that Psycho Mantis?

>Will it be a horror game?
No, it's not even a game.

protip: the player is the baby. you switch between characters and if the baby dies you lose

no it's the prometheans

So it's like you're granting your save game to another player to keep safe, but with souls-type invasions where people are trying to destroy/delete your save?

I think it's obviously going to have horror elements but will probably be mixed with something else as well. From the looks of things that "something else" is most likely sci-fi shooter. I can see it being similar to Dead Space but more of a lovecraftian mind fuck. Hopefully it's just as creepy and atmospheric as PT was.

Yo gimmie some of dat black goo

Well, up until 4 he had almost perfect track record.

He went full trailer kino in V and forgot to fill the open world with shit to do.

Yeah i may be wrong about the driving thing, its just fucking weird in the way he put it, i wonder if its a translation confusion

There's different kinds of horror user.

Junji is more into disturbing and surreal situations with a healthy dose of body horror thrown in.

I'm pretty sure it's a money laundering scheme

>Trailer is full of Lovecraftian cosmic beings and creepy imagery
>Will it be a horror game?

Duh, yeah. If i had to guess a third person stealth action with a heavy dose of horror/mindfuckery.

Oh shit i just realized it, its not about not dying, its about being able to "driving this "familiar" car without stress", i think that death will be an option too, you can save your baby and continue playing or CHOOSE to die and do whatever the fuck kojima allows you to after, tho i don't know what role does the Rope play in this

I'd like to second this

I like this idea like Nier where you sacrifice your save game for someone else.

the ropes bind entities together. whereas the stick is used to kill other entities, the rope ties them together into a single unit. the baby needs to be physically tied to the character with a cord which then grants additional benefits.

it's probably a demon/dark souls death system where instead of alive/undead it's with/without baby, and other players work to steal your baby

What if players can actually become one of those big things by consuming others player's characters, like in that agar.io meme games lmao, you can see that all of them are binded by those weird strings, Mads character had them too, maybe hes like a low level player consumer

Looks like some weird Buddha shit right there.

Well it's not the upside down world, it's actually the dead dimension. That's why we see soldier from ww2, because they are dead.

I only see a movie, user. Where is the videogame.