Art Books

Do you have artbooks?

What are your favourites?

Other urls found in this thread:

Why okami artbook is so overpriced?
I wanted so badly since the release but it´s a bit expensive desu.

>10 Years of oddworld inhabitants
>Warhammer online artbook
>Alice madness returns artbook
>The eyes of bayonetta 1 and 2
>The art of warcraft
>Okami artbook
>Udon's art of capcom
>That little booklet from the special edition of soul calibur 5.

My favorite is the oddworld one and the worst is the warcraft one.

Maybe because it's the best.

>The eyes of bayonetta 1 and 2
When is 2 finally getting localized? They are taking a loooooong time.



bumpin' jack flash

Lost it in a fire. Along with 20 others. Can't wait for Tuesday.

Boy, you best come prepared

I have all kinds of weird ones in there

I have the d3 one. It's a shame the actual game doesn't really match the art

Too poor to buy one, always look up online.

That said, the art of Romancing SaGa is on another level

i have artbooks for tekken, dark souls, xenoblade 2, and disgaea 5. i also have multiple photobooks of kpop girl groups.

Damn, man.

What ones do you prefer?

What are good places to get some art books?

I started getting into them recently, own Dark Souls design works, Overwatch which was a gift, and semi-unrelated but Tokyo Ghoul illustrations from the manga covers which are 10/10.

Dark Souls 1-3
Bayonetta 1
Valkyria Chronicles 1
Dead Space trilogy artbook
Alice: Madness Returns

Smaller artbooks that came with the games:
Space Marine
Dragons Crown
Odin Sphere (its the one that came with the collectors edition but I bought it separately)
The Witch and The Hundred Knight

My favorite are the DS/BB ones, I love Fromsofts art. The best one objectively has to bee Bayonetta, theres just a fuckton of information from the devs/designers on the making of the game. The worst one is Dead Space, I was really disappointing with it - its compiles art for all three games but like more than half of it is DS3 (which is shit) and most of the DS3 content is stupid shit like bios of the horrible npcs and a few pages is wasted on "vehicles of DS3" which is just the random snowplows and tractors that you pass next to and probably dont notice most of the time.

>What are good places to get some art books?
Amazon, ebay.


How is the artbook?

I own like 13 different Asura's Wrath artbooks, I don't know why there's so many god damn different ones; along with all the Halo ones, not counting Mythos and Warfleet if those count as artbooks

my favorite artbook though isn't vidya related, it's the artbook for the peter jackson king kong movie that's stylied after an ecological guide that's just pure worldbuilding, called World of Kong, pic related

>How is the artbook?
Lackluster, there wasn't really any character sketches, early design works, or anything exciting like that and most of it is just thumbnail illustrations of the map and minor detail about them.

That sucks, youd think with how colorful and fun the cast is, theyd have a lot of concept art for them.

Right? Considering how many development cycles and delays Overwatch has had too you'd think they'd have tons to show off too. Character models especially. Maybe some developer insights.

I think what happens with some artbooks is they are not made by anyone involved with the game but by the publisher who gets sent a stash of random art. I think that was the case with the Dead Space book.

That’s hard to say. I have all the solatorobo books. They’re neat for how goddamn much content there is.

I have the english version of the Rockman Zero Complete Works book which apparently became crazy valuable due to no reprints.

I only have the Dark Soul 1 artbook because I got the limited edition of the game when it came out. I wouldn't mind getting some artbooks from some games where I found the art direction a bit more striking, but I don't have any at the moment.

How are the persona design works?