>Nier wins for best music
>All it did was rip-off western pop music
When will Nihoniggers stop aping other people's work?
>Nier wins for best music
>All it did was rip-off western pop music
When will Nihoniggers stop aping other people's work?
Other urls found in this thread:
By looking at thumbnail I thought that some scat fetish image.
Good to realise I was wrong.
Now gonna be out to avoid spoilers as long as possible,
The thumbnail made me think she was taking a shit.
i thought she was taking a shit until i enlarged the image.
Honestly the only reason i opened this thread
>mfw I did too.
>mfw that's why I opened the thread
Holy shit, I thought the same. goddamn it.
Did she shit out the tools, since she's a robot?
Gotta throw the waifufags a bone so they don't throw a fit. What else were they really going to give it an award for?
wtf i tought it was she was shitting
>routine butt maintenance
All modern japanese music is overrated but western music was nearly always shit,call me a weeb but that's the truth.
this pic is like that one with the dog laying it's head on a blanket that looks like gore
it's like the 2B version of the spyro subway shitting one
>the ass game winning anything in a year of great games
i guess ass baiting really works,huh...
Nearly all of everything is shit. That's how the world fucking works, brainlet.
What is ops pic then? wtf is going on?
2b scat porn on the front page
>Honestly the only reason i opened this thread
>Between Western Europe and North America
>Not western
Plus she sings in English, you dip.
Who's this wise man?
She is receiving routine maintenance on her exhaust pipe.
>that thumbnail
Sorry dude but that shit (no pun intended) automatically derailed your own thread, people are just gonna be talking about weird fetishes now.
I went into this thread hoping at least one other person saw 2b shitting and I couldn't be happier to see that it's actually the entire thread
Thats pretty much why I'm here
>western anything
>Implying english-speaking japanese bands are western
skip to :26
>literal fedora
I don't think he's wrong but he undersells how game music has changed over the past few decades.
But it's just so goddamn annoying
BRB Persona 5
pretty disappointing to be perfectly honest kinfolk
Wouldn't be surprised if that art was designed to intentionally look like she was shitting at a lower res
Yep, same
Nobody here likes Nier for the gameplay or the story. They only like it to masturbate to 2B or 9S. You can't fool me, you're only deluding yourself.
Every single Nier thread always have porn in it, without fail? If you can't go 5 seconds without masturbating, your game is terrible. A good game can keep its porn under control and not have it infest every single thread.
That's gotta be intentional.
reminds of that loli sitting in a chair with her legs spread open that looks like a skull
you know the one
orchestrated music is beautiful, don't care if it's cliche
>Not realizing music has already gone full circle and back again.
use proper names you fucking secondary
Same here
Seconding this That guy is spitting nothing but the truth. He may be undermining the progress, but it's still the truth.
>playing the game normally
>oh, and since it's a "ludonarrative cutscene" you can't skip it
>don't want this product to feel too much like a videogame!
I threw that rancid garbage away the moment they tried that.
You only play this game for porn.
Throw it in the trash.
Throw it in the garbage.
Get out.
Fuck off.
Play a good game.
i'd remodel 2B's anus
The levels of normalfag are off the scales, commander! What do we do!?
where did we go so wrong
Changed for the worst
Yeah lets just forget about the people who played the other games in the series right?
press the start batton brainleto
Reported for scat
Another Nier thread full of porn.
Not a single post discussing gameplay.
Show me a single thread where they discuss the gameplay of nier. The thread will not count if even one post isn't talking about the gameplay, or has a pornographic or lewd image in it.
I'm not a normalfag, normalfags are the ones forcing pornography movie games instead of good video games
aah, yes 8bit, truly golden age of japanese music, 16bit had some nice things going on but it's ps1 where music gets actually good in games
Fuck off ACfag
>but it's ps1 where music gets actually good in games
Wrong,the early CD era (PC Engine and Sega CD) was still great,5th gen CD music is when videogame music started to become shit.
you're as normalfag as all the 2bass posters, gtfo
You've derailed more threads than any amount of porn ever has you obnoxious faggot. Kill youself.
Oh and the 6th gen was probably the worst gen for videogame music,i struggle to remember truly memorable tracks from that generation.
isn't porn you retard.
Videogame music is literally devoid of worth:
>It's literally melodrama.
>Unflatteringly copies others.
>Never original or experimental in any meaningful way.
>Uses midi and samples very frequently.
>Completely lacks dynamic range thanks to heavy compression (a trait of melodrama).
There are people on this site that non-ironically think that the fucking PERSONA soundtrack is goat music. I didn't know what to make of it I was so awestruck by shit taste. Videogame music is about as artistically compelling as the plot of a music video.
It looks like lewd trash.
wow. they should give the award back and apologize. two nukes weren't enough.
Hello Sup Forums,did you please your bull today?
Let me guess op... you actually thought cuphead should have won? I hope fucking christ im wrong.
heh, I see you're a man of culture as well
6th gen had plenty of memorable, high quality music
That's the point. Expand it and you'll see it's an illusion like the doggos it linked to.
load of shit, you came in hoping for it.
The ost was best but the game was trash after route a
I didnt like shota and c was ok but the ending was shit
And ending e was utter trash
I feel like i wasted my time
I hate it when they let the ending to your imagination
Videogame music is the purest form of music.
It's not made for "muh art, muh symbolism, muh deep meaning"
It's not made to sell a product (the biggest games don't sell on soundtrack)
It's not made as a bland beat to club to
It's simply made to be good music to listen to. Sup Forumslets cannot comprehend this because their industry does not allow them to judge music without artist image, messages, and social status.
It's good because it's just music.
i dont even have a scat fetish but i had to see what was going on
>speaks truth because he shits on japan like you want
nah. and the west is far more guilty of that. skyrim's ost is forgettable trash.
What was supposed to be seen here? I always saw the doggos.
God I remember when Sup Forums used to shit on actually bad things.
Now you sound like a bunch of Middle School students complaining about everything without realizing how good you have it.
>Sup Forums
kek, they might have even worse taste then Sup Forums when it comes to music.
>utter trash
wow, amazing critique there. I'm convinced.
Why else would anyone bother with this thread?
Why do parents let their autistic shut in spawns near computers with internet access?
Nice pic, I need to play last raven again.
The thumbnail looks like there's a ton of blood and the dog is pale because it's dead.
He didn't only shit on Japan,he shat on the entire modern videogame music industry.Japan always made better videogame music by far but they are still infected with the orchestral sickness in these days.
>Dog is pale because it's dead
It's made as melodrama. Literally. That's what it is, and it's reflected in it's dialed in and pedestrian nature. It's made to heighten the emotional impact of other media, and is no different then a laugh track from a sitcom.
Also, Sup Forums sucks, but man you videotwerps are easy to rile.
what's the girl from your pic from
The only truth here is that you are a weeb.
I'm more interested in his comment on leading the audience too much during a sad scene. Movies do this too and it's annoying.
do robots poo
But anyway, all music is made to elicit emotion. That's its purpose. Nothing that makes it inferior to hearing a guy whine about how some girl left him.
Do robots fart?
>a guy who's only done Darius music having any right to shit on other genres
Yeah, let's do beep boops on everything, that'll give the listeners something to feel sad for, maybe they'll be sad for the music being a literal nothing instead, how expiremental.
He meant that composers shouldn't always try to make a soundtrack "that just fits" and need to experiment more,make a soundtrack that would be good to listen on its own,something that will be remembered in 30 years.
>They only like it to masturbate to 2B or 9S.
No fuck you I want the commander