Underrail thread

>not getting on motion

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Shit game with shit balance. Most players never even got past the first level because they didn't pick the only viable build and Sup Forums defends this game because Sup Forums thinks Grindy and unnecessary, overly complicated controls and gameplay mechanics = Hardcore

wait, what's the only viable build?
i got past the first place but stopped playing because i forgot about the game.

>play this for about 4 hours
>realize my build sucks and i fucked up
>restart game

throwing + barter is OP

wow you must really suck

>try Psi with back up melee in the form of the knife
>wreck shit up
>hit GSG and find my first robot
It's okay, I was having too much fun anyway

use that electroshock thing and anti robot grenades
also the robots cant open doors iirc
hell if nothing else works just try to sneak its not that hard you are still playing the tutorial

When I got my last character to the power station in Hollow Earth, "use EMP" was a great suggestion because I'd saved up around 80 EMP grenades for no reason

When it's the very start of the game and I have dick all to my name "use EMP" isn't so great

Same thing happened to me, until I finally got the game mechanics and was able to make a decent character. After that it was just a blast. I've done 2 characters to completion: A spec ops SMG burst build with grenades and throwing knives, and a psi-monk. I'd like to make a knife/bleed focused build next, but I think I'll wait for Expedition first.

There is no way or need to grind in this game if you play it on the proper EXP mode (oddity)
>only viable build
Every build is viable. As long as you fully level 1 combat skill every level you will be fine.
>overly complicated controls
Really not sure where you are going with this one. You can play the whole game with just mouse clicks if you like, shortcuts just exist to streamline actions.
>most players never even got past the first level
Really not sure what a casual could see in this game that would draw them in, in the first place.

Expansion when? I want to play again

>As long as you fully level 1 combat skill every level you will be fine.
You don't even need an offensive skill as a matter of fact. Traps are not an offensive skill and you can finish the game with nothing but traps and Quick Tinkering.

There are EMP grenades in a container at the second level of GMS, the very same area where bots are.

Don't be pedantic, user. You know full well he means "always have a way to do damage because there's fights you can't skip"

How do you beat all the challenges in the Arena with just traps?

No, that user is right. You can use traps offensively even for the fights you can't skip, just by using quick tinkering and carefully planning your movement each turn.

The shit art kills it for me. It was ok for a while but it grates on you. Combine that with saving and reloading every 30 sec because you get raped by something and need to try again and the game gets less and less fun.

I don't mind difficulty but if you're gonna have groups of 15 faggots gang up on me and all of them have them capability to fuck me by themselves, you should give me some more god damn options or at least give me enough skill points and attribute points to be more than a one trick pony.

>Don't be pedantic, user.
You can't tell me what to do! He also said you need to level it fully, which is not true for traps.

But yeah,
>always have a way to do damage because there's fights you can't skip
is spot on.

Use quick Tinkering to put a bear trap between yourself and the enemy, let him walk into it, repeat until they are dead.

>underrail dev releases update with map for dumbfucks
>suddenly Sup Forums threads full of casuals crying gaem is teh hard
Should have seen this one coming.

>turn based RPG has no sprint or run option


Can you hurt the big bad with traps?

>The shit art kills it for me
Unironically this. I don't need endless bloom effects, epic motion blurs and 8k resolutions. I can enjoy Dwarf Fortress, early 3D stuff like Quake or Resident Evil and literal pixelshit, but I can't deal with Underrails "art". It's downright unpleasant to look at.

there is a sprint perk though

>shit art
That's a wrong opinion if I ever saw one.

Yeah. You need to blow up the tanks with TNT, then put as many traps next to the eye and blow all of them up with a grenade throw. Repeat until dead.

> you should give me some more god damn options or at least give me enough skill points and attribute points to be more than a one trick pony
You get both though.

Eh, I thought it was charming and the ugly tones suited the world. But I can see why people would find it repuslive

it's not bad, just not pleasant either
it grows on you

>Junkyard Surprise doesn't increase Int anymore


Thought about doing a psi based character but part of me wants to use science pistols since they'll be inevitably nerfed in the future.

I can see why people would find it repulsive back in EA before updating old areas, but the art is really nice now and it's only going to get better once the expansion is out.

I love underrail, but the autistic "muh build" fags ruined every thread for me

> part of me wants to use science pistols since they'll be inevitably nerfed in the future
Doubt it, they got a huge buff precisely because they were underwhelming to begin with. Chemical pistols got an even bigger buff.

Underrail would immediately be a ton more fun if you could have a party or some allies at the very least.

>but the autistic "muh build" fags

Some builds are better than others, that's a fact. Psi is objectively OP but don't think I ever saw anyone calling people stupid for playing anything but psi. Gimmicky underpowered builds tend to be more fun actually.

>Increased Coil Spider psi points and psi regeneration
>Coil Spiders now have darkvision
>Added Greater Coil Spiders
>Added a new machinegun turret to replace the regular auto-turret in certain places and on certain difficulties
>Increased dodge and evasion of burrower spawns, but also increased their susceptibility to AoE attacks
>Dogs will now attempt to bump you out of stealth when the detection gets into ALERTED state, just like human NPCs (on normal difficulty or higher)
>Added a stronger version of psi beetle
>Increased crawler attack damage a bit; they also regenerate health now (even in combat) and have dark vision
>Added a stronger version of crawler
>Added stronger version of mutants Hunchback mutants

how high is your stealth skill?
stealth as well as the vents are really helpful, you can get past without having to fight even one
cameras can really fuck you up though

>not posting the worst one

>Infused siphoner tabi boots will now give immunity to slow instead to immobilization

not every role playing game needs to have a party
being alone makes the experience more personal and oppressive at times

>Reduced the infused leather quality slightly overall and also added diminishing returns when making infused leather above 100 quality
I hope this means my Q160 tabis and fists are safe and this only affects the leather itself.

right on motherfucker

>you're build sucks it doesn't have 80 ranks in tailoring :^)
I guess for me the fun in the game is solving it myself and finding shit out. having a load of gaylords telling other people how to do all their skills and attributes for optimal powergaming in a game that isn't even hard shows up the balance flaws in the game for me

Nah. There's enough party-based RPGs as is.

there are not enough rpgs

>pistol/stealth build
>get to the deep caves
>everything going well
>reach that powerplant
>all those bots
>suddenly no hypos and I didn't bother crafting the best equipment or bullets
>can't proceed anymore
it was good while it lasted

Did you visit the warehouses? They're full of ammo, some healing hypos, and a good amount of 120+ quality crafting components.

>you're build sucks it doesn't have 80 ranks in tailoring :^)
I mean, your build is going to be a bit inferior without a certain combination of crafting skills.

Who gives a fuck though? I beat the game with a no crafting sniper build once and it was fun nevertheless. Possibly more fun than with crafting.

> having a load of gaylords telling other people how to do all their skills and attributes for optimal powergaming in a game that isn't even hard shows up the balance flaws in the game for me
I think you are taking this too personally. People will give other advice on how to make a strong build because of retards like or , if you are doing fine without minmaxing then more power to you.

Agreed, but there's more party-based RPGs than solo RPGs.

Anyone playing on the new DOMINATING difficulty yet?

>We do not guarantee that the game can be completed in this mode so choose at your own peril.
I'm scared.

isn't there a massive stash of equipment at the faceless outpost? and the tchort people sell shit I think
I quit in the deep caves too, I didn't run out of stuff or anything I just couldn't be bothered

I'm willing to bet money they're going to be nerfed in the near future. They might have been shit before, but right now they're more than likely too good.

A bad build is a bad build. It's very easy to be objective about a game that is mostly numbers. Don't get mad because someone (rightfully) says crossbows are weaker compared to other ranged options.

I feel like making up your mind about this stuff is part of playing the game. if you just tell someone how to make their character, they're only playing half the game

I think it's more likely chemical pistols might get toned down a bit. Haven't tried them yet but they deal 50% more damage, have a new AoE attack and a belt that decreases their AP cost by 4 and applies a on-hit debuff that increases acid/fire/cold damage by another 25%.

There's like 10 acid dogs and 6 mutants on a single map in Depot A. And they will all hear if you make enough noise.

deep caves is a fucking chore, it's just too big for a part where the player is tired already, it should be just a small trip to Tchort for the fight, not a full blown fetch quest that would leave those in korean MMOs blushing

It is, but there's no harm in asking for advice on builds. Guidelines more than guides.

They absolutely are.

>it's just too big for a part where the player is tired already
Why would you be tired? Yuo can always take a break if you are feeling burned out.

>full blown fetch quest that would leave those in korean MMOs blushing
You do not know what a fetch quest is.

A party is needed because the combat sucks balls. Enemies are just as strong or stronger than you, and you are always outnumbered. I kept playing the game until the end hoping there would be more roleplay and dialogue, but the game is focused entirely around combat. A combat that is just mediocre or subpar.

The final area/chapter is also one of the worst designed levels I've ever had the misfortune to play.

That webm only proves corrosive acid can break the game in a few instances. It was done before the buff and doesn't make chemical pistols OP in any way.

It's my webm actually

I liked it. Sank 100 hours on it without touching the main quest line too much and then just dropped it and went back to other games. Might pick it up again the future.

ok, well i went for some sort of melee craft type i guess. melee was my choice of combat, no throwing stuff (unless it is included in melee).
i must really be an OP player if i can get trhough the first place without using the "only viable option"!

>The final area/chapter is also one of the worst designed levels I've ever had the misfortune to play.
Bet you would prefer pic related instead.

one thing that really irked me was that breaking that guy out of prison in that one quest meant you failed the jack quicksilver questline. motherfucker i knew i could just complete the quest through pure dialogue but i wanted to be sneaky and do it the fun way and i was punished for it. bullshit.

Yeah I'm not a fan of that either. I understand killing him being a sub-optimal outcome, but breaking him out actually requires a decent amount of effort and skill. Also prison breaks are fucking cool, they shouldn't be disencouraged.

>it's a puzzle in a game that doesn't really have puzzles
>it's a puzzle that requires you to run around the obnoxious final area over and over again
>it's a puzzle whose solution changes every time so you can't just look it up

This is how game devs get back at a world that scorned them

So.... what happens if you kill the boss that way?

Brainlet much? That puzzle is fucking brilliant. I hope they have something like it in the expansion.


It's also completely optional and most likely meant for people who don't have an attention span of a goldfish.

You mean Six? Nothing, not intended to happen. Can't happen without importing a post-DC character in fact. You can kill the Beast without importing, but the game won't acknowledge that either.

>some user were so butthurt over people hating the final chapter he made that pic

It was shit, user, and it's still shit to this day.

Is it just me or is the plot in this game kind of shitty?
>Start, introduced to your station, and told how your station is independent, and caught between independent stations or the big alliance of stations
>It looks like we're going to be dealing with this in the future, game set up to be a political, faction based thing.

>it's shit because my attention deficit couldn't handle it

It's just you. You just haven't found enough obscure information.

I think solving the puzzle is a lot of fun, but I hate how tedious it is to set it up.

No, he's right. It's just shit. It's deliberately setting up the Station/Protectorate thing at the start, swerves a bit with the introduction of the Faceless, goes back to the Protectorate and the Freedrones, then the minor faction of cultists becomes central to the plot.

All so it can take all that "BioCorp did everything bad in the Underrail" theme throughout and make it the defining element of the entire story. Except the Protectorate. They're just about the one thing BioCorp isn't directly responsible for. But it's okay because the Protectorate was a red herring.

P. obvious they're setting things up for sequel and expansions.

>It's deliberately setting up the Station/Protectorate thing at the start
And it stay relevant for the entire game if oyu choose to get involved in it. You realize a game can have more than one theme, right?

>All so it can take all that "BioCorp did everything bad in the Underrail" theme throughout and make it the defining element of the entire story.
You don't even know what you don't know.

>Except the Protectorate. They're just about the one thing BioCorp isn't directly responsible for. But it's okay because the Protectorate was a red herring.
You realize general Melek was BioCorp before he formed Protectorate, right? Assuming he isn't the third Godman from the vision

I never once thought they Protectorate were going to be a major influence in the story.

underrail more like undertale

Wait, so they released a new version? What's in it?

Any info on the new expansion?


Current events in South Underrail that involve all the stations and Protectorate/Free Drones are like the first and most obvious layer of Underrail's story.

BioCorp being behind everything is the second, less obvious layer. Ayy lmaos, leviathans, time fuckery, early space age civilization on the surface are the deepest layer, so deep one of those facts isn't even in the game.

It's like saying Deus Ex is shit because you start off killing terrorists.

I hope Styx doesn't doesnt overdose on game development and dies before releasing it. He seems like the kind of man to release it whenever he feels like its finished.


He has a son, we will just wait 10-20 years until he decides to finish his father's work.

Who knows, maybe it will actually come out earlier this way!

I got fairly far before I got bored last time I played it but I remember my build I wanted to do (crafting character with chem pistols and high Int) ended up completely falling apart and I turned into basically a stealth character with the rat lords armor and a sniper rifle.

Well sure..i wasn't afraid of his legacy...it wont be the same if my son gets to play the game i want to play. His son can develop the game but i need to be the one playing it

>still no expansion
It's one of the few things I was looking forward to playing this year too. Guess I'll do another playthrough with the experimental features while I wait.

>so deep one of those facts isn't even in the game.

Which one? Pretty sure all of them are in.

Every playstyle has at least 1 viable build, but the system is open-ended enough people can fuck up their builds if they are not careful about their choices

honestly this is the optimum of rpg leveling design, maximum amount of player agency as without a failure condition a choice is meaningless.

>Depot A

Am I just shit at the game or is this place so fucking ridiculous?

it's where bad builds are going to die

it can be very tricky if you don't know what you're doing, although it used to be a bit harder before it got nerfed

what build are you going with?

>Increased crawler attack damage a bit; they also regenerate health now (even in combat) and have dark vision
>Added a stronger version of crawler

I can say only one thing

It's the casual filter.

if you are dying all the time here's a little trick
kill one of the dogs, make armor out of it's hide
It has a ridiculous amount of acid-resistance which in turn is the primary way enemies in depot-A hurt you
that said it is supposed to be a high difficulty area, there's a few more like it spread throughout the game but they're not to common so don't be afraid to use your consumables liberally


Nah, there's no mention of what happened on the surface whatsoever or the state of civilization that lived there.

We know they were in early space age and that the catastrophic event that made the surface uninhabitable was non-nuclear from a really old post Styg made.


>>Added a stronger version of crawler
You don't even know the worst part of it. Their poison is makes you allergic to antidote