What game has the worst ending you have ever seen?
What game has the worst ending you have ever seen?
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Mass Effect 3. It caused me to lose an entire night's worth of sleep. Not even joking
I mean I know it was a shit game but goddamn it doesn't excuse it (Alien Colonial Marines)
but this had a good ending?
I am always super dissapointed if the ending credits don`t say :"Thank you for playing".
Half life 2
Don't remind me user, Usagi Drop was such a bullshit I felt empty after finishing it.
>balding/receding hairline is a feature
wat da fug
how about the best worst ending
The whole of MGSV: Ground Zeroes, me and a friend bought it at it's release and played the whole of it in an hour. We had also gotten Asura's Wrath along with MGS and we ended up having a better time with that.
I know its not technically a "worst ending" scenario but it counted for us.
Assassin's Creed 3
Star Ocean 3. I wasted weeks and months on that franchise to be slapped with that garbage ass ending. I can't get that time back. Oh and if we're using the OP, fuck that entire show and fuck the author for that, the second worst ending to everything would be that Bahamut sequel and the show about the little girl shrine maiden and her pet bear. Maybe tied with Arc-V for some to the worst if borderline spiteful endings in anime.
This pedophile fucking show
>tfw anime-only fag for Usagi Drop
I don't see the problem here.
The anime stops right before the manga's timeskip, which is when everything starts going downhill
This. I just like to shitpost the manga ending as if it were a shitty alternate ending doujin
written by a bitch with daddy kink, you dumb slag
This says more about you than about the show.
There is nothing pedo about rasing your aunt to be your perfect waifu ;^)
What the fuck was the author thinking? Jesus christ.
Bioshock Infinite, i can't even believe some people saying it's "deep" or "hard to understand"
it is hard to understand though
because it's incomprehensible poorly thought out bullshit
Splatterhouse 3.
She was literally self inserting as the little girl, seriously.
I found it really cliché, so i figured it out very easily
This is actually 100% true.
My head canon for Yotsuba is the same ending.
consider suicide
This had a great ending though.
>Quake II
>Mass Effect 3
>Quake I
>Diablo III
It's really not, it was forced as fuck and felt underwhelming and messed up at the very least. I'm all in for incest and lolicon where it's applicable, manga about you being a good fucking father is one of the rare cases where it's not. This is not a fucking 20-30 page doujin, this is a completely serious manga about you being a parent which drops this retarded romantic shit on the last second and completely ruins the rest. Imagine Youtsuba! ending with Yousuke wanting to fuck Youtsuba! out of the blue and she accepts him, because their relationship between father and daughter somehow transforms into physical desire. You want to read good fatherhood manga? Go read My Girl, because Usagi Drop made my stomach turn and you're legit, 100% pedophile if you're okay with it.
Yes, you can fap to brown lolis with womb tattoos, that's not pedo, but liking Usagi Drop ending is.
Why so triggered?
She's not related, daddy never molested her, it's consentual... LOVE IS NEVER WRONG
>you can fap to brown lolis with womb tattoos, that's not pedo
what's wrong with you?????
What's wrong with you?
>two people entering into a consensual relationship as adults is pedo
>jacking off to cartoon childporn isn't
Golden Sun: Dark Dawn
>Alright, we saved the world, time to go ho...oh shit, it's those vortex things from the first hour of the game that were completely forgotten about for the rest of the plot
>(It was the end because the game was so bad it killed the series)
Worked out for him, jus saying.
"It's yicky to me" isn't an argument sweetie.
True, but he's a Jew. a bit of a power difference there compared to ordinary people, don'tcha think?
You can always convert, never too late to join the actual master race, goy.
Not really, you can't. Israel has really strict rules before you're considered a genuine Jew. I can't unbirth myself and magically appear in a Jewish woman's womb.
Israel is a secular state, it does not own or control jews like an overlord, people do convert all the time, just do and marry a Jewish girl, your kids will be prevy to the life time worth of jewgold and the secret handshake, yer prolly a burger with a mutilated dick anyway :^)
I was incredibly excited for this game, it's just mediocre and the ending is a kick in the face
Metal Gear Solid 4 shat on the entire series with the ending