Discussion is already dead

>discussion is already dead

What went wrong?

it's a platformer, not sure what kind of discussion you think people should be having about a platformer

>It's another Mario game
There, all the discussion this one needed wrapped up in half a sentence.


The less a game is talked about on Sup Forums the better it is.

You're discussing it right now though

Sorry, what?

Everything. It was the worst mario game ever, since Hotel Mario or Mario's time machine.

>not using the discord

I bet you cant even walk through walls

It's a singleplayer game with minimal shitposting material, of course discussion on Sup Forums is dead

there's plenty of better mario games

Just post ahegao

Mario doesn’t make for good shitposting material.

I have no intention of buying it. It looks thoroughly mediocre. I'm inclined to think that I've simply outgrown platformers, but I'd still be willing to play Mario 64; but nothing that came after that appeals to me.

I despised Breath of the Wild and don't like any Zelda game that came after Majora's Mask, so my confidence in Nintendo is now well-nigh non-existent.

Not really true. Sup Forums core games are usually masterpieces
and yeah this year botw and Mario had great threads multiple times a day for the first month of release. Those games just aren't meant to last a month of full time play. Botw is like a 30 hour game and Odyssey is like a 20 hour game.
Etc etc

>outgrown platformers
What does this even mean

It turned out to be mediocre

Odyssey is a legitimate masterpiece and better than 64 and botw. It's completely worth at least a single playthrough. If you have a switch and don't have Odyssey you're mentally disturbed

It's too good for shit posting. Sup Forums can't articulate a sustainable line of argument and they're sore in the ass over BotW. So they'll attack that game instead.

They also can't play it. Unlike BotW which has emulation.

It's hard to hate a Mario game, even for Sup Forums. That's why you don't see it here very often.

>thinking it's a problem when a single-player game loses discussion after a month of being out
most people who would take about it have beaten the game by now/are currently playing it.
If it was a multiplayer only game, then there would be a problem with the game.

I grew into more of a game as an "experience" kind of a guy

It didn't generate any memes.
It wasn't bad.
It wasn't amazing.
It is simple.
It didn't have any story or lore worth mentioning.

That's why there isn't anything to talk about.

It doesn't have much in the way of replayability outside of speedrunning. You already know where all the moons are. You've already completed all the challenge rooms. There's nothing left to do except grind out stuff you've already done for better times or more coins, and those activities are pretty limited. It's a game you only experience once, and most people got that out of the way within a month.

Sounds like literally every Mario game desu



There's nothing to really discuss, it's a good game and I hope it gets an expansion


>wanting to discuss a game with a pleb score of 96

>didn't get 196/100
the absolute state of nintendoodoo

>best family game

The graphics alone are enough to put me off. They look shiny and plastic, and the humanoids remind me of the ones in Sonic 2006. As for the gameplay I simply yawn when I see it. Why, I don't know, but it simply looks mediocre and boring.

Try playing it

>Odyssey is a legitimate masterpiece and better than 64
I disagree on both these points
>Level design is all over the place and nor nearly as solid as 64 or sunshine
>Progression is fucked with the game arbitrarily locking moons behind post game

Bing bing or Wahoo?

Discuss Sup Forums


Got 100%, nothing else to discuss. Will probably never replay it because of how tedious and boring getting most of the moons are, and the levels themselves are short and boring to play through without the scavenger hunt.

I've given Nintendo enough of my money by buying a Switch and Breath of the Wild. I don't really feel inclined to waste any more on them.

Nothing went wrong. Just moving around in the game alone is pure joy. If only journos weren't obsessed with muh cinematic adult experiences instead of focusing on GAMEplay for GAME of the year, it would easily be considered game of the generation.

>100% a game
>lol it was shit
This is bait.

I don't know why you don't just get the minimum amount of moons for the end and then finish every world in one go afterwards

Who are you quoting?

You don't even have a Switch though.

>Game is marketed on "Freedom as I've never seen it before"
>Have to complete the linear main story before I can progress how I want
It really is a shit thing, I was expecting more freedom than its predecessors.

I promise you I do.

Sure and I'm the Queen of England.

>get the moons that are just lying around to get the minimum
>go back and do all of the actual challenges post game
>buy infinite moons from shops if you just want to unlock the last levels
I'm doing this for my second playthrough

All right then. I must while away my lonely afternoons by pretending to have one just so I can write disparaging comments about modern Nintendo games.

End game content is bad

Zelda was always better than mario shit thats why

It was good, not the greatest but certainly a good followup to 64

The reason BOTW keeps getting threads is because it's a ultimately a good game but was a massive change for the series that several fans, myself included, didn't like, and it has enough flaws to warrant discussion and threads critiquing it

People these days have absolutely no attention span.

You are right, it's not the greatest, it didn't quite beat out sunshine, but it did easily beat out 64.

Fucking this, We have gotten so used to games coming out every year and it made everyone fucking retarded.

IMO I prefer 64 over both Sunshine and Odyssey

Sunshine's my favorite mario game and even i feel like this post is bait.

I love sunshine a lot but I think 64 and Odyssey have more replayability

Too busy playing it.