Sea of Thieves

>finally gets a release date
>revealed among the "ad segment" of the TGAs rather than it's own announcement Same with Dreams
>had a decent presentation back at E3
>alpha is fun as fuck
>been in development for years
>has that old Rare charm despite years of Kinectsports
>not even an console exclusive as you can play on PC

Hell, I own an XboxOne idort, but after playing it, I'm compelled to buy it off Windows.
Why's no one talk about this game?
Is it really just because it's Xbox?

Other urls found in this thread:

The Polygon E3 playthrough really sold me on the game it's a shame some people will ignore it because it's new rare.

Do Microsoft games and steam games crossplay? Can I use the steam functions like friend invites in Sea of thieves?

I've never bought a game from the Microsoft store

I also own an xbox. I was never that interested in it. It's a full on stream bait game and the combat doesn't look very fun (i know that it's the main point of the game but it's still part of it) and we don't know any stories or lore from it. I get that it's not a story driven game but how are you gonna sell a game with nothing story implications going on? It's heavy with co op too. Don't think you'll have much fun trying to fit in with other randoms

I was excited for this game back when it was first announced, but it became more and more of an SJW ridden shitfest. I've since lost interest.

>SJW ridden shitfest
Where? It's create your own character you dumbass ape.

Been playing the alpha, and it is real fun, but the fun is completely based on either having friends or finding good people. Randoms suck in any game, but especially here.

This and State of Decay 2 is the only reason i don't sell the xbone. If there's a demo I'd recommend it, you've just missed last call for closed alpha sign-up.

>mfw no one answers my question

>but it became more and more of an SJW ridden shitfest

Fucks sakes.
Fucking where and how?

I'm in the alpha, the first 1 hour is fun as fuck but then you realise that there is barely any content and all quest are the same.

I know xbone and windows store have options about buying crossplay. (2 for 1)

But I have no clue for steam, this would be my first purchase as well.

>talking about it

You expect anyone in Sup Forums has any friend to talk/play it with?

>SJW ridden shitfest
Because it has women in it? Or is there some other thing you found to throw a tantrum over?

Haven't played it yet, but I am not sold. On one hand it does have a lot of the old rare charm from what I have seen, but there does not seem to be too much to do aside from getting treasure. The descision to not include story elements (although at one point they did show Captain Blackeye from project dream in the game, but it was back when it was first revealed) or at least have a few notable NPCs in it.

>signed up for alpha since they first announced they were giving out invites
>decided to choose PC as my choice of platform on registration despite having an xbox
>never got a invite to this day
It's not fair.


wtf I hate the game now!

So where's the SJW part?

Who cares, there's really no story and you can create your own character, why does this matter to you?

He isn't wrong about the race thing but I have never heard of a female pirate.

Wow two whole paragraphs that really say nothing about the game.
There weren't many, but they existed.

There were a couple historically documented ones 2bh, but they were in no way the norm. Either way, there were cases

So the only way you could interpret this into a "SJW agenda" is if you read it thinking it's a SJW Agenda.

I haven't seen the option to play as some tranny so I think you should be fine.

So why do you think this Chapman guy made up all those lies about how pirates "really" lived?

What lie?

holy shit, literal propaganda

do liberals juts don't understand what happens to women who are on a ship with 40 other men?

>"umm the age of piracy was a fun filled time where everyone worked together in a multi-cultural diverse utopia!"

why can't liberals just accept reality?

That's not what it said

Well I don't know user, because last I checked the game was barely factual from the start with all the skeleton crews, mermaids, and the typical fantasy pirate elements you'd expect.

Why that was even written is beyond me as nothing in Sea of Thieves striked me as "real" or "historical" from the fucking get go.

>female pirates
>acted like a democracy
>all were equal
If you know anything about pirates you know all of this is nonsense.

How do I play the alpha?


Hahaha, wait... you're seriously linking to wikipedia to prove your point?

Oh she was the greatest pirate ever! *
*she actually just inherited her husbands business after he died and wasn't actually a pirate

You know Pirates had a code and some general "laws" right? They weren't all degenerate monsters like the movies you know.

What are you talking about, you paranoid fuck? I was linking examples of female pirates. I never said anything about them being the greatest pirates ever. Open a window, you bracket-using faggot.


Faggot OP wont even answer and Ive been keeping his dead retarded thread alive, ungrateful cunt

It's funny how romanticized pirates have become.

Pirates weren't just people who wanted 'freedom' like modern retards want to believe. They were murderers, rapists and general human scum. What kind of person do you think actually risked just being fucking hanged on sight everywhere they went? Someone who'd be hanged anyway.

>female pirates
Lmao. Apart from a few exceptions, the only females aboard pirate vessels were slaves or whores. And speaking of slavery, pirates were notorious for it, and were very much not for inclusion and rights. What are these people smoking?


yes yes user, just like how mexican cartels have "laws" and "rules" right?

you stupid little redditt fuck

I don't believe that user was trying to prove a point but rather provide an example.

The game is completely fantasy based anyway, so that trope of the female captain being the Alpha among an all men crew doesn't seem too far fetched.

>Hell, I own an XboxOne idort, but after playing it, I'm compelled to buy it off Windows.
You get both bersion by buying it digitally. (Crossbuy)

You do know that there were many Lord's that became Pirates for the crown right? Like Francis Drake?

Honey, the real world doesn't work like a disney movie...

Go read up on history before you spout stupid shit.

Friend, I'm OP and I was I'd like to know as well.

Not sure what is the problem here. It's a character creation so you can make the character you want.
That's just PR talk to get as much people as possible since they already know that the white boys from their fanbase will buy it anyway.

Oh cool, was hoping Sea of Thieves would be among the games that did that.

No. Steam isn't part of Microsoft ecosystem.

Pirates were very inclusive. Brutish criminals, sure, but they took anyone they could get and they generally didn't give a fuck what you were so long as you worked hard.

This, plus you can play as a WHITE person and make you female pirate CUTE if you want.

Your the one who has been watching those shitty Disney movies if you think all pirates were criminals.


My apologies

That's what I thought initially, but didn't Halo Wars get thrown on Steam?
Or was that deal something else entirely?

You realize a lot of pirate ships used slaves to man their ships, right? Particularly around African water. And that black folk generally were only allowed to be deck swabs and the like, and even then, were ridiculed and abused regularly.

Why are you talking about something you clearly know nothing about?

Microsoft is just retarded, it's a flip of a coin if a game will be Windows Store exclusive or not.

Privateers =/= pirates

They are literally just Pirates for hire

More like Pirates Sanctioned By The State. This wasn't the age of modern corporate power we're talking about, it was the age of state power.

I've been an alpha tester for months and more recently part of the pioneer program.

The game looks and plays amazing but is seriously lacking on content. Right now all there is to do is find treasure or attack other players. The treasure you find can only be spent on cosmetics. There is no real progression.

There needs to be more to do and a larger variation of enemies. NPC merchant ships would be amazing.

Does it have local voice chat?

I want to sing shanties with my shipmates

Singing popular pop songs with guys in project reality/squad is a great laugh

They're still pirates

They're privateers.

Yes it does. Enemies can hear you as well.

Theyre Pirateers

Which are Pirates

Dont you read the monthly forum reports? they are going to go into detail about the progression next week and have an AMA

Banter and shanties?


So, pirates?

This. Every independent aggressive sailor is a pirate, and every pirate is an independent aggressive sailor. Likewise every state-sanctioned aggressive sailor is a privateer (or part of the organized state navy), and every privateer is state-sanctioned. There are no shades of grey or ambiguity here.

I wasn't aware Sea of Thieves was attempting to be historically accurate.

Is the argument over that, or whether something that never happened is "politically correct"?

Sounds like literally every non AAA game that comes out nowadays.

Rare is sitting on a ton of content obviously that they are withholding because they dont want to show everything.

This game will doubtfully be goty next year if they have a successful launch.

If I can convince my friends and a crew of online people that we're gonna drink rum and pirate the shit of people then yes.

We will take no prisoners on this rum ship, and we will demand rum in exchange for mercy, which will be ever more amusing if rum doesn't exist in the game.


Nah, it has some originality to it at least. Lets not even talk about Fade to Silence kek, holy shit even Geoff couldn't feign his absolute indifference

Game looks empty as fuck still, where's progression or just something to work towards besides collect treasure, sell, repeat? I think xbox is sending this game out to die; barely any hype, reveal date is just a commercial etc. and this will be the excuse they need to say "see people don't buy our exclusives so why bother?"

It exist, you can drink till you're piss drunk and vomit. (even back into your cup which then you can continue to drink from)

I do but until I see and play it I am taking it as just talk. I've put a ton of time into it and I think it is a great game but it is doomed to fail if they don't add more to do.

>I think xbox is sending this game out to die; barely any hype, reveal date is just a commercial etc.

Along with what the OP mentioned, this needs more discussion because it's confusing as fuck why it happened.
I almost zoned out and missed the commercial while watching the awards last night. Completely lackluster compared to how everything else was shown.

Next year is Banjo-Kazooie's 20th Anniversary. Do you think that RARE has planned to do something for it now that they have finished SOT? They GOTTA do something about it, RIGHT?? At least a remake or something. They never answered me on Twitter.

That's because women in any kind of combat setting is a rarity due to the fact they operate at 60% of the physical capacity as a male even with a massive amount of stimulants and steroids.

I knew the game was going to be an SJW shitfest somehow the second I saw
>tumblr noses
>tumblr artstyle
>strong womyn strong womyn strong womyn all over the trailer

It's a dance, and just like a dance you can tell the style of someone who dances a certain way is different from someone else who dances another way regardless of what dance they're performing. It's just like Sup Forums where you can tell who is new and who isn't because we're a an extremely high-context information culture.

My guess is the game is going to be buggy as fuck, you won't be able to customize your crew so you'll get a bunch of SJW dyed-hair potato faced dykes whether you like it or not, and the gameplay will either be shallow, extremely buggy unity-tier shit, or both. I'm a cynic, but even I have faith SJW developers can keep their political shit out of their work and just make a good game. Based on what I've seen of these people, they'll find some way any way at all to shove it in there and it'll ruin anything good they managed to make. Count on it, bet on it, history repeats itself and you're a moron if you don't pay attention to its subtleties.

watched a trailer and got bored. combat looks terrible and theres a sea of nothingness. struggling to understand why this has taken years to make.

I believe Microsoft will start promoting the hell out of this next year, my guess is that since it's a 2018 title, they don't want to promote something that isn't close to release yet.


It comes out in March though.
I mean yea, if you gotta pick you're advertising specifically before the holidays, fine.

But it's cutting it kinda close.

A lot of progressives are inept because their mentality makes them believe they can afford time to procrastinate when working on any job. It's highly individualist under the guise of being for communal quality.

It's hilarious that they complain about right-wing shit all the time when progressivism is a form of mild right-wing authoritarianism, but this is Sup Forums and not Sup Forums.
Because of this idle mindset of theirs, most SJW games take a long time to make because they put stuff off for selfish goals or unimportant goals. I could write a five-page report on this alone but to summarize it leaving out a lot of explanation and details justifying it the short is that they have shit worth ethic due to their ideology.

Comfiest game of ny

Can I play this game anywhere other then Windows Store? If not then I guess I'll never try it.

Man, I would say that's a cherry picked snibbit but since it's how the actual trailer started, that's on them.


>female pirates
no there werent. ships have rations, limited resources that had to be divided amongst the crew. maximising chances of survival on the seas meant every person had to be male because they brought strength and muscles.

any females on a ship were at best the ships cumbucket.


What's wrong withe the Window store?

Genuinely asking.


This honestly feels like it was meant to be a different game, maybe still open world but more focused on story and your solo adventure (IE single player) but we know how xbox loves the multiplayer. Maybe they saw community backlash over them talking about how story driven games are harder to monetize and have lost faith in this. The art style makes the graphics look bad too if I'm being honest. It looks like a Rare IP with their creativity and such but feels hollow. Like they met with a think tank on how to make a popular streamable game and that's it.

I've had trouble with Forza, not gonna make the same mistake.

Day one sailing alongside another ship with both crews singing shanties.

Is this one of those games that requires co-op to be fun?

Why are they SJW again?
Beyond that paragraph image that was posted earlier.

What happen?
Again, being sincere.


They made better trailer recently:
Not sure how it's going to be received.