Ok, I just destroyed the antennas and got another butthurt e-mail from SHODAN. When does this game get good?
Nah, I'm joking. I'm just surprised how this game lived in obscurity for almost twenty years. It's so goddamn good.
Ok, I just destroyed the antennas and got another butthurt e-mail from SHODAN. When does this game get good?
Nah, I'm joking. I'm just surprised how this game lived in obscurity for almost twenty years. It's so goddamn good.
Other urls found in this thread:
i bought this on cd from a bargain bin and played it something like twenty years ago, i loved it until it glitched toward the end and i was never able to finish it. dang, maybe i should start tonight.
>how this game lived in obscurity for almost twenty years
It did?
Yeah it did. The sequel gets all the glory and in the wake of Bioshock people memes a lot about both System Shock titles but few people have played them.
Buy / pirate the Enhanced edition. It includes native mouselook, making the game way less cumbersome than it originally was.
Oh just you wait until you get the laser rapier and the roller skates
how do I play this game? it's an absolute nightmare to get set up pleasantly from what I understand.
Shodan was the original butthurt xbox live private messager
I did three levels ago. I don't like the skates so much (you move way too fast), but the laser rapier is so fucking powerful; almost everything dies on two-three hits. I only bother with the guns when I can reach the enemies.
The enhanced edition works on modern operating systems without having to do anything (you can buy it on Steam and GOG) and has native mouselook, allowing you to play it similarly to System Shock 2 / Deus Ex.
mouselook is for brainlets
the controls are super fucking simple instead of WASD it's SZXC (like all origin/LGS games by default)
A D for strafe
QWE for leaning
RFV for vertical camera control
also holding alt and clicking acts as a double click
Exploring and fighting in a true 3D environment (not something with only two dimensions like Doom) is very uncomfortable with keyboard alone. This is the kind of game that actually benefits from mouselook.
Nah it fucks up the balancing, enemies turn at the same speed as you do and it's supposed to be a little awkward
worst of all it just makes the game less immersive as the mouse cursor gives you a more tactile connection to the game world
>Locks you with a bomb
>Lol nah resurrection
Restoration bays ruined everything
yeah they can be abused to easily maybe in this remake they'll make it limited use depending on difficulty
the resurrection thing on engineering level is tricky to get to and has that mine trap too
It was tense for me because I hadn't find the resurrection chamber on that level. I survived by having full health + shields on.
>System Shock 3 confirmed
>System Shock reboot confirmed
>nobody talks about it
nani the fuck
Is System Shock Enhanced worth it?
>When does this game get good?
I already got baited and was going to write some shit but damn, you're right
this game is much better than even SS2 and I haven't played it before completing SS1, so after that I tried every """immersive sim""" game and every other wasn't as good for me as SS1, seriously. I've completed SS1 only 2 years ago
remake doesn't look like it will live up to much they moved away from the spot on art style of the unity demo (beside the """retro""" texture filter)
SS3 will be made by otherside who still haven't delivered their underworld game but found the time to put together some VR mobile spinoff of their unreleased game.
Kickstarter nepotism...
It is pretty much identical to the original just runs natively in windows and you get the original DOS version included anyway
>System Shock reboot
That's the problem, developers already stated that they're not remaking it and making entire not SS1 but some shit probably inspired by new shitty Prey
Yeah the skates take some time to get used to the movement speed but once you get used to it you become death itself
Game is great.
>inspired by prey
They've been working on it a lot longer than prey has been out though, right?
>laser rapier
I haven't got it in my playthrough at all tho tried to find everything, where the fuck is it?
I wouldn't say so myself
Yeah, I watched that. I think I mixed up my mental timeline.
in this video they say the new art direction is inspired by the new Doom and wolfenstein, i.e photo realistic """AAA""" shit
the unity demo had a distinct style, this doesn't.
I enjoy the open levels in ss1, 2 feels so linear in comparison
The another user has a point about tactile connection, but that's the best thing about enhanced - it has an easy quick toggle button. Move naturally with mouselook, and switch on the fly to reach/aim/etc.
Using both modes together is true master race.
Reviews and sales were bad, then System Shock 2 had good reviews but poor sales.
Both games were abandonware until Nightdive Studios picked it up.
Yes, always goes on sale too.
>mfw the remake dropped being a 1:1 recreation of the original levels and the pixelated texture style
Why is life so unfair?
System Shock 1 did not get poor reviews at all; it was a critical darling. People didn't buy it because they compared it unfairly to DooM and most people couldn't get past its complexity and clunky controls.
SS1 and SS2 are some of my favorite games. I think 2 is better, with many aspects that are just a masterclass in game design with virtually no competition in the last 18 years, but SS1 has some advantages on it (namely, it feels a bit more complete and the level design doesn't gradually and then sharply decline as the game goes on).
Doing that might be impossible on a modern engine.
dude look at all the ways you can freeze these zombies and break them into pieces
>People didn't buy it because they compared it unfairly to DooM and most people couldn't get past its complexity and clunky controls.
that, and it was the crysis of its time
Good. What's the point in remaking something if its just going to be the exact same? The original will always be there.
You are thinking about the CD re-release, the original floppy release was ill received.
Also 1 > 2, they ruined energy weapons.
What a fucking nigger
Because the new levels look like complete anal dump
it was never going to be a 1:1 remake
it's completely possible there was a unity remake before the enhanced edition was a thing
Third area, I think it's called storage. there's no music, only blob like enemies along the ground. you'll need to climb up a ladder.
Why would they compare it to Doom when it's clearly closer to Ultima Underworld gameplay wise?
Well no shit, yeah, I'm talking about the CD release. The floppy release is practically the beta version.
Nah, energy weapons are gud in SS2, I like that they have separate batteries and various stats governing their potency and ease of use. Also, how can you say differences in one weapon type makes one systemically complex game better than another systemically complex game?
That's a shame because the demo was pretty tight
because everything was compared to Doom
SS 2 is kind of a mess, why are exotic weapons so fucking BAD
Because people didn't know what the hell they were looking at, and Doom was taking the world by storm. Even though Ultima Underworld was the first real-time first-person game, everyone thought it was Wolfenstein. Looking Glass never got a break.
Yeah, weapon balance isn't great. Crystal Shard is OP but only requires Exotic 1. Leveling it up further is generally trash, which is really disappointing.
That said, I don't think some balance issues make the game terrible by any means.
Thanks, I'll remember that, I hope :^(
>system shock 2 and deus ex pretend to be "immersive sims"
>they both have retarded skill point systems
at least if they pulled an elder scrolls and just had skills level up by using them, it would be slightly realistic
>it was never going to be a 1:1 remake
At first they literally stated that they're remaking it meaning nothing this big as leveldesign changes
No they literally will change everything, also engine is UE4 now, so they'll probably started working on it not so long ago
I like energy weapons. Also the levels are better, the music is better, more enemy variety, I like the story more, no shitty endgame levels, more viable weapons in general and modular difficulty. Most of this is based on opinion and I can see why people would like the second one more but for me is still 1 > 2
I remember plenty of talk about System Shock and even more about System Shock 2.
>the music is better
I always mute the music in SS2. I have never played a full level with it on.
You know nothing. The Immersive Sim genre started as an attempt to emulate the experience of playing a PnP RPG on a computer, with first-person gameplay (hence "Immersive") and dicerolls replaced with simulated systems (hence "Sim"). Ultima Underworld 1 and 2 were RPGs, and they're as much Immersive Sim as SS1 or Thief. Same with SS2 and DX.
Abstractions like skills don't inherently detract from the genre -- abstractions are present everywhere else in the genre, as full-blown realism is not the goal.
Also Elder Scrolls has a retarded skills system, training-based upgrades are degenerate cancer.
Sequel here!
I like the music in SS2 a tad better, though I love SS1's soundtrack. I also think the enemy variety is more interesting in SS2, because most SS1 enemies are variations on static hitscan turrets. I also think SS2's difficulty settings are supremely designed, even if SS1's were interesting.
But again, a lot of this is subjective, and there are a shitload of things to adore and complain about in both games.
Doom was the Dark Souls of it's time, everything was compared to it.
>Even though Ultima Underworld was the first real-time first-person game
It wasn't.
>Even though Ultima Underworld was the first real-time first-person game
dungeon master probably was. UU's big innovation is that it didn't lock you to a grid.
>yfw get to that part
Okay, I should have been a bit more specific. It was the first to combine a bunch of now-standard things for real-time first person games -- texture mapped environments, 3D objects, real-time lighting, ability to look up and down, etc. And the first among RPGs to do any of this.
Can someone explain WHAT THE FUCK happens to the music when you enter that area with radiated purple/gray floor in the first level (medical)
The music is supposed to blend with the spooky irradiated area music track. But the DOS emulation that Enhanced Edition uses doesn't reproduce it properly.
Same reason why the cyberspace music cuts out sometimes.
good game but they spent all their budget on cheesy cutscenes and cut multiplayer
The game has a dynamic music system that tries to mix tunes together as you go from area to area it's kinda fucked up though keep in mind it was 1994 and the music were just midi's
Hahaha, I remember playing the game a few months ago and thinking DOSbox or VirtualMIDI synth was broken. Spent hours trying to fix it, only to realize it was just the game in that one specific area.
nobody thinks the RPG side of SS2 is good. So many things that are straight dog shit or annoying.
Oh, the thread is still alive. Now I set the reactor to self-destruct; I knew exploring every nook and cranny before moving from one level to the other and filling the map with notes was a good idea.
For someone who considers herself above humans, she acts like one.
the part where it kinda turns into dubstep? yeah i think it's just bad emulation.
most underrated game ever
Eh, there were a lot of games that did gridless real time first person before UUW. Catacomb 3D is just one example from id.
The difference is that unlike nearly all those games, UUW is actually a good game. Adjusted for its release date, it could probably be the best game of all time.
i think UU is truer to DM's gameplay though. i don't think you had to eat in Catacomb 3D for example.
Well, she is a woman.
>Open environments navigable with jetpacks.
>Squad AI that was pretty clever for the time.
>FMV intermissions with a nice little story and even better backstory.
>simple but servicable mission editor for quick matches.
>>> Multiplayer pack is coming!!! ;_;
I really like the level and environment design of this game.
For example, it must be really comfy to watch a movie in this theater of sorts, under the light of the stars.
Yeah honestly I just turned all music off from the game and played the midis converted to mp3 you get with steam release
Tried with like 6 different midi soundfonts and none made the track sound good
>I'm just surprised how this game lived in obscurity for almost twenty years.
Because the original didn't have mouselook.
I'm dead serious. The original is anus to play if you've played SS2 at all. Fortunately the remastered version completely unfucks it.
I think Timbres of Heaven is pretty good.
The absolute state of SS2fags.
I had the worst nightmare of my life as a kid just from reading the review of system shock 2 literally only had seen screenshots and my brain took me on a fucking ride
reminder that the only correct way to immerse yourself in this glorious masterpiece is by playing on maximum narrative difficulty with the imposed time limit of 7 hours to beat the game.
>dude you can't use a pistol cuz you didn't dump enough imaginary points in your guns skill
yeah get that shit outta my immersive sims, SS1 will always be the peak of this design philosophy.
>SS1 hands you a really powerful gun early on (the magpulse) but you have only like 8 rounds for it until late game
why couldn't they do shit like this in SS2?
because -and i shit you not- the SS2 devs were retarded, Levine said so himself, they couldn't adapt the Dark Engine (Thief Engine) to SS2's intended gameplay properly so they had all this abstract rpg bullshit slapped in to give the game some substance.
i think they could've done it, they were just too lazy. down in the bonehoard feels like a dungeon crawler so building a dungeon crawler in the dark engine couldn't have been THAT hard.
Wrong level
I always like that there were walls made of obsidian slabs on a space station for some reason.
The only part of the game I dislike is Maintenance. Fuck those Inviso-Mutants and fuck the robots that show up when you're going back for the numbers on your first play through.
If you're into Thief fms, check out Ruins of Originia. It's rough incomplete but it seriously feels like an old dungeon crawler in Thief.
>The medical deck was build closer to the reactor, research and maintenance, the decks where accident and disease risks are more likely
That's pretty cool
OSA or Navy?
Marine retards not welcome.
Those walls were on the levels with offices and recreation facilities, not the "industrial" ones where it wouldn't make sense.
First time playing the game? Definitely Navy.
If you want something different, OSA.
If you think about that, no wonder no developer wants to take risks with a game like this.
You need to be really, really good at level and game design so the thing feels good to play without becoming annoying or a breeze, and the levels must be carefully designed.
So it's just a BioShock rip-off?
I just meant in general. Ive done all three.
OSA melee was my personal favorite.
Oh, I see. Navy then. Hacking is the door to the universe.
Fuck can't find my muscle wizard picture.
Navy is the most balanced difficulty curve. OSA starts out tough as nails but you become insanely OP, and Marine starts out strong but falls off hard.
...so basically D&D Rogue, Mage, and Fighter.